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Messages - Tripwire

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Sabre teeth.
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:59:11 am »
Yeah differnt teeth would be cool, or possible  a no teeth option for older felines would be cute too, old lions with gums instead of teeth ^^

"Runo", Awiti said kind of concerned, "you boys know as well as I do that you both did the hard work." She looked at both her brothers. "Besides," she said jokingly " I can wait for awhile, you both look starved." Runo seemed a little shocked by her saying this, but Awiti smiled sweetly and layed her head down still looking at her brother. Why would Runo question the eating order? He must surely know that males eat first, even among her siblings Awiti knew if any others joined the pride that these rules would have to apply to everyone. Mine as well start now, she thought to herself. They both seemed nervopus about eating and catuious of how much they ate tryign to leave enough for both of thier sisters. They are too kind she thought. The smile never left her face.

"Aww Muren I am more than proud of you" Awiti said and she ran to out of breath to her heavilty breathing baby brother. She nuzzled him before flopping down in the dirt and trying to stay cool under the hot sun. The smell of the antelope blew in her face and her stomach growled but she knew it was only fair for Muren and Runo to eat first being the males and the ones who did the hard work. Awiti looked at them longingly as if telling them that she didnt mind laying around before eating any of the prey. Even as the sun beated down on her pelt she could not stop smiling as she watched her brothers begin to eat thier catch. She knew that being the youngest female she would get the last turn of eating food but she was ok with that because her siblings would never let anything happen to her. She was loved and protected and that was all she needed in her life right now. Awiti dozed off into a light sleep listening to her siblings eating the antelope.

Awitis face lit up in a brilliant glow, even if the antelope was still alive she was more than pleased with Muren. Her little brother looked like a natural out there and the realization that he was no longer a baby hit her. Her sprint slowly turned into a run as she was short of breath, but continued steering the herd of antelope away from thier meal. Once the herd realized it was to late for the older female, Awiti watched in amazment as Muren held onto the antelopes neck using every muscle in his body to his advantage. Runo still seemed on egde and Awiti could tell that he was just as proud of what thier family had just done. Awiti stood back and watched  Muren wrestled the antelope to the ground.

Presets & Markings / Re: :D finally
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:52:50 pm »
Looks very nice, the colors are perfect :)

News Archives / Re: New Stuff - 11/1/11
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:39:56 pm »
I'm hoping for the weekend, but not getting ym hopes up. Also I love nuzzling people. :3 nice feature, but the biting is getting out of control for some people. Just because you disagree with them doesnt mean you have to bite em :s

Awiti motioned with her head toward a older female antelope that was a little away from the rest of the antelope. She locked her eyes onto the antelope and slowly began creeping up to its side, still staying covered in the grass. Her nostrils flared as she breathed heavily but quietly. She made sure to stay downwind to prevent scaring her away. Once her siblings were sure of the chosen prey Awiti jumped in front of its path to scare it towards her siblings. She knew that even if Zidan or Muren coul'ntd help,  Runo being as big as he was could wrestle it down by himsel long enough for everyone else to help hold it downf. The antelope was frightend by Awiti's pounce and imediately darted straight towards Muren Zidan and Runo. Awiti chased After dividing it from the rest of the herd and making sure her siblings wouldnt be trampled. The chase had begun.

Awiti pounced forward one long stride then began jogging crouched low to the ground. Her pelt blended in perfectly with the tall grass, no antelope would see her without it being to late. She looked back to see Muren and Runo beginning to catch up to her, the excitement was almost to much for her to handle. Her tail furiously flicked back and forth as she began to slow her pace and get within striking distance. SHe waited for her brothers and sister to let her know they were ready to attack.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: FeralHeart
« on: January 11, 2011, 06:30:13 am »
Thus far from the offline content I can say that I truely like the game. Though I did feel like with tall the marking mane and tail ideas that people gave more would be implemented into the games content. I love the current markings but I do wish there was more like in IT. Along these lines I wish that I could customize more individual parts such as ears (innner and outter parts) without having to have cub spots or another marking on my entire characters head.

The map making and sky/weather creator are very fun to mess around with and even ith the severs down they give me things to fo for hours at a time. After watching tuts on these I feel as though I could make a decent map at some point to share with my friends.

Next the actions I am in love them all. the realistic ones are very cute and atomically correct. Next from the few minutes I did play online I loved he "other actions" avaiable which I got to use. Thus far I am in love with the game and once I get to RP online I'm sure I will have very few negative things to say.

Kepp up the splendid work staff =)

Instantly Awiti's ears perked up in excitement, antelope were fast but easy to trick and with the brute strength of Runo and the combined speed of everyone else she knew they stood a great chance and Awiti would'nt make to much a fool of herself. Her eyes drifted off into the direction Runo was looking and the grazing antelope imediatly caught her attention aswell. As almost in a daze she murrmerd "an antelope is fine by me" her lips rose into a huge grin and she started to salivate lightly, licking her lips to refrain from completly drooling.

Awiti shivered with excitement with just  the thought of a full belly, this was going to be a lot of fun. The first hunt as a family. Awiti then turned her head and stared at Runo she could tell her was even more ready for this than she was, he is going to make a great pride leader she smirked to herself and waited for Murens and Zidan's response.

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