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Messages - TheFourLinks

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Updated with screens of the lioness model~

Other Games / Re: LionCave~ Realistic Lion MMORPG
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:05:43 pm »
Website has been added.

Hm.... maybe people just like wolf-resembling characters? ~Vio

Game Discussion / Re: Assumptions
« on: November 01, 2013, 10:31:48 pm »
Actually, no. They don't accuse me because it's a shared account. It's just because there is more than one account from the same IP... so what? We share an IP because we live in the same house. There is such thing as siblings and family. ._.

Though; This account is shared between me and my bros. But that's because we are an RP account of the Links. But I have had accounts on other sites in which is was not shared, and I have been accused.



Game Discussion / Re: Assumptions
« on: November 01, 2013, 04:51:25 pm »
I find it especially annoying when people accuse you and family members of being the same person. That's happened to me waaaay too many times. XD

Game Discussion / Re: Assumptions
« on: November 01, 2013, 04:08:34 am »
XDDDD I was actually called gay once because my wolf was purple... but it was purple because I was Vio Link form Four Swords! Not because I'm gay... ;w;

Game Discussion / Assumptions
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:04:00 am »
Has anyone ever had anything just... assumed about them? Things that aren't even true? Like... maybe you have a brother or a sister, or any family member, and people assume and accuse that you're the same person. Or something similar to that. Or, maybe you're a male wolf with pink hair, and people automatically assume you're gay. You know... assumptions like that.

I find it quite... irritating. Why do people just come up and assume such things?



LionCave is a realistic 3D lion MMORPG placed in an African setting. Players will be able to hunt, form prides, and raise young in a realistic environment.

Hunting will be realistic, and will involve using the stalk and then chase and kill mechanism. You will have to make sure you are close enough to have a chance, yet far enough away that it doesn't alert your prey. Bigger and more difficult prey, such as wildebeest and buffalo, will require a pride effort to bring down. The hunting animations will also be realistic, with actual biting and clawing animations. Yes, there will be a bit of blood. After the kill is made, the player can then eat the prey they brought down. You must hunt at least once every three days before beginning to starve. If you don't play the game for a month or longer, your character will die due to starvation and dehydration.

Now... onto the subject of mating. In order to have cubs, you must mate. However, there will be no actual mating animation due to the fact that I know people will be immature about it. Instead, the two characters will merely nuzzle, while the female will roll on her back and purr, pawing at the male's face while the male nuzzles her. There will also be an option in your bio to turn 'allow mating requests' on or off. To mate with someone, you must click on their avatar and send a mating request. There is an ability to make it so no one can spam you with requests by simply turning mating off.

Cubs will be actual players. When making a character, you have the choice to play as a newborn cub, or an adult. If you choose newborn cub, there will be a list of available pregnant mothers, with their activity and last login date shown. Pregnancy lasts 1 week, and the last three days are open for cubs to select the mother. The last day is the due date, but the cubs aren't born until both the mother and cubs are all online at once. If the cubs aren't born yet a week after the due date, it is a miscarriage.

Cubs must be nursed when first born, and they can't walk for the first three days of life. Just crawl. They will be weak and defenseless. After the days, they learn to walk and can play. The cannot hunt or kill until they turn into adolescents. If the mother does not feed the cubs, they will die. However, any other lioness can nurse or hunt for any cub, in the case of neglectful mothers.

Prides can be led by either a male or a female. If the leader doesn't log in for over a month, the pride is disbanded. Prides can have as many members as they want to, there is no limit. The bigger the pride is, the more successful they are. To join a pride, you can pull up a list that lists all prides that the leader is currently online in, and the pride's activity level. Select one, and send a joining request. If you are accepted, pride members will become blue dots on your minimap.

There will also be many emotes and actions you can perform, such as roaring, play-fighting, and snarling/growling.

PvP will be an option. You can have the option to turn PvP on or off. When it is off, no one can attack you. If it is on, anyone can attack you, unless they have PvP turned off. There will also be no health bar, as wounds will show on the character.


EDIT: Website added.

UPDATE: We are thinking of using this model as the base. (Since it is a lioness, we can just add a mane to make it male, and downsize and add spots to make a cub. That's why I just want a lioness, instead of getting both.)

The only problem with that model is... it's $50. Though... that is one epic looking model for $50, don't ya think? Wouldn't you wanna play a game with a lioness model like /that/?

You can find the model here:

If anyone interested in LionCave would like to help buy the model, we would be grateful. Plus... such a nice thing would not go un-repaid. We would definitely think of something to repay anyone kind enough to help us with the model, and thus the entire production of LionCave.

Praise / Re: Red~
« on: October 30, 2013, 08:50:33 pm »
Yusssss ~</3

Praise / Red~
« on: October 30, 2013, 08:00:52 pm »
Red, I know many people have been complaining about you and the way you run things... but I personally think you're awesome, and doing the best job you possibly can. Don't let anything the other members say get to you. You're the best admin I've known, and I hope you stay with us forever. You deserve the best.~


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