Author Topic: Umnedni Pride Role Play  (Read 33126 times)


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2011, 06:25:55 am »
Soundless as his personality to others outside his family, Runo walked on with the others and aided their hunting fever with his own but toned down due to the fact that he was still a little unsure of how they would fair with their little brother coming with them. Usually it was him and his two sisters who took care of the food, but this was a chance for him to show that he was beyond hunting bunnies and mice for his meals. He looked at his little brother and then his sisters. They seemed more prepared than he was, but soon enough when he saw the prancing prey, the adrenaline was stirred inside of him and he felt his tail swishing back and forth with his mouth open and panting for them to finally take action. He was a born killer being a large cat, but his instincts were always so peaked in the midst of attack mode that he could barely even muster up words to order his siblings.

"Pick one" he lightly ordered, raking his paws across the ground and not once letting his tail drop. Quickly, or I'm going to explode, he thought.

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2011, 06:36:06 am »
Awiti motioned with her head toward a older female antelope that was a little away from the rest of the antelope. She locked her eyes onto the antelope and slowly began creeping up to its side, still staying covered in the grass. Her nostrils flared as she breathed heavily but quietly. She made sure to stay downwind to prevent scaring her away. Once her siblings were sure of the chosen prey Awiti jumped in front of its path to scare it towards her siblings. She knew that even if Zidan or Muren coul'ntd help,  Runo being as big as he was could wrestle it down by himsel long enough for everyone else to help hold it downf. The antelope was frightend by Awiti's pounce and imediately darted straight towards Muren Zidan and Runo. Awiti chased After dividing it from the rest of the herd and making sure her siblings wouldnt be trampled. The chase had begun.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2011, 04:54:41 am »
The oldest brother jolted the way of the antelope with the full intention of killing it. Though he had more weight to him being the largest of the four he was as fast as any one of them-- but not the fastest. As Runo ran, it became apparent to the other antelope that there was a hunt going on, and just like flies in a house, they moved around in all different directions frantically and happy to know it was not their necks that were going to be four siblings' meal that day. The older female though, wasn't so lucky. With a large roar, Runo snapped at its feet to keep it going away from its herd to make sure it wasn't going back for reinforcement. "Muren, speed it up a little" he called back to his little brother who was wanting to make this his first larger kill no doubt. All Runo and his siblings could do was herd it for him.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2011, 06:34:38 am »
Muren sprinted across the field weaving between the other antelope, he heard Runo yell for him to hurry it up, lunging he got on the older female antelope's back and biting at the back of its neck. He was trying to at least weaken it, knew he couldn't kill it in one go, blood was staining his muzzle and the young male was trying to hold on to the antelope with his claws, wrapped around the neck of the animal, he ripped at the back of its neck. Any words he tried to say were to mufled by the struggling antelope and the mouthful of fur.

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2011, 06:54:44 am »
Awitis face lit up in a brilliant glow, even if the antelope was still alive she was more than pleased with Muren. Her little brother looked like a natural out there and the realization that he was no longer a baby hit her. Her sprint slowly turned into a run as she was short of breath, but continued steering the herd of antelope away from thier meal. Once the herd realized it was to late for the older female, Awiti watched in amazment as Muren held onto the antelopes neck using every muscle in his body to his advantage. Runo still seemed on egde and Awiti could tell that he was just as proud of what thier family had just done. Awiti stood back and watched  Muren wrestled the antelope to the ground.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2011, 10:45:20 pm »
Not once had Runo taken his watch off of the little brother of his still wrestling for the kill of their next meal, but the older female seemed like she had escaped far too many kills from inexperienced cubs to give up on this one. Muren looked as though he was struggling with this, and so the oldest brother took action. Not that he was attempting to be flashy, but darting ahead of the others and to where the young cub and old antelope flailed around helplessly, Runo took a leap into the air with claws drawn and teeth gleaming. "Muren, get down".

With that-- and the sure notice of his little brother ducking down-- Runo's claws swept across and raked the life out of the antelope's body. It fell limp to the day and close to the youngest sibling that looked like he was in deserving of a rest-- and good meal. Runo's body was steaming from sweat and work and he hung his head while his body stood firm, simply trying to ease himself down. It's done. You killed it. Nothing more to hunt, he thought while his mouth hung open, inhaling.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2011, 12:01:21 am »
Muren had ducked as was told, and sat next to the antelope, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he took in short but deep pants. " we di'it! " he said, the words half fell apart from talking with his tongue hanging out. He smiles at his brother and watched as Awiti came bounding over and slurping his tongue back to his mouth. " Look !" he shouted before huffing taking a breath. " We did it " he beamed with pride ( for him and his siblings ).  He licked his chops trying to clean some of the blood from the animal away.

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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2011, 04:36:27 am »
"Aww Muren I am more than proud of you" Awiti said and she ran to out of breath to her heavilty breathing baby brother. She nuzzled him before flopping down in the dirt and trying to stay cool under the hot sun. The smell of the antelope blew in her face and her stomach growled but she knew it was only fair for Muren and Runo to eat first being the males and the ones who did the hard work. Awiti looked at them longingly as if telling them that she didnt mind laying around before eating any of the prey. Even as the sun beated down on her pelt she could not stop smiling as she watched her brothers begin to eat thier catch. She knew that being the youngest female she would get the last turn of eating food but she was ok with that because her siblings would never let anything happen to her. She was loved and protected and that was all she needed in her life right now. Awiti dozed off into a light sleep listening to her siblings eating the antelope.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2011, 02:33:03 pm »
( ooc: hay guys, i may not be on this weekend :I b-day and studying for finals this weekend >< sorry! )

Muren's stomach growled and he could see his other siblings were hungry too, so, without really thinking, he bit down into the carcass of the antelope and filled his belly. he slopped over by Awiti and dozed a bit as well, he had a full stomach now and was tired from the hunt.


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Re: 4 Siblings; in need of mother/father
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2011, 05:18:40 am »
[[OOC: It's all good Solar :3 Have a good weekend <3]]

Runo blew his red made out of his eyes and walked over to his little pride. They were all crowded around the kill and were preparing to eat it, or so he would think. None had taken a bite yet and it was concerning to him. Were they just being nice? "Come on, you three. Eat" he told them as the oldest of the four and also out of concern for them. Giving a tired smile, he waited for someone to finally take a bite so they could all get over the shyness of being the first.