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Messages - Killjoy.

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[Also, just a head's up, I'm going to be gone Saturday and Sunday. I can try to post from my phone, but it is highly unlikely. It's an important family matter and I will be gone for the entirety of these two days. I apologize to Teddy and the group [and will honestly try to post from my phone] in advance, and if I do not get the chance to post from my phone, I'll make one massive "catch-up" post when I return sometime Monday.]

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

For a good minute or so, Remington had watched, head slightly tilted towards the heavens, and arms limply at their sides of his lanky physique. Navy blue eyes squinted, scruitinized the buildings, the crumbling asphalt, the dead city in it's entirety. However, Teddy pulled Remington from his frivilous thoughts about the city, and his head returned to it's slightly bent downwards, eyes sullen behind glasses, and lips drawn in a content manner. The more subdue demeanors of Remington.

"We should check some of the buildings that are still standing. Maybe one of us will get lucky." He mused casually, giving his stiff shoulders a roll. Listening to the group talk about meeting back up, Remington gave them a small, thoughtful nod. With his hat within his fist, and glasses now perched atop his messy black hair, he gave a small wave with his free hand. "See you on the flip side." He commented ominously, although, only meant it as humor. Going into a slight jog to catch up with Teddy, Remington fell into stride with him once beside him.

"I have a theory." He commented, when a bit of way's distance from the group. His eyes kept ahead of him, peeled, in  cautionary fashion. His glasses left everything in a colored tint, which actually made the city look much less dull and lifeless. "Do you really think they'd let us die?" Remington would question after a few moments of silence, his speech obviously not believing the hocus pocus the doctors spew, although, the question, it was obvious it was rhetorical. "I'd like to think that since they went through the trouble of making us," He gestured between himself and Teddy, "this way, that they would at least care. Possibly that's what the trackers are for. To make sure we're okay. I mean, I can only imagine how expensive we are." Perhaps this was the longest Remington had ever talked to anyone besides himself. Kicking up some pieces of asphalt, Remington kept a steady pace as they continued.

Pausing besides a beaten up diner, some ways away from the group, he gestured towards it with a tilt of his head. "We should still take their word on that wolf 'n' pup thing, though. Just to play it safe." Remington's slight jersey accent seeped through, and he gave a small hum, approaching the diner. If any place had food, this would be their best bet. While not particularly being hungry just yet, he could imagine by sundown, when the subjects regrouped, someone would be.  


"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

Focusing his attention on Kennedy as she spoke, Quinn gave a soft, lopsided smile, and nodded once she was done. "I was an engineer, had a band on the weekends, nothing special." He commented with an endearing, sheepish smile. Straightening himself up against the wall, Sweet Pea went to investigate the youngster canine. The greyhound was very tolerant and sweet, hence the name. She crouched, lowering her skinny phsyique into a playful stance, shifting between her left and right, her thin tail wagging happily; an invitation to play.

Quinn watched Sweet Pea for a few moments before fixiating himself back onto the group. Breaking off another piece of chocolate and popping it into his mouth, Quinn offered a small chuckle. "Didn't really think there was any humanity left. These other groups- scattered mostly- can be.. well, not like you guys, I'll put it like that." Quinn commented, his eyes widening in fear and angst for a moment, before shaking his head.

Sorry to be misleading? I said "looked towards Kennedy" xD
The first was to Tonx, but the last question was for Kennedy. ))


Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy, Nervous
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

As the engine hummed to life, and the feeling of the aircraft being lifted off of the ground, a swarm of butterflies awoke in his stomach. Letting out a soft wheezing like sound, which soon escalated into a cough, Remington's navy blue eyes watered, before soon after, he composed himself. "Sorry." He commented, more so to himself, as the aircraft leveled itself once more, now flying at a steady pace. It was an odd feeling, to fly. Remington has never been in a plane before, so, this experience was.. terrible, to be quite honest. For the most part, he kept his head tilted down, his eyes casted onto his black sneakers, focusing on them to distract himself from his nerves.

Once the aircraft came to a stop, landing with a soft jolt of it's entirety , Remington let out a breath of relief. As soon as humanly possible, Remington whistled for a nurse to come over and unbuckle him. With an annoyed look, the nurse quickly unbuckled Remington, in which he quickly sprung up from his seat. With a quickness, he ventured outside.

A soft "Oh." escaped Remington as he took in the scenery with wide, navy blue eyes. The buildings seemed to be eaten away by either ash or vegetation. The asphalt was upturned in most places, potholes and missing patches littering the streets. With a tilt upwards, he examined the dull, heather gray sky. It looked as if it was about to rain. A small, bittersweet smile upturned his lips. "How ironic." Remington commented lightly, trying to lighten the mood- even if he, too, was extremely apprehensive  about this whole ordeal.

Now, a doctor had emerged from the aircraft as well, and Remington was very much so tempted to grab him by the throat and scream curses at him and his children. But, he didn't. He listened with a obvious scowl on his features. "You're going to leave us out here with nothing? No food, clothes, or anything to protect ourselves with whatever might be out there?" Remington questioned boldly, his voice harsh and angered, as his arm flew out to motion to the crumbling city. What a disaster.

A irritated huff escaped him, however, he decided it would be best to simmer down and listen. Their information could be valuable, seeing as the subjects knew little to nothing about this city, or what they planned on doing to us in here. Survival? A city a week's worth of walking away? Not to mention, the wolf mother and pup thing. Standing besides Teddy, Remington gave a soft grunt, instantly feeling a weight on his shoulders. "Just call me 'Mother Wolf Rem' okay?" He teased, trying to add a bit of humor to the situation. Hopefully, it wasn't in vain.

Looking down at Teddy with a soft, pained look, he tilted his head, trying to offer up a small smile. "Don't worry, Ted. We've got this." He commented softly, shaking his head in reassurance- towards himself or Teddy who he was trying to reassure, he wasn't entirely sure. Now, looking back up towards the doctor, awaiting to see if they had anything else to announce before the subjects were put to the test.


"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

Quinn gave a small sympathtic smile, his honey-green eyes noticing the sad look within Tonx's eyes. With a soft tilt of his head, a curious expression washed over his features. Like a small child trying to figure something out, Quinn's soft voice chirped out. "How're you dealing with all of this? You're managing it fine?" He questioned softly, only inquiring out of worry- despite just meeting the pregnant Tonx. It was a instinct he had, to protect.

As the other woman approached, Quinn observed her quietly for a moment. She radiated the word survivor. He gave her a soft, warm smile, before tilting his gaze back down towards Sweet Pea. The greyhound had sat upright, now shoulder length against her master, her muzzle resting on his shoulder. Looking back up towards the lady, Kennedy, and he couldn't help but question. "So, er- What did you do before this whole.. thing?"


"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

As Donald raised his fist to playfully punch Quinn, he flinched suddenly, before realizing what it was. A soft sigh escaped him, and his hand traveled to the back of his neck, giving it a small rub; something he did when he was embarrassed or nervous. Despite all of this, Donald's relaxed and playful demeanor was refreshing, if anything.

His honey-green eyes focused on, Tonx, was it? "How far along are you?" He questioned carefully, trying not to step on any cracks in the ice with this new group. Sweet Pea perked her head up, watching the other canine's with curiosity, however, still held up that sliver of a guard; some self preservation, if anything.


Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

A soft chuckle errupted from Remington, seeing as his joke amused Teddy. Well, at least one of the brother's didn't want to strangle him. However, this was Teddy, it was just in his nature to like everybody. It was refreshing, to say the least. Yet again, his wrist was snatched away by Teddy, and he was pulled into the futuristic aircraft that very much reminded Remington of several hundred video games. The adolescent tentatively lookeda about, his navy blue eyes going wide. For a moment, he looked like a deer in the headlights. Thank goodness for his hat casting shadows over his features, for he would truly get some odd stares for such a confused reaction.

Soon after regaining his composure, Remington was ushured to a chair besides Teddy. Smoothing out his kimono and shirt which contained many holes in it, the nurse then asked Remington if he, too, would like a new shirt. With a small, sarcastic scoff, Remington declined with a soft glare. Once sitting in the chair, he placed the hat under the seat, and returned his glasses to atop his head, to keep the mess of black hair atop his head from getting in his eyes.

Looking over at Teddy, now too secured in the X-across seatbelt, Remington furrowed his eyebrows lightly. "Yeah," He said with a slightly nervous chuckle, "let's hope not." However, Remington felt his stomach churn. His powers didn't directly revolve around survival... Which left a bad taste in his mouth.

(Waiting for Teddy before I post.)


Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Navy blue eyes narrowed onto Teddy, and his palm reached the back of his neck, giving it a rub. It was quite obvious the male was uncomfortable and warry, more so the latter. At Teddy's sudden offer, Remington looked a bit surpised, but grateful, more than anything. "Oh, sur-" His voice was cut off at his hand being grabbed and held; pulled off, following along  with the crowd of partnered up subjects. A confused expression washed over Remington's pale features, not exactly used to any form of physical conact. It was a seemingly foreign subject to him.

Now, being pulled onto the roof, Remington watched as several subjects ahead of him were stabbed in their necks with chips, and hideous, mukticolored bracelets. And before he knew it, a chip was being inserted into his neck. He inhaled sharply, his body tensing at the sudden pain. He has never been a fan of needles, either. And as the nurse attempted to slap the metallic and orange bracelet onto Remington's wrist, he recoiled sharply, stepping behind Tedd. "Oh no. That does not match my outfit- first of all- second of all,-" His voice was cut off with the nurse forcefully grabbing his wrist and placing the bracelet on tightly. As the nurse moved on, Remington turned towards Teddy, giving him a curious glance. "Where do you think they're dumping us?"


"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

Quinn's hazel eyes lit up with excitement, tentatively taking the chocolate. "Woah, thanks man!" He exclaimed, a lopsided smile falling on his lips. His fingers broke the chocolate packaging quickly, breaking off a piece, and popping it into his mouth. A small, amused chuckle escaped him, and he shook his head sheepishly. "Nobody should be this happy to have chocolate. Sorry."

Watching the other two, who seemed pretty isolated from the group, Quinn arched an eyebrow at the duo. "Thanks again." He said, still proudly wearing the lopsided smile. Quickly popping another piece of dark chocolate into his mouth, Quinn let his gaze fall to Sweet Pea on his lap, just watching with her round hound eyes.

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