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Messages - Proquail

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" This is it, the
A P O C A L Y P S E.

' It is year 2020, the entire world has been taken over by a virus, an incurable, sadistic virus. The virus first came during the year 2015, Joshua Lingston was attacked and eaten alive by what at the time, was an unknown suspect. It all became clear, when it outburst-ed into millions. People eaten alive by other people, but the virus changed you into much more than a person. It was what we spent so many years making into movies, as an unrealistic thing. Some, or, most would call it, zombie. These zombies have E.T. DNA, and can run extremely fast, jump extremely high, and of course, eat you alive.

During the year 2018, the U.S. found that a certain type of K-9 was immune to the virus, European wolves, the only animal in the entire universe to be immune. The government captured many of the wolves, injecting them with liquids full of DNA. This DNA morphed many things in the wolves, not physically, but mentally. Extra strength, better vision, much higher stamina, heightened senses, and last but certainly not least, the ability to sense the virus. These dogs are strictly military use only, and have been sent out in small groups of up to maximum 20 dogs. They all work as a team, wiping out one area after another.

As of right now , the wolves have managed to wipe out many certain areas, forming giant walls and security to keep out the zombies. The teams are still going strong, and have added more advanced DNA to the wolves, adding a much longer lifespan and healthier life. It is even rumored that some of the K-9s have robotic eyes, able to see through walls. Some have limbs replaced with advanced metal robotics, suited with armor.

" I'm breathing in, the

' You are one of the great fighting K-9s. You live to serve the world as a protector, fighting off the zombies. You are one of the wolves in Group #17, you have been trained to battle, injected with the DNA, and maybe even have robotic eyes. Who knows, robotic limbs are possible too. Most wolves often have their canines replaced with razor sharp titanium. I will only allow 1 more wolf to have robotic eyes, and anyone may have robotic limbs or titanium teeth, whatever floats your boat.

We all sleep in the same area, it is a long line of roofed, large dog houses attached to one another, and the fence is electric around it, and very tall, layered on the top of it is circles of barbed wire. No wolf can really escape, not that any would really have the want or need to. The yard is rather large, with plenty of area to run around, it has a few trees and a small pond, with a large boulder halfway in it. The group has initially formed their own 'pack' ways. Though nobody is really in command, it is more as if it was a big family.

W O L V E S W I T H R O B O T I C E Y E S | 2 / 2
W O L V E S W I T H R O B O T I C L I M B S |  3
W O L V E S W I T H T I T A N I U M T E E T H |  5
M E M B E R S I N A L L |  5

" I wipe my brow and I sweat my

' You may only be accepted into the group after you have read these rules, and there will be a secret word in here, you must find it and add it into your application. If you do not have this in your application, you will not be accepted until you find the secret word.

[1] No God Modeling or Power Playing
[2] Romance is allowed among K-9s
[3] This is Mature, meaning blood, cussing, romance etc, if you can not be mature about it, get out.
[4] Yes, you will be attacking zombies, if that wasn't clear lol
[5] Fighting is allowed against each other, only if each one agrees to it, [the secret word is pancakes] and I will choose the winner depending on detail/lit.
[6] If you join, your in, that is a commitment, dont join and then never post.
[7] Nobody is perfect, add habits and weaknesses/strengths to your wolf.
[8] I may be adding more rules as I go on, feel free to ask questions.

Here is the Form; You CAN make your own, be creative! Robotic eyes is first come first serve.
Code: [Select]
[center][font=timesnewroman][size=20pt][color=#43B725].:: NAME HERE ::.[/color][/size]
[img] IMAGE HERE [/img]
[font=timesnewroman][b][color= silver][u]Name | Gender | Age[/u][/b][/center]

[color= silver][b]Robotic limbs/titanium teeth? | [/b][color=#43B725]does he/she have robotic legs or metal teeth!?

[color=silver][b]Persona |[/b][color=#43B725] A summary of your character, remember, weaknesses, strengths, habits, etc.

[color=silver][b]History |[/b][color=#43B725] Where did your character come from?

[color=silver][b]Other |[/b][color=#43B725] Anything else you want to share?

[] Feel free to post, naomi. :). []

[] V I K T O R []

" Waking up to A S H and D U S T, I wipe my brow and I sweat my R U S T."

the male stepped to the end of his bed, picking up the android phone and swiping in the screen lock. A message bubble sat patiently for his arrival, reading out the text Anika had sent back ' Of Course- ' The next bubble appeared, saying something longer, the words deciphered into 'I hardly slept, to be honest. Did you get the camera, or am I supposed to?' He thought about it for a moment before Konaan came loping in, one big paw in front of the other. It made Viktor remember a few other things he needed to pack, like dog food and whatnot. He payed his attention back to the phone and sent his reply, reading ' I will bring mine, I guess, and make sure to bring Matthius, Konaan needs a friend.' He tapped the send button and made his way down more contacts, reaching Naomi's name, and hitting his finger against the 'send message' button. ' Hey, you ready for tonight, bring Rin, btw, I feel better with more canines to protect us against the devil, of course! haha jk.' The phone let off a vibration, letting him know the message had sent. He remembered the old tent in the garage, and made his way out the door.

A loud thump pierced his ears, and dust clogged his nostrils as he threw down the old tent against the hardwood floor. It still had everything it needed to be set up. " Vot der'mo! " he shouted, the words meaning 'Oh Shit' in English translation. His Russian accent was rarely noticeable, as he had lived in America his whole life. He only ever used the language when something annoying happens, or when he is drunk. Which reminded him, beer, alcohol, you cant have a camping trip without betting faded. He remembered the half gallon of R & R he had left behind in his freezer from a few nights ago. He would for sure be taking that along with him. He payed his mind back to the old tent, and had began throwing a couple of sleeping bags and pillows on top of it.

[] I am going to go ahead and start right now, you are accepted, anyone may join in as they wish. []

[] V I K T O R []

" Tell me a story that starts with T I M E, moves to how you lived, and learn how to D I E."

A chill sent down the male's spine, he released a cough into his sleeve, and soon followed with a sneeze. He had sat at the end of his bed, slouched over and barely deciphering the text he tried to send to Anika. Today was the day they left to the hollows. He had to admit, he was scared shitless of it, but he had to experience it. He had to find out if it really was haunted. He looked closely at the message he sent, mis-spelling a few things, it made read ' You stked for todat? ready to get my demon on lol' After it had sent, he let one hand run through his brown hair. His eyes wandered to the shepherd who lay patiently waiting for his breakfast against the leg of his bed. " Morning, Konaan, hungry?" he teased, Konaan let out a bark of back-talk. Viktor let out a chuckle before making his way to the closet, gripping a pair of black jeans and a shirt of plain gray, V-neck to be exact. He threw the outfit on his blue comforter, which was bundled up on top of the white sheets that accompanied his bed. Walking over to the brown dresser and opening the top drawer, he threw a pair of plaid gray boxers and ankle-high black socks on top of the outfit.

He had finished getting dressed, and soon found himself pouring way extra dog food into Konaan's dish, in which the large dog engulfed it all into his gut anyways. He had figured it was time that he eat something for himself as well. He walked towards the silver double-door refrigerator and opened it, the sight of chocolate chip waffles excited his stomach. Moments later, he the waffles popped up from the toaster, ready to be prepared. Viktor carefully dispatched them from the toaster and onto the plate, soaking them in butter and syrup. He opened the drawer in front of him and pulled out a silver fork, stainless steel. He picked up the plate and made his way to the long white dining table, and sat in the comfortable cushioned chair, digging in to the sweet breakfast.

Finished, he set the plate in the sink after rinsing it off, and chugged a glass of cold H2O. Then remembered he had forgotten to brush his teeth, then remembered he had forgotten to even pack anything for the trip, he had an old tent in the garage, it was durable enough, though. He pushed the thought to the back of his brain, before going to check his phone for any new messages.


"Beyond the path howling can be heard in the wind,"

"Down the path, lies the darkness, the forest of sin,"

"Hovered by tree tops, and barks with horrifying grins,"

"The haunted forest, where no one should dare go in."

You have heard it all, the stories they say, of that forest. Anyone who enters, never returns, and any of they're screams can always be heard. Many people go in, thinking nothing of it, never realizing, they were to be trapped forever. Hell hounds, demons, ghosts, but no angels. This is the land where evil roams, searching for their next soul to devour. You want to find out, if all of this is true. So get together, and I'll go too. This place is empty, no animals roam, it's because they know. Their pure minds can see, the dances of the evil at night. They dance and they sing, waiting for you to fight. Don't be foolish, you have one chance. There is an escape, but the only escape, is through the gates of hell.

Gather your tents, sleeping bags too,
This night is black, that is when they attack.
Full moon rises, and your big mind resizes.
Shrink into those sleeping bags, because tonight,

Is all you have.


A group of young, foolish teenagers decide that a good adventure is to be found in the Hollow Haunted Forest of Montana. They never realized that true spirits, the ones who were too evil that not even hell wanted them, it is the place they roam. It is summer of 2014, and they decide a night in tents, in the heart of hollow forest is where their vacation is to be.The forest is a creepy place, and many rumors have been spread about it. This one group of teenagers, must find the way out, because once your in, no matter how hard you try to escape, the forest never ends, along with the evil that occupies it. Many nickname the heart of the forest, the 'Demons breeding grounds.' We are about to find out what it is all about, get ready, follow me into the world of what we all thought was simply imaginary.

"Into the forest where the human body is hell bound,"
Application form;
Image of character here
'Quote/lyrics here'

Name |
Gender |
Age |

'Quote/Lyrics Here'

Personality |
Appearance |
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Nationality |
Sexuality |

'Quote/Lyrics here'

Car |

"Victims enter the darkness wishing it was all a dream,"

'Haunted by guilty memories'

Name | Viktor Nikolaevich Guidema
Gender | Male
Age | Eighteen

'My words may sting cowards'

Personality | He has always been a very odd character, interested more in imaginary world that reality. He is always researching supernatural phenomena. he has multiple personality syndrome and 'Blake' Is his other personality's name. He often tries to hold back from Blake, but he often convinces him to do things he wished he didn't. He has a criminal record of stealing cars, and even domestic violence and having to do with drugs etc. Sometimes he has no control over Blake, but other times he can stop himself from caving in. It is a constant battle for him, and he tries to hide his multiple personality disorder from any of his friends, but it is flagrant to them all. many people just consider him a downright disgusting criminal, but those are the ones who don't know what he goes through every day.

He also sometimes leads himself to believe that he is what one would call a 'medium.' Someone who can speak to the dead. He often is accomponied by various different ghosts, everyone says it is just skystofrenia. he has to take pills for it as well, but the spirits never leave him alone. He has learned to deal with it, and even talks to them sometimes. he believes they are his guardian angels.
Appearance | Blue eyes and brown hair accompany his handesome facial features. He stands at around 6'1 and has an average male build, muscle packed in the right places. He often wears a solid colored t-shirt with some type of flannel. Blue straight fit jeans and his black and white vans. Usually seen with his black and white striped hoodie.
History| he doesn't like saying until you really get to know him.
Relationships?| Has a mother and father, and 5 sisters.
Strengths | He is very charming and can often sweet-talk anyone out of the trouble that blake gets him into. He is very in to supernatural phenomena.
Weaknesses | Blake.
Nationality |Russian
Sexuality | Straight.

'You can never avoid the voices of the voiceless'

Pet(s)?| he has german shepherd named ' Konaan' Who is his 'service' dog. he takes him everywhere.

Car | A black 2001 dodge 1500 v8 quad cab.
Other?| N/A

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:50:08 am »
Alright, dont really know much of what to start off with, but here goes. :)

|| L U C A S ||

The sudden emptiness of black faded, eyes opened to a world of foggy light. He could feel the nervous pit in his stomach, and instantly he picked himself up from the ground. His orbs focused better, and pupils reflected the scene of purely nothing but trees and fog. Moss invaded some of the foliage, yet not a bus was to be seen. Quite an odd attribute for a forest such as this one. He rubbed his eyes, not remembering how he had gotten here really. He raked one hand through his fine dark brown hair, and stood in dis-belief for a second. It felt as if his heart pounded its way out of his chest, and left the nervous feeling behind. He could sense other beings, but unfortunately fog and confusion led him nowhere.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« on: November 14, 2013, 01:53:51 am »

" I'm waking up to ash and dust. "

Name  Lucas James Stinson
Gender  Male
Age Twenty three
Personality Lucas is very subtle. He has always prefered to be alone and doing his own thing rather than with the crowd. That eventually built him up into an amazingly smart man, studying Cells and biology. He wanted to make discoveries like no other, and he did. Which led up to his murder, unfortunately.

History Lucas was what anyone would consider a nerd from kindergarten throughout highschool. Until the sudden blessings of good looks did him justice. He had became smart, and his parents already rich, he followed his dreams. He got extremely far, and at one point, discovered a new form of life. One strong enough to kill cancer cells, but he had yet to find out if they were parasitic. It was too late by the time his father had found out, and his mother was sick with cancer. He didnt give the newly found cells up, and was killed by his own father.
Family Doesn't matter anymore.
Cause of 'Death' Murdered by his father.

Glad to join! :)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:48:18 am »
I Am up for that! :)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:22:37 am »

Zephra eyed the femme with a soft gaze. She could see the pain inside of the female's pups, telling a story of abuse and mistreatment. She let out a sigh and cocked her head toward Shadow.
" it is nice to see you again, Shadow. " She lifted herself off the ground as the sound of paws approached the small group. A malamute, unknown to Zephra up until this point. She watched the malamute turn aggressive without warning, against Kystine. She stepped in front of the white wolf hybrid, in a protective stance. Watching as Shadow did the same effort of protecting the smaller femme. She always knew Shepherds were good dogs, and she was proud to flaunt it.

She watched as the malamute retreated, tail tucked underneath its sorry excuse for legs. She scoffed at the canine, and glanced towards Shadow.
" Well done, Shadow. You surely know your way around a fight. " She cocked her head and payed her attention back to the female, who looked shaken and overwhelmed with each one of our presence. She layed back down on her stomach, showing more sign of submission. She relaxed her ears, only one plopping to the side, she looked like a giant puppy at this point. Only with a metal jaw and metal teeth, and hind legs and odd colored eyes. Which had already turned back to green, looking a bit more natural than their average purple.


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