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Messages - Yognaught

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Game Discussion / Re: Cars on FH
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:50:44 pm »
oh my the car item

like after a while ppl spamming 'beep beep' or something gets old :P
however after seeing a full-on literate rp of cars, i have grown to love it again

Characters / Re: Blade :)
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:42:08 pm »
omg she is v cute!! i'm not familiar with the anime, but i have it on my list for things i rlly should watch one day!
great char ^^

Forum Discussion / embarrassing stuff that's happened on the forum
« on: November 11, 2015, 12:03:00 pm »
title basically says it:

what embarrassing moments have you encountered while browsing on the forums?

a few of mine:

- (this happened a while ago) accidentally uploading a dirty fanart instead of a reaction picture. i stg i nearly cried but i managed to edit it before anybody saw it

- getting corrected when your tryna make a statement.


- seeing old posts that you made that make you cr i  ng e

so. any embarrassing encounters you've come across? i'd like to hear!!

Game Discussion / Re: Your Thoughts About Feral-Heart?
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:49:24 am »
what i love about FH:

- the ability to customize freely, whether it just be random markings, or making presets (or items!!)
- the fact its a doge/cat game
- the community! we're all here for one reason: to play with cats/dogs and i think thats rlly cool.
- the ability to create maps/presets/markings/items


- the not very nice side of the community. now, this isn't mate-beggers, or powerplayers but the players that constantly ridicule and bash others, intentionally break rules, enforce certain 'laws' on people.
- the derpiness of the models sometimes.

Game Discussion / Re: People pointing out other's ''mistakes''
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:53:30 pm »
yeah, lol.
if people took a more friendly approach, i stg people would listen more.
after all, people dont learn if someone does not teach.

Game Discussion / Re: People pointing out other's ''mistakes''
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:07:17 am »
i feel as if, it's okay to point out people's mistakes if you do so correctly.
this goes for character creation/art/roleplay

if you're going about it insultingly, and making them feel bad, then it's not okay.

if you approach it with a more friendly tone, maybe pointing out their mistake, but pointing out a good aspect and then some tips on how they could improve should be a proper way to do it.

now; when it comes to a roleplay that requires a 'realistic' factor (however most of them claim to be realistic yet have items n' stuff???? but thats for another time) then it's understandable if you turn them down, lightly.

Game Help / Re: Terrain.cfg won't load?
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:42:55 am »
yeah, i literally can't see the whole 'revert back to an earlier point' when i right-click. i'm workin' on a windows 8.1 laptop so i'm not sure if our systems are the same. i've deleted the meshes, and it still won't load up.

i don't think it's too do with what i put in the map, moreso that maybe i've tampered with a file unknowlingly?? idk

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Tagging?
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:22:03 am »
i'd love to see this happen! it'd be so much easier, and there could be a possible notification box somewhere like 'you got tagged!' obviously not that casual but it's still a thought.

Game Help / Re: Terrain.cfg won't load?
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:03:35 am »
hmm, i don't think i've tried modify the actual file itself??? but when i looked today in 'properties' it said someone modified it yesterday? i could've done somethin', however my memory isnt the best so i'm not so sure.

and about the reverting back to an earlier point, nothing like that shows up for me?? i've looked everywhere, and it may just work because i did attempt to place some dodgy meshes into map before all this happened.

Game Help / Terrain.cfg won't load?
« on: October 27, 2015, 09:56:02 am »

hey, so i've been working on a map for a few days now and i was almost finished, just addin' the few extras before i exported and when i came to open it today,

it told me the terrain.cfg wasn't working? i've assured that all my files are in the correct place, and named correctly yet there is still a problem?

kinda confused and upset since the map was workin' fine before.

if someone could offer help it'd be greatly appreciated!!!

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