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Messages - deemsss1234

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Game Help / Re: Preset help.
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:40:52 pm »
Oh that's too bad. Thanks for the, rather quick, answer.

So might/will I be able to create a preset that completely changes colour for, let's say, an hour, and then it changes back to the original colours?

Game Help / Preset help.
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:53:15 pm »
I am not really sure if I should post it here, but I couldn't find this anywhere.

So I was wondering if I can make a preset, that looks different only at night. Or a preset that I can animate, but the animation only happens when it turns night? Because I actually want a char to look completely different when it gets night. Just don't know if it is possible.

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Free preset requests. [Open]
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:54:26 pm »
Okay. Then I will put the files you need up for download and I recommened that you upload it on the site and make it downloadable for others, too. ^^ If you need help with any of that, just PM me. I will send you a PM with the download for your preset. ^^

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Free preset requests. [Open]
« on: July 30, 2014, 08:25:34 am »
Okayz. ^^ Is something else off with the preset, or do you want me to give you it like this? I can change everything about it. And I am not sure if you are happy with the placemenets of the circles. Since the wolf on the template had a really different body shape than the FH wolves, I was not sure where to place them.

Okayz, thank you guys. ^^
This topic can be locked now. :3

So yeah, what the title says, the site always says there are 640 members online. And I started to doubt that he tells me the truth. Does everyone have this problem? I never had it before. =-= And does anyone know how to fix it, if I can actually fix it?

Totally bumping this.

Woah. I was so amazed, looking at that first screenshots. The colours look so gorgeous, the little plants and the texture of the grass are beautiful details and the trees look so so realistic compared to most other trees in FH. Looking at the screenshots, I have the feeling a very good and complicated height map belongs to this map. Too bad you don't want unrealsitic chars walking around in it, since most of me chars are. But I might download it to check it out with a more realistic character. But just looking at the screenshots, you have done a wonderful job on this map. Great.

(Derp. I did not see this was such an old thread. Expected it to be pretty new because it was back on top of the page.)

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Free preset requests. [Open]
« on: July 29, 2014, 09:55:55 am »
I can make some screenshots of her with different fur textures and post them here if you want. Then you can tell me about everything you don't like about the preset and which fur texture you prefer. ;3

Here are 3 different textures of her. Tell me everything you don't like about this preset and I can change it.

FH original texture:

Another texture, I found free somewhere:

And a different texture:

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Taking preset request.
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:10:16 pm »
I am done with your preset, Flamevixen. I am not sure if someone else already made it for you tho, but then you have 2. XD If you have a problem with how it looks in any ways, just tell me and I will fix it. If you have a problem with the texture, I can change it. ;3
Here are the screenshots:

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