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Messages - rainbow lion

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     "Smells like average water to me. Maybe they are cold enough to slow us down into a sleep. They might do it again soon," he paused looking around to be sure, "I'm Moath."

     Mira's paws padded along a sidewalk. Humans were amazed at her. She was considered to them as, "A living fossil," which she really was. They took the DNA from bones of old tigers. They were huge compared to her body size. The tiny tiger could understand a little of human talk. She heard chatter that they may be creating new tigers, far bigger than her, and she feared that.

     "Um... I've been a loner most of my life, I chose to be one. Any idea on why the humans took us?" he asked the she-wolf. Waiting for her reply. She didn't seem as shy anymore but he was still a little uneasy. The dull rumbling of the star ship continued in the background.

     Looking up at the larger wolf he replied, "I'm captured, the same as you are." he realized his pelt was still wet. He guessed the droplets were real but the other room was a dream. "Did you live with them?" he refered to the other wolves huddling in the corner.

     Swimming back to the surface the orca let herself drift in the current. Angorra let it swing her into a gentle sleep. Uranus 7's moon let a nice light, illuminating the ocean a little. It was a haze under water. The water had become slightly warmer as Angorra drifted more.

     Gasping as he woke up he saw a pale wolf nibbling at a slice of meat. Looking down he saw one piece there for him. Gnawing at it he watched the other wolf with caution. How long had he been asleep. Was the freezing and the cage with plants and water in it had been only a dream? Glancing back over to the other wolves most of them had finished their fill and were half asleep. Moath's stomach felt full again, even though he didn't eat much.

     Mina's paws tread over the road. She had a collar that the humans put on her whenever she left their building. The tiny tiger didn't think she needed it. She scratched at it all the time. She was let out of the building about for an hour each day. Never at night was she left out and didn't see the stars. Her brothers probably saw them all the time. Every once in awhile they were allowed to come and visit her down on the planet.

Yes to both! I've got a new character too!))

Name: Mina
Species: Miniature Bengal Tiger
Info on Species: A cloned breed of tiger. Scientists have yet to figure out the size for the clones. They are the size of a large domestic cat. Other than that they are basically tiny tigers. x3
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Family: She has two brothers currently being tested on a space station orbiting Uranus 7.

Personality: An exited cat always chasing after something. Mina is very talkitive but she can't find any others that speak her language, just humans and cities. She has a disliking for water.
Island/Location: Mayarie

It's okay, It could be maybe be cloned by scientists and they were introduced to Uranus 7 as an experiment? You can do whatever you like though. x3 I'm also going to expand the limit of characters to five. o3o I'm going to make a new character too soon as well.))

     Soon the sun had set again where she was swimming. Looking around for food again she was far from the island. Diving down she searched for a possible meal down in the dark waters. Barely making it out, a large rock pierced out in the darkness. A few fish were looking for a little crack to sleep it or hide form predators. A fat tuna suddenly swam in front of her. Swiftly snapping at it her jaws locked onto it and she swallowed the struggling fish.

     The timber wolf's heart began to beat faster. His blood began to warm. His blurry eyes opened up again to find he was not in the metal room anymore. But in a smaller room with some rocks with moss and a tiny stream. It still had metal walls but it was more comfortable than where he was before. Moath's stomach grumbled. Looking around he spotted a dish like before. Rushing up to it he devoured it contents.

Yep! Sorry about that. xP))

Sorry I was gone for a little while.))

     Angorra was swimming for a few hours, it was beginning to become dark above the water. As the red sun slipped over the gentle waves at the horizon stars began to appear. They were different than on Earth. Different constellations that needed names. Her gravitational field also worked differently here. It was hard to tell if she was at the bottom of the planet or the top. Uranus 7 was smaller than Earth but had similar gravity. A suitable place to move the animals. Bees were one thing that the humans had too keep on Earth, as well as a few other animals. Though giant space stations kept some animals that Earth needed in the future. All of them frozen in a endless sleep until woken up.

     Moath's pelt started to have dew drops appear on his fur. They sank onto his skin, freezing him. So many were covering him he began to shiver. Looking at the other wolves they had the same dew, more like a blanket of freezing water. Soon the cold was too much. Falling down his body began to slow. This was a way of calming animals when in space travel. Humans don't use it anymore but animals need to calm down so they won't die of fear or stress.

     Swimming through the ice shelves after she had explored the hidden reef Angorra felt around to see if anything else interesting lived here. She only found more ice tunnels and very large icicles ten times larger than her own body. Turning her direction she swam the way her tracker directed her. After half an hour of swimming the ice stopped. No more ice seemed to go this far. It meant she was going to warmer waters. Sticking her head above the water a few seagulls went back to the frozen island of ice and blizzards. Clouds roamed off in the direction of the island as well.

     Moath's breathing was slow. He had been resting for a few hours, trying to relax his instincts going crazy. They were too confused to guide him in this situation. Sighing, a small box opened up in the wall. A dish of raw deer meat was dripping tasty liquid inside. All the other wolves in the opposite corner quickly ran to it and formed a mass of pelts fighting over the food. Sliding a little away he watched them feast.

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