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Messages - Fallenleaf

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Game Discussion / Re: Random Group Requests
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:28:42 pm »
I rarely get group spammed, but it happened to me before. So now I make my own group, usually called "hell no" or "not joining your group". With a silly bio.

I think it's very annoying to get spammed with group requests. You have to decline them all, and imagine if you misclicked on accept... UGH.

I don't cuss on the person who sent them, though (being on SB and not knowing who sent it, anyway), but I usually post a kindly warning in local, without mentionning the group. They recognize themselves and stop, while others avoid doing the same mistake. ovo

Game Discussion / Re: If you could change things in the game
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:04:51 pm »
I agree with all the ideas of stuff to add. But really, you know what would be great? To be able to select more than one markings for each body parts AND to be able to choose the color of each.

Forum Discussion / Re: Where did you get your sona' name?
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:35:55 pm »
My fursona's name, Nocturne, is the French word for nocturnal. But also, it is related to my dA username, VideNoctuam, which translates to restless owl. -scoots away-

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest Mate/Pup/Attention Beggar Situations
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:18:24 pm »
I can't exactly remember the whole scene, but it went along of the lines of this...
*Pewf Flashback*
<icy f cub> -dances near the cliff-
<icy f cub> -falls near the cliff- ow
<icy f cub> does anyone care that i am near cliff?
<icy f cub> -tries to get up but falls off cliff- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
<Sandfury> What's with babies and falling off cliffs these days?))
<Simba> -falls off cliff and dies-
<Sandfury> T_T))
<icy f cub> GUYS IM DEAD

*pewf end of flashback*

But really.. What's with babies launching themselves off cliffs to get attention?


That reminds me, in NatureClan, there was a time ALL the kits would get up the rock stairs and fall off. It happened at least ten times! All that in order to get attention. I mean, seriously? There are simpler ways to start a RP. -rolls away-

Game Discussion / Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:50:38 pm »
I understand your rage. It's true, most of them are annoying in their own way. As someone who has been suicidal in the past, I must admit that I'm shocked by these "suicidal peeps" you wrote about. If you want to make a suicidal character, do it right. Develop its personality, make it more than just "suicidal". People who create a character just to make it commit suicide ten minutes later because of "BOREDOM, LOL!!!" really tick me off.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: September 02, 2014, 11:00:20 pm »
donuts mhmm

Game Discussion / Re: How many characters do you have?
« on: September 02, 2014, 01:14:56 am »
I definitely have more than 30, most of which I created a long time ago and never plan to use ever again. I'm using about ten of my characters now, actively or not. ovo

Presets & Markings / FallenStarOxO's preset(s)!
« on: August 29, 2014, 10:48:58 pm »

Ok, so I'm just gonna go ahead and admit that I'm not the best at making presets. I made two, the first one being a preset of my character Heulog (it was so awful that it became my Halloween preset) and the other being the one I will display here. The Heulog preset was lost when my sister formatted the computer. Not that I regret it...


^^ the preset of my first decently roleplayed warrior cat, Owlflight. She's a StarClan warrior. Unfortunately, I was so overwhelmed when I had all my preset done nicely, I forgot to add her face scars. They're not in the screenshots above. I also must give credit to Ledaline, for the amazing fur texture they have done and that can be seen on my preset.

I know there are some flaws, such as the eyes (note that Owlflight is blind, though). I also largely based her off my tortie-shell siamese, Kally. I intended to use her legs' colors, but... Not ready to do two-sided presets, ya' know ;v;

enough babbling. Here's the link for the preset:

and if you really want to see the Heulog preset, it's somewhere on my dA, VideNoctuam


I think it is a great idea, in the sense that people might be more prone to communicate with someone, knowing their forum identity. But, it is true that some people might feel left out/intimidated by the ranking. A person might have more difficulty talking to someone with a higher ranking, for example.

Game Discussion / Re: Uncommon Species
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:30:08 pm »
I love to roleplay uncommon species! I have a serval, a sand cat, a fennec fox, a pallas cat... I even have a brown hyena. Now, now... if there would be a roleplay, I would gladly join it, just sayin'. ovo

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