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Messages - ShadowClasher

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:48:27 pm »

Sunlight drifted through the opening in the den, causing Apollo to open his eyes and stare out of the den. Then spot next to him where Arya had lay sleeping peacefully next to him was now empty and cold. He could see fresh snow piled naturally near the den entrance, and quietly, hoping to not disturb any of the fellow subordinates still resting, he hauled himself to his feet and pushed his way out of the cozy den into the barren forest. Blinking, Apollo could make out the figure of Sampson stretching and beginning to wander, Butch heading out for a morning walk, and Arya staring out across into the distant snowy woodland.

With a huff, he remembered she was being a stubborn elk again and had been refusing to eat for the past two days. Apollo had tried many times to get her to eat, even force-feeding but every time she managed to ward off his attacks. If he mentioned the word "food" in front of her, he'd probably get a hard bite to the ear. He turned away without a second glance and retreated to a nearby patch of sun. The snow was thinner in the little space and green blades of grass stuck out of the ground. The small amount of warmth given was enough to let the male relax down onto his side, letting his multi-colored fur absorb whatever heat the sun gave. Apollo's eyes closed, his breathing slower until he was in rhythm. His head laid on the side and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. The soft sound of crunching snow and scent of his alpha gave Apollo a burst of alertness, his ears pricked up, but he didn't open his eyes. Her scent suddenly wafted over him and he opened his eyelids, golden eyes narrowing through slits as he gazed around the scene again. Inxis had indeed arrived from her slumber, and he immediately glanced at Arya who looked away from her leader quickly.

Please, He begged silently. Let there be an uncomplicated day today. The last thing we need is another argument or fight. Apollo said that about the whole pack. Without food there would be short-tempered moods and snappy replies. The male could name a few who would take that aggressively and start an unnecessary fight, whether it was for food or just because of the unjust circumstances the lands were facing. A tugging suspicion in the back of his mind was suggesting that more wolves were becoming resentful to Inxis's rule, through no fault of her own, but just because of her age and experience.

Frost had covered her fur. The first light rays glinted off Arya's eyes as she stared off into the forest, like she had been for a while. Blinking a bunch of times, Arya shifted from her position of sitting beneath a bare pine tree that had luckily not fallen down yet. Her muscles ached like fire as she moved to her paws and hunger gnawed at her stomach. She hadn't eaten in two days despite Apollo's pleas because she did not feel she was literally starving yet, even if it felt like her insides were being eaten. The stubborn female had refused to eat until she found it truly necessary, though Arya was not dumb enough to go without water.

Arya stretched her limbs, shaking the snowy ice off her pelt. As she did so, Apollo shuffled out into her view, but did not appear to be noticing her. Leaving it at that, she searched for others who might be awake. She wanted to go hunting, but she was certain Apollo would only say something like: "How 'bout you eat first? Then we'll see." or "Saffy, I'll shove a squirrel down your throat before we do that.". He was annoying that way. The tight den where the subordinates slept was still quiet, except for Sampson who seemed to be up early and, of course, Apollo who was always up early.  Huffing indignantly from having snowflakes drop onto her muzzle, Arya shook herself again, ruffling up her fluffy, heavy winter coat. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw one of the council wolves heading out of the clearing into the forest. She held her breath for a moment, deciding whether or not to follow him, then thought against it and faced the way she had been before, leaning back onto her hind legs to sit down again and ignoring the burning sensation in her bones. Wind seemed to lick her face as it passed, leaving the fur brushed out of her eyes and a clear vision. Arya shook involuntarily from the cold but kept her ground sitting there, waiting and watching for anything to happen. Weariness crept into her mind, battling against the will to stay awake.

The sound of padding feet forced Arya glance behind her, eyes narrowed. Her muscles stiffened as Inxis walked into her view, but not toward her. The female alpha was beginning to wake, although Arya herself had been awake for hours. She snorted, averting her gaze from Inxis and back to the forest ahead, her thoughts wandering. We need food. If Inxis doesn't do anything soon, someone needs to knock some sense into her. Hasn't she heard of Elyaris? Maybe we should... Her mind drifted off. Arya wasn't sure whether she actually believed in Elyaris or not, though tales of it from Apollo sounded like it was real. Apollo had never made her think that he could pull a cruel prank like that, and it surely wasn't him that knew of Elyaris in the first place. All of the wolves in the pack probably knew about the rumors.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:26:54 pm »
(( Thanks, Meowzers. C= I'll have to post a bit later, as well. ))

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: April 07, 2013, 06:40:54 am »

Gabfisfgajfjs. I have a mean 'ole band concert tonight. :/ I might be able to come on after if I solve the case of the annoying map-crashes.

Praise / Re: Happy Birthdaaay Wolffox~ <3
« on: March 24, 2013, 06:32:50 pm »
Happy Birfday, Wolffie!
I hope it's amazing. x3

Game Discussion / Re: FERAL HARLEM SHAKE!
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:07:51 pm »
Gawsh, I'm blind on some boards. Didn't see this 'till now. x3 I should be there. My username is different from forum: ShadowClasher. Great idea, Sibb!

Game Help / Re: ...No download...?
« on: March 07, 2013, 01:15:12 am »
Strange, but try this link. It should work:
It still won't show it. It only shows the game setup, the torrent, and the Mac download.

The game setup is the FeralHeart Download, Torrent or not, at least that's probably what you are looking for.

Game Help / Re: ...No download...?
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:09:42 pm »

Game Help / Re: What is a Mass Marking?
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:52:39 pm »
A mass marking is a marking that doesn't come with the original game and you'll need to download. Going along with luffley Ruby.

Here's a tutorial on how to put them in:

Usually the mass markings are made by other wonderful floofs of FeralHeart. c:

Game Help / Re: Portal appear problem
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:46:31 pm »
Where are you? Is it a public or private Map? If it's a private map and you can't seem to find the portal, your best bet would probably be to Go Home and then go back to the other place where you started. You might also want to set your home to that place again if you ever need to go back and you'll be right there. c:

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