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Messages - AngelDemon

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Presets & Markings / ~AngelDemon~ Free Preset Requests *PUT ON HOLD*
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:16:06 pm »
Hello everyone you might know me around FeralHeart and possibly DA but mainly you might know some of my preset of DA. Here some example to get you going ;3

Now I decided to do a free preset request for you people around here. I will accept any preset as long as you're patient (I won't take that long) and calm/nice. You won't get any if you're bitter and demanding >.>
Oh yesh I can take as much people on here but you do have to wait in line for each preset finish for some people, sometime I will finish another preset before doing yours because it depend how long it take.
Some reqiurement I can do~
eyes texture (I can make it more realistic)
drawing of jewellery/items~ I can draw items for you (depend how hard)
I might be able to do glow. Sometime it would fail >.<
Some ref to get you started to sign up~
[images] (be sure to use ref included)
fur texture (do you want it default or thicker and darker) anything like this~
do you want transparent if so where~
mane position~
INFORMATION! The glow code stop working now for me so everytime I try glow code they would come out white >.< I will have to put glow on hold..sorry! But I can make the marking look like it glowing but it won't stand out ;/
I might get busy sometime meaning this will be close as long I'm not busy so don't spam here or bother me saying where my preset or something like that because I'm sorry that I'm busy with my life but I wil still complete your preset!
Thank you

Hey I missed it the other night because of the crazy lag in the map and some busy time x-x If you can possibly add me on FH ~ AngelDemon then it would be easier for me to know when the rp starting ^-^" Anyway I'll get on to see anyone on ;)

Thank you for accpeting me ^-^ I'll put Mearu in the spring map until somone come and rp ;)

Derpy Hooves c:
Age: 2 year olds
Rank Desired:Rogue ~ If you are willing to let me if not then scout c:
Species: Artic fox
Time Zone: uk ~ GMT
Personality: She is a quite small simple fox. She usally explore most of the time and keep herself distance from many things that seem danger before her eyes. She can be calm most of the time and bubbly but when threaten she harsh and vicious. She soft and fluffy on the outside but in the inside she warm and strong.One of her eye is blue and the other is green, she never knew about the colour untill she saw herself. She can get upset if anyone mention her eyes, it make her feel odd one out.
History: Mearu was born in a pack of her family, she never been with a stranger or even been in a pack bigger that 6. Her family alway travel far to seek a new home away from danger, unfortantly for Mearu she love to explore off she alway seem to get lost but yet found. Mearu learnt from her danger mistake and stand by her family side. Both her parent alway care and love Mearu and her other 3 sibling, they would die to protect the young. When nightfall came, it was one of the danger night. Wolves would come out and hunt and Mearu would come out of the burrow to wonder. As she came face to face with the wolves she darted of leading them toward the burrow. Both her parent risk themself for the young one, sending them away from danger. Mearu hated herself for what she done. She killed both her parent and soon lead the danger toward her sibling. Her plan was to leave the sibling and carer and remain on her own so that no one would face danger because of her.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES):
As day turned night, the moon rose from the hill, gleaming down the land, stars shimmer like dimond. Mearu climbed out of her burrow, looking up to the millions of stars, her eyes reflect the light. She made her way through the shadow, dark forest. Noise screeched behind the shadow but this never bother Mearu. She gave a soft hum and a shiver, tonight was a coldest night, even for winter. When she looked across the path which lead to the frozen lake she stood still checking to see there wasn't any danger around, usually hunter or predator would hide and wait for her to reach the free zone. Nothing. She carried on toward the lake. She dipped her timid paw on top of the ice then started to scratch it till she reach the water, she lapped up some water. Mearu squeal in coldness then blushed. She resume drinking.
~I usally rp quite long .3.)
I hope I'm not too late or something x3

whaa D: The only hyena person ;w; Might well work on a cheetah soon then X3 unless somone gonna make another .3. but thank for accepting me.


(working on preset)
Name: Aivre
Age: 2 year old
Parents: unknow
Mate: none
Personality: She is a simple girl, a simple sneaky and mean sort of girl. She can alway be bubbly and calm but when things turn from bad she can turn to a quite a nasty sort. She is quick, sneaky and a quite a high stamina.Her name is quite a un-usual name to other but her name match the the mythical idea land. She loathe many things. In her head it all a big bad world but to her eyes and heart there more than a big bad world, so everything to her is bad no matter what unless you reach down to her stone heart and break the chain. Aivre can be quite a snappy little girl and possibly, not alway, attack if you get the wrong side of her but she alway think before attack.She also quite a adventerous type herself, so she will mainly wonder of the explore.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: XAngelDemonX and AngelDemon (ingame)
Desired Rank: possibly Spies or Hunter
RP Sample: Aivre eyes gleam out of the darkness, her ears locked onto that un usual noise coming out from the shadow. She crept closer wondering what lurking in the shadow. As she rose her paw her eyes flicker to something beside her. It vanish before her eyes, she wonder what the heck was that, she couldn't even figure out the scent. She looked around herself, checking to see if anything could possibly be that shadow that vanished right before her. Nothing. She gave a soft growl and a hum. Aivre then made her way back to the cold valley to join the other members.

Thank you so much for replying see as possible! This is wonderful to heard that <3 Of course I will give premission to you if I could use some area for the Dream/nightmare rp and I will make sure people will respect everything. Thank you!

Maybe some of you might wanna cool off about not beinh a dragon but the choice is choice and the only person that change is you. I'm really looking foward to this LP and sound amazing. I don't really mind who to play, there is various of option you can choose, all right there in front of you c:
Also I got a question...I was wondering if the creature which turn into this dream/aura form for got this character who can turn into this light,any colour, bright form and can do anything in that form (flying,being abit stronger) It like a starlight...if you are confuse here are what I meant from the idea~ (amazing idea and drawing) and the nightmare~, I love this idea. I was wondering if this is exceptable to your rp? If not then that is completely fine c: I got plenty options to choose from here xx (Long post is long o-o)
Oh yes Merry Christmas to you and have a wonderful time! <3

*Oh now that made more sense I would be looking foward to hanging around in your map! At least I could use my character Angel as me c: Good luck!

Oh now that made for sense ;) I would be looking foward to hanging around in your map! At least I could use my character Angel as me c: Good luck!

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