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Messages - Vidathelion

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25
Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:41:08 pm »
Well, you can make the eyes transparent, Feareh's Tutorial might help you with that.

About the hole in the head, is that something that has happened while you tried to remove the eyes?

Lol, it's not so much the hole in the head as much as the eyes. I might have coded it wrong. Thank you very much for the tutorial link! I will try it <3

Game Help / Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:37:08 am »
I'm trying to make this preset without eyes, but there's still the annoying blinking-outline of the eyes... is there a way to completely remove the eyes? So I don't have the annoying outline.

It also has a giant flipping hole in its head...xDDDD

Game Help / Re: Having trouble making my own markings?
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:33:59 am »
I've only done markings a bit, so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
To get the marking to work for both the canine and feline model you need to past the fmarkmarkingnamehead.png into both the feline section in the " Markings " word pad file, and also the canine.
One of the reason it may not be working is because the .png file isn't appearing in your textures folder?

I also believe that there is a limit to how many markings one can posses on Feral Heart, therefore if this limit is exceeded then you wont see your markings. If you have the Mass Markings file, this will cause you to pass the amount you can have.
If you want to test your markings then you'll have to delete a few of the mass markings, which will then cause multple white blobs to be flying an floating around your screen.

I fixed it<3 thank you for the help!

If you want to do this, just make sure you have a back-up of the mass markings somewhere so you can just change it back.
I hope that helps, though like yourself i haven't done this in a while.

Game Help / Having trouble making my own markings?
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:56:32 am »
I've made a lot of customs markings for my characters(figured out how to do it myself<3) but for some reason I can't seem to get my new ones to work x.x I haven't done it in a while, so I forgot how it works...

I got a few problems: one of the markings doesn't even show up on the character(s) and they only work on cats...
After making the markings, I type "Marking Name; fmarkmarkingnamehead.png" and paste it into the "markings" word pad file right?
is there a way to get the markings on both models? and how come my newest marking wont work?

Game Help / How do I make a FH green screen?
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:47:57 pm »
How do I make a FH green screen, so I paste characters into animations ?x.x
and would it work with fraps for recording?

Game Help / Re: Looking for some items? x.x
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:45:12 pm »
All of these items are part of the Pawsome Items Pack, which you can download here(click!).

Thank you so much!
But I don't see a slendy tie in there x.x

Those are only a few items in the pack on the images it shows you on the topic, in the actual item pack there are quite a few ties, wings and other items that are not shown on the images on the pawesome items pack topic C:
~ Rink

I seen those, but is there a separate one with the Slender Man tie in it?

Game Help / Re: Looking for some items? x.x
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:32:06 pm »
All of these items are part of the Pawsome Items Pack, which you can download here(click!).

Thank you so much!
But I don't see a slendy tie in there x.x

Game Help / Looking for some items? x.x
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:44:32 pm »
I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a download for the red Slender tie, a chain necklace, a dagger your character holds in their mouth, and tiny wings to put on your back?

*Or most of the item packs from "the truth about feral heart II" they had some items in there I was wanting *u*
anyone know where I could find them?

**Sorry if I don't reply, having trouble getting used to the forum xD

For some reason Feral Heart keeps crashing with a certain character of. It won't crash on any of the others one. I was able to play as her earlier fine, but now everytime I click "Play/start" to enter the actually game, it goes to the loading screen, then turns grey and says "Feral heart is not responding" and shuts off. I re-exported the preset, switched presets, renamed her and removed objects, and it still does it.

Thank you guys so much! I did the 'user panel' thing and it worked<3 thanks a ton everyone, ya'll the best!*hugs

wait, at th end doesn't it say resetting your account???? I am not resetting my account :P

It does, but that's just an option. You don't necessary have to. Just ignore that part and follow the steps below:

So, today, I'm going to show you how to Retrive your characters if they are stuck somewhere.

Let us begin shall we?

First, log in on the forums and click User Panel

Next, log in again

Next, find the character that has gotten stuck.....

Click either Send Home or Reset Home, Send home will send your character to their set home, reset home will send your character to lonely cave.

Hopefully that works. As for this:

I don't know if I has anything to do with the map, but FH also on wont let me export an presets either.

No, I don't think that has to do anything with the map, but correct me if I'm wrong. (Exporting presets are only used for if you want others to see the preset you made by yourself using GIMP.) Does it say "Failed to Export Preset" when you pressed export? I had the same problem, but when I entered a name for my preset, it worked. I'm not absolutely sure if putting in a name will work, but perhaps it is worth the shot?

Otherwise, I hope your problems are eventually figured out. 
It's doesn't say "Failed to export preset" it just doesn't do anything, no matter how many times I press it.x.x

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