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Messages - FoxiePlushie

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Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: December 28, 2011, 04:02:15 pm »
.Oh my... Sticky topic. Well, at least I'm glad you people asked about General before putting in rules and what not. Well, I do agree that general is becoming a problem. But its not just people chatting (I will refer what is happening in general as chatting, for I do not think there is term for such things...) that crowd the chat box, it is advertisements too. And the best solution that I see that will make the most people happy, is to have seperate chats for advertising and general. Of course, general will have rules to keep it not as crazy. General should not be for: Roleplaying (BIG NO) Bullying, cussing (For some reason people have been doing this more .-.), trolling, and spaming. Notice that I didn't include "chatting." Why? Well for one, I like chatting, many people do. General provides a way out of your boredum of waiting for someone to get on, when your waiting for a good rp, or other reasons. It also provides a way for people to connect across the map. Yes, you can whisper or find them in local, but what if your talking to multiple people? You can't possibly handle all those whispers. And what if they can't go to you in local for some reason? Maybe its lag, or they are waiting for someone to find them or maybe local is just too crowded at the moment. Either way, general is much faster and easier to acess. And I do agree that alot of the chatting is not really chatting. But there IS chatting. I define chatting as talking about whatever the heck you what to talk about over the computer. What I don't define as chatting is spamming, trolling, moaning about how your life sucks, and talking about inapropriate things.
General has its own little system. When something disrupts this system, certain people who take it upon themselves to mini mod (i.e. Tell you the rules and report you) and tell that something that they can't do that. They keep the not chatting (That I mentioned earlier) down. Granted, they often start arguments, but general needs all the help it can get. Things eventually work out, but when a mod comes around... Oh, general goes utterly insane. People just mod spam out the wazoo. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe its because they don't see mods often or maybe its because (most likely) of their own stupidity. I REALLY thank that mod spam should be banned. I'm not saying the small little "Thank you mod, we appreciate what you do" I'm talking about the "OMG OMG MOD I LOVE YOU WILL YOU MARRY ME?!!!!!!" This and other things of mod spam is completly unnecsairy. Mods are not gods, they are people just like you, just with the power to ban your butt.
But back to the seperate chats. Yeah, I think its a good idea. You can hate on me, whatever. I might even look at what you say, but this is what I think. General will ALWAYS have problems, it is pretty much proven on other games. The question is, what can we do to IMPROVE general, even if it wont fix the problem as a whole.

Species / Re: Zombie Species: Need help With Naming it
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:51:16 pm »
:O Thanks! I'll look at these and think about them. XD And I use Latin for alot of things too, but I don't know any latin, so I just use Google translate. And then if I like two words, I kinda mush them together and create my own new word.

Species / Zombie Species: Need help With Naming it
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:46:02 pm »
WEWT!~ So I joined this zombie rp of Closet's and I got a great idea. I thought it all over last night and its pretty epic. :D Its positiviely disgusting and amazing so... yeah :D But I need help naming it o.o ~My name creativity is currently broken~ Read about it and post what you think :D
How its created: Basically it starts off as a little unborn thingy in the womb. Its momma gets bitten and turns into a zombie. The thingy (I shall call it thingy until I figure out a name XD) sorta evolves into this creature... It then somehow gets out either by burrowing out or someother means.
What it looks like: It is whitish or light pink in color, but because it is often covored in blood, it has a brownish or deep red look to it. (My design is of a dull white thing with deep brownish/red markings) It has no eyes, ears, mouth, tail, or legs. If there is eyes, they are usually big bulging blobs coming out of the sides of its head and are useless. It can have legs, but not fully devoloped ones so it can't run. It can crawl or drag itself around, but no running. Ones without legs wiggle around on the ground like a worm, snake, or inch worm. Either way, it is a slow creature. But it can have short bursts of speed by rearing up and sortof... jumping forward, is the best way to put it, I suppose. Most without legs have sort of ridges on it's sides like a worm, which it uses to grip the ground and move around in. It also has no gender and cannot reproduce in anyway.
How it feeds: It has a hole in the middle of its underbelly with hooks lining the hole, much like a starfish. It latches onto its prey and curls around it for better grip. It's hole then starts spinning around, gradually cutting the victum, it then sucks the blood out of the victum. It usually tries to latch onto a main vein or artery to bleed it's victum to death.  Once the victum is dead, it burries into it and builds a tunnel system. There, it lives and feeds until the body begins to rot.
Its Habbits:It only comes out at night, for the sun dries its skin out. It also must be constantly soaked in blood to prevent itself from drying out. It has a putried smell to it, and it emits gasses that smell much like rotton carrion. It crawls around and does not make noise or converse. Though, occasionaly, if it is in deep pain (such as being caught out in the sun) it might emit a high pitched shriek. It cannot think, nor is it very much aware of its suroundings. Though, it does have a sense of place, much like a worm. (i.e. It can feel pain, know when its hot or cold, is sensitive to light, knows hunger, and so on) It has a keen sense of smell, which it uses to hunt.
There, I'm done. Its sick, I know, but I think it would be awesome to rp. Please help think of a name for it :D

Game Discussion / Re: Help KovuLKD: Wings or not?
« on: December 20, 2011, 11:45:38 pm »

Lets think general questions that might arrive?

I want to make a map that has hills and mountains you must climb up a certain way, or platforms I do not wish people to fly to, but now they can just equip wings and fly there *ubersadface*

Why not make a map maker function that lets you allow flying with wings, or deny flying with wings? It's the user made map after all.

Flying with wings gives some users unfair advantage *ubersadface*

Why not introduce a stamina bar into the game along with removing the auto run and use a sprinting like in most games. Winged characters will not be able to sprint, while others without will be able to run faster. It shouldn't be something hard to put into the game if hunting was added. Kov even though about adding a "dash" function? I assume this is for the wingless characters.

I completely agree with the map maker thing.  This way people can have realistic rps without some random person coming in and deciding to fly.  And I have thought of the stanima bar before, but I've never really liked it. If you ever played on WolfQuest you would probably know what I mean. Once you run out of stanima, everything is SOOO slow.  I can't stand that, and I end up yelling at my character to run faster. But what if there was just a stanima bar on the dash? You could sprint for a bit, then have to run until it builds back up.  It could help out with the problem of having a spaced out map.  It is also somewhat realistic. A wolf can sprint for a little while, but it can run at a pace for a very long time. (Just had a thought, if you ment just having a stanima bar on the sprinting, then ok. I took it as having a stanima bar on the entire running thing itself. Aka, once you run out of stanima, you have to walk. Forgive me if that is not what you ment. I was just making a point.)

Game Discussion / Re: Help KovuLKD: Wings or not?
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:50:42 am »
I've looked at the up sides and the down sides of having wings. Yes, there will be problems, but think of the possibilties! New maps could be made! Ones with floating islands, flying obstical courses, and so much more! Yes, I do agree that lag will increase, more glitches will arise and such, but those can be fixed. And even without the wings, there will still be lag and crashes. Yes, trolling could go up, but that is why people have block buttons and mods. It could take away from the realisticness of Feral Heart, but as Shinigami said, it wasn't that realistic to begin with. But that is what makes Feral Heart unique. You can be realistic or just a plain sparkle char if you choose. Its individuality! And you can still make rps that don't allow wings. As someone said earlier, yes people would probably get obssesed with their wings.... But what about those 1/3 of people who don't want wings? They would probably join. There are also MANY people, who would still join and play with the wings. I would fall in that catagory. Wings are cool and all, but sometimes its fun to just be a normal wolf/lion. And remeber when the howl and roar came out? Sound Spam my friend. I would have never thought it could happen. Feral Heart went CRAZY with the howls and roars, creating little circles of obnoxous noise. But after awhile it died out, people got used to it, and stopped wigging out. I believe the same will happen with the wings. Granted it might take longer, but eventually people would grow bored with their obsessions. Thats the great thing about people sometimes, they change. And as someone else said, yes, this is a small voting pool. Maybe you could go into the plains or someother populated part of FH and ask people what they think? I personaly think that wings could open up many possiblities in imagination and creativity. Granted there will be some bumbs along the road, but thats with all new things.  In the end, it is your decision Kovu. I cannot begin to imagine the pressure you feel, and I do not envy you. But in the end I must salute you, Kovu, this is some pretty amazing stuff you have here. No matter what you decide, I will respect your decision. To me, Feral Heart will be Feral Heart, no matter what.

Game Help / Re: New FH Patch--Map Maker Problems
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:37:27 am »
Thanks :D I might try it and see if it works, though I may just be lazy enough to wait for the next patch or so. XD

Game Help / New FH Patch--Map Maker Problems
« on: December 14, 2011, 11:17:00 pm »
So I've downloaded the most recent patch and I've noticed something..... Everytime I've tried to open up the map maker, FH crashes. I have an old computer, so that maybe the problem. But it has plenty of memory and runs pretty smooth. I've also seen on General that a few other people have had the same problem. .-. Is this a new glitch or... something else? I'm not sure, but I have a hunch that the same thing has been happening to alot of other people as well.
When it crashes, an ogre error message does NOT come up. It is a message that says "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" Also, when I click problem details, this comes up:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   FeralHeart.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4ee31c58
  Fault Module Name:   libstdc++-6.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4bc96cae
  Exception Code:   40000015
  Exception Offset:   0001bd1d
  OS Version:   6.0.6002.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   7d79
  Additional Information 2:   987d895f08677f91130de8d644eaa49c
  Additional Information 3:   36b5
  Additional Information 4:   c4ef2d8d3f94a2d700960c9150571ec4

Also, sky maker doesn't work. Same problem and everything. Here is the problem details:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   FeralHeart.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4ee31c58
  Fault Module Name:   StackHash_fd00
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   00000000
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   01f47d2b
  OS Version:   6.0.6002.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   fd00
  Additional Information 2:   ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
  Additional Information 3:   fd00
  Additional Information 4:   ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Preset and Object maker seems to be working just fine. Plese help!!! :(

News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:17:44 pm »
I may be a little late for posting this, and I'm not sure if Kov will even read this but...... I feel like I should at least contribute. I am not known on the forums or anywere else for that matter. Some of you may have seen me on General.... I do talk on General alot, mainly because I am bored..... And I'm sure some of you consider me a nuisance. I do try to keep spaming and caps down to a minimum, but still, I'm sure some of you will still say General is for advertisements only, not to converse. To me, General is a way for me to connect with people. It is always intresting and fun. ^^ Although I do agree that General is becoming a problem. Perhaps there should be another chat section that is broadcasted all over the plains, one called Advertisment. This way, people can talk without annoying the people looking for advertisments. Second of all, I am very glad that Red has spoken his mind. It must have taken allot of courage to do this. It is great to see the community of Feral Heart getting together and supporting Red. And to Kov, I do not hate you, I do not even know you. But PLEASE listen to your community and understand what we are trying to say. We love FH, it is a haven, a world were we can be ourselves, a place for our imaginations, and a place were we can just have fun. I have played Feral Heart for a long time, almost a year. And I loved every minute of it. I have seen it grow from a small game to a booming world. However, there are SEVERAL issues to be fixed. I'm not asking for miracles, just some attention to these problems. I will not list them, for they have already been said. Thank you for your time and I hold no grudges to any of you. I just wanted to be heard. Thank you for this wonderful game, I would hate to see the day it died.

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