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Messages - Sashastriker

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Discussion Board / Re: Most embarrassing epic fails
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:16:32 pm »
just gonna start off with my incredibly lame, awkward story.

To start, I was walking down an alley (to get home from school) and I bump into a random old man in a scooter. You with me so far? Anyway, He 'accidentally' runs into my foot and i turn around to see him and (this being the first time I even saw him) I flinch. Well, I stand there for a few minutes, looking stupid, then I ask him if he needs something. Can you guess what he said? (No, for all you pervs out there, it's nothing like that. LOL) He said...Murp. (like an old man without teeth) I looked at him and said, what? He looked at me again for about 20 seconds then he heard a loud noise (totally not a rock I threw at the nearby trash can) and turned around. I figured it'd take him oh about 100 years to turn back around so I made a bolt for it. Go figure. I wasn't that far away from my house anyway. As for him, who knows? Not me, for sure.

News Archives / Re: New Game.exe and new Patch
« on: May 15, 2011, 06:30:42 pm »
Thanks for the update, does this mean we'll have to re download all our maps again? After i got the new patch and everything was working, I ended up with only one of my old maps, so how do I get them all back? This might sound like a n00b question because I only recently discovered how to get and use maps.

Edit: Also, what if I had a character in a map I no longer have?

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