Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51221 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #120 on: July 08, 2015, 12:31:34 am »

Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

The ride alone was compact full of bumps and shivers within the craft's solid frame, but the one thing that caught Thomas' attention for the majority of the ride, was Jess' consistent foot tapping. Her nervousness and anxiety built within her as she tapped for the major part of the ride. Tom made a note not to comment, seeing that the girl appeared truly bothered, and the tapping was nothing compared to the constant rumbling if the engines.

It was a short experience as they landed, Tom furrowing his brow at the craft's lack of windows, blocking his view from their environment. The seatbelts unbuckled, and the doctor motioned for them to follow. Tom stood, his eyes glancing to Jess, watching to see if she followed, before continuing off the ramp and off the craft. Immediately his eyes glanced about.

The sun which morphed the world into an easy bake oven half an hour before now hid behind a thick blanket of dark grey clouds, casting a veil of dim shadows on the land around them. They seemed to stand in the midst of an abandoned city, its buildings decaying and falling to black, charred, and rusted ruins. "As large as New York City and as older than it.." the doctor announced

Tom gazed about, listening yet not paying attention. Tom had a knack for that. The group exited the plane and stood on the ground, whilst the doctor made himself comfortable standing on the edge of the craft, watching uneasily. "It was called Greevehale. It was booming with people, inventions. Sadly, it was a target and a nuclear plant was bombed. The city was evacuated but not before fires and mobs broke out. It's been empty ever since. The radioactivity is harmless now, but it still has a haunted feel.."

Tom stepped away from the group, his feet crunching the loose chunks of road and concrete painting the ground as he glanced about at the half standing sky scrapers. The wind picked up, carrying an odd scent of rust and decay. Furrowing his brows, Tom's eyes landed on a small window cracked and shattered over its edges. A small movement caught his eye, but Was quickly ignored as the doctor began retreating onto the ship again. "You're next task, is to survive this. Make it to the next city which is About..a weeks travel by foot, a small town called HaydenHall. No vehicles work in this roads for miles, forests made sure to destroy any leading in and out of the city."

Tom turned on his heels, watching as the doctor walked further into the plane. Stomping through the group, he ground his teeth in annoyance, "Your leaving us in this bloody place? We've been prodded and tested just to be dumped in a..a damned wanna be New York?" The doctor paused, lifting a finger, "Last bit of advice, keep your partner matter what. A support system is one of the strongest weapons alive..those tracking chips implanted in you all..well lets say they're intertwined with your chosen partner."

Thomas' mind wandered to Jess, the girl was anxious, quiet, shy..but she had a spark unlike any he'd seen. She was tough, that was for sure, but intertwined? what means? "You all are weak alone but together you are godly..though you may seem strong as a single being, perhaps it is your smaller, seemingly weaker partner who is stronger. Out in the wild, once a mother wolf dies her pups are almost always doomed to the same fate..sadly mother wolves often die attempting to protect their pups.." The doctor's words rang through the air,

 "Mykael, Finn, Theodore, and Thomas if any of you die your partner will are the pups. However the other devices are set to wire and release a toxin into the blood stream of its owner once its partners heart stops. So, Jessamine, Rylee, Remington, and Simone..if any of you die your partner will as well..the mothers..the partner system is so damning, really. Pups, i suggest you care for your mothers, without then youre dead. Mothers, watch your pups,..without them you are utterlt alone. Oh, one more thing, rip the device out and you'll bleed to death, no matter your healing powers. We created them, we know their weaknesses."

And for once in his life, the deeply in need of anger-management Thomas, stood speechless as the doctor boarded the ship. Even as the craft disappeared into the sky, leaving them standing amongst the fallen city, he stood frozen in place. Suddenly, his eyes slid over and his head swiveled to land on Jessamine. He seemed neither annoyed or angry, yet neither happy nor contempt. Back home, Michael was always fearful of Thomas when he couldn't pin point his current attitude. Yet, Thomas gazed at her with What seemed like worry, for not only her or him, for them as a whole.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #121 on: July 08, 2015, 01:52:06 am »

Finn Collins

Finn rolled his eyes at Simone's response, his harsh frown softening slightly as they boarded the ship. Before he had the chance to sit down, a new nurse arrived in front of him holding a simple white v neck, some socks, and his dusty and worn boots. Giving her a grateful nod, Finn took the items and bent down, pulling the socks onto his feet before lacing up the boots around them. Finn then put on the shirt, which was a tad too small so it clung to him like a second skin. Grunting he sat down next to Sim, who had already caged Takhar and was strapped into her seat. After being seat belted, he turned to his partner and smiled softly "Do you think Takhar will be okay flying?" he asked as the plane took off. The metal beast rose with a shudder, causing Finn's stomach to drop slightly, from his few experiences flying before entering the project, he knew he was not good with aircraft of any type. All noises in the ship were soon became fuzzy and blurred as Finn attempted to keep his meals down, quietly groaning as the craft bumped and shuddered it's way through the sky.

When the aircraft finally landed, Finn jumped out of the seat onto wobbly legs and darted out into the open, relishing in the open air. It was no longer sunny, but overcast and gray, a perfect atmosphere for the occasion. He glanced around at the crumbling buildings and twisted ruins, a not so deserted city with it's many of it's inhabitants still strewn out across the ground in either the form of ash or charred bones. Feeling the shiver crawl up his back, Finn turned his attention back to the doctor who spoke of the city's history and how the newly formed partners were now connected. The man grit his teeth slightly as the doctor spewed about the mother wolves and their pups, and how the pup's fate completely relied on the survival of the mother. He looked at Simone and gave her a reassuring smile, but it faded as the air craft took off and they were left alone in the desolate ruins of the massive city.

Teddy Collinso

Teddy winced as the aircraft jolted into motion, casting a worried glance at Finn who in most cases, liked to keep his feet on the ground. He closed his eyes and listened to his surroundings, taking in Jessamine's foot tapping, Finn's soft groans, and the occasional quiet growl from Sim's tiger who had been put in a cage for the flight. Looking over at Remington, Teddy frowned lightly, neither of their powers were exactly beneficial in a survival situation, but he was confident they would make it anyway. The boy sighed and closed his eyes for the remained of the flight, flinching at every bump and shudder the craft produced until it finally landed.

Stepping out into the dim sunlight Teddy scanned his eyes over his surroundings, gray buildings standing like crumbling skeletons against the cloudy sky. He shuddered and mumbled a few ancient blessings he had read in an old text book before turning to Remington. "What a view, am I right?" he said sarcastically giving the other boy a light hearted chuckle as the doctor began speaking again. Teddy listened closely to the man's words, wanting to give Rem and himself the most information and hopefully something to make up for the fact that neither of them had survival based powers. When the doctor had finally finished, Teddy grinned at Remington. "So I'm the pup. I can't survive without you, but you can survive without me." he paused and rubbed his hands "It looks like I will be the one who does the dangerous stuff in this little road trip." As the aircraft took off again, leaving the subjects to themselves, Teddy readjusted his beanie. "Try not to die." he told Rem quietly with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #122 on: July 08, 2015, 03:44:47 am »

Health: 9/10

Psionic blast:
The ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss or lack of consciousness.
? Cold and Ice manipulation:
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.

Once everyone had finally been loaded onto the aircraft, a few nurses came around and buckled everyone in their seats. The first few minutes of the ride were bumpy and unsettling for Rylee. There was a time of smooth flying but it didn't last long, as they returned to a bumpy ride. It had to have been a great deal of time since they had lifted off, or at least it felt like it. Everyone in the aircraft was mainly quiet, aside from the comment of someone talking to their partner every now and then.

Looking around the aircraft, Rylee was disappointed by the lack of windows. She wondered many things like; 'Where are they taking us?', 'Are they letting us go?' things of that area. After a few more minutes, the aircraft started to land on the ground. With a short jolt, they were on the ground in an unknown place. Quickly, Swan went to undo her buckle and get out of the aircraft. Expecting to see blinding sunlight, Rylee squinted her eyes only to see a grey sky, and a rather depressing sky at that.
"What the hell...?" She spoke to herself as she saw the outline of a crumbling city, it was large and looking like a complete dump, falling buildings, half skyscrapers, it looked like something out of a movie. Once everyone us out into the clearing, the doctor started to speak. As she listened, the more confused Swan became. Wolf mothers? Pups? After the doctor had finished explaining, Rylee finally grasped what the doctor was explaining. As some of the others looked confused or just annoyed by the doctor, he left with the other doctors and nurses, leaving her and the rest of the group alone. "What a load of bull..." Swan muttered to herself. So they had to find a city and be on their own, some with no survival experience or common sense. Rylee looked towards her partner and only said a short sentence, "Let's make a rule that neither of us are allowed to die, deal?"


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #123 on: July 08, 2015, 05:37:07 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy, Nervous
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

As the engine hummed to life, and the feeling of the aircraft being lifted off of the ground, a swarm of butterflies awoke in his stomach. Letting out a soft wheezing like sound, which soon escalated into a cough, Remington's navy blue eyes watered, before soon after, he composed himself. "Sorry." He commented, more so to himself, as the aircraft leveled itself once more, now flying at a steady pace. It was an odd feeling, to fly. Remington has never been in a plane before, so, this experience was.. terrible, to be quite honest. For the most part, he kept his head tilted down, his eyes casted onto his black sneakers, focusing on them to distract himself from his nerves.

Once the aircraft came to a stop, landing with a soft jolt of it's entirety , Remington let out a breath of relief. As soon as humanly possible, Remington whistled for a nurse to come over and unbuckle him. With an annoyed look, the nurse quickly unbuckled Remington, in which he quickly sprung up from his seat. With a quickness, he ventured outside.

A soft "Oh." escaped Remington as he took in the scenery with wide, navy blue eyes. The buildings seemed to be eaten away by either ash or vegetation. The asphalt was upturned in most places, potholes and missing patches littering the streets. With a tilt upwards, he examined the dull, heather gray sky. It looked as if it was about to rain. A small, bittersweet smile upturned his lips. "How ironic." Remington commented lightly, trying to lighten the mood- even if he, too, was extremely apprehensive  about this whole ordeal.

Now, a doctor had emerged from the aircraft as well, and Remington was very much so tempted to grab him by the throat and scream curses at him and his children. But, he didn't. He listened with a obvious scowl on his features. "You're going to leave us out here with nothing? No food, clothes, or anything to protect ourselves with whatever might be out there?" Remington questioned boldly, his voice harsh and angered, as his arm flew out to motion to the crumbling city. What a disaster.

A irritated huff escaped him, however, he decided it would be best to simmer down and listen. Their information could be valuable, seeing as the subjects knew little to nothing about this city, or what they planned on doing to us in here. Survival? A city a week's worth of walking away? Not to mention, the wolf mother and pup thing. Standing besides Teddy, Remington gave a soft grunt, instantly feeling a weight on his shoulders. "Just call me 'Mother Wolf Rem' okay?" He teased, trying to add a bit of humor to the situation. Hopefully, it wasn't in vain.

Looking down at Teddy with a soft, pained look, he tilted his head, trying to offer up a small smile. "Don't worry, Ted. We've got this." He commented softly, shaking his head in reassurance- towards himself or Teddy who he was trying to reassure, he wasn't entirely sure. Now, looking back up towards the doctor, awaiting to see if they had anything else to announce before the subjects were put to the test.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 09:07:19 pm by -Killjoy- »

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #124 on: July 08, 2015, 10:32:13 pm »

Simone Howey

As the craft lifted in to the air Simone would let out a quiet huff, her attention turning to a few of the subjects as they sat there almost in silence, most seeming sick and irritated. Placing her head back on the seat she'd cross over her legs, allowing her leg to freely bob up and down. The silence was suddenly broke as a voice to her left caught her attention. Peeling her lids up she'd glance at the lad, not really saying anything as she glanced back at the striped feline, listening to him letting out low, rasped growls. Sighing she'd shrug her shoulders "I'm not sure, hopefully he'll be fine ..." she'd mutter casting the lad a friendly smile. It was only a matter of time until the aircraft came to a sudden jerk, causing the lass the jerk forward in her seat. Scowling slightly she'd run her hand through her hair, pushing it off of her face. Feeling the craft lower she'd glance around the shit quickly, until it came to a sudden halt and the doors were open. Sitting back she allowed the nurse to undo her belt, Simone didn't really wait and darted up, heading in to the back of the craft and opening the cage, petting the tiger as he came out. Clipping the leash on to his collar she'd lead him out, although he seemed a little wary, Takhar was doing fine. Unboarding the craft she looked around.

Were the heck were they? This didn't look like New York, but a crappy remake of the city. Furrowing her brows the brunette shot a glance to Finn and then the doctor, listening what he had to say. Great, they were going to be left here after all of the days of being poked and prodded with needles as well as a whole load of stress. Rolling her eyes she'd look around "And what are we supposed to eat? We'll starve out here!" she'd speak up, narrowing her eyes, not being entirely up for this, but she did enjoy a challenge. Looking towards Teddy and Remington, she'd turn back to Finn with a faint smile, slowly making her way towards her partner "Looks like you have to look after me, kid ..." she'd speak sarcastically, raising a brow at the tattooed lad, before looking back at the doctors, some seeming to have already boarded the aircraft.  

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #125 on: July 10, 2015, 01:14:32 pm »
[Awaiting Sherlolly]
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline seopard

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #126 on: July 10, 2015, 01:40:33 pm »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #127 on: July 10, 2015, 07:26:20 pm »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

Jess was one of the last subjects to exit the aircraft after yet some more problems with her seatbelt. Her hands had been shaking so badly that she had to attract one of the nurses on the plane to undo it for her, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment. Gliding into the sunlight to catch up with the others, she couldn't help but cringe from the heat emitted from the hot sun. Taking a second to adjust to the brightness, her mouth formed an 'o' of surprise and awe for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. The ruins of what once must have been a beautiful city gleamed in an ominous manner in the afternoon light. A part of her mind registered what the doctor was saying to the group, whereas the rest was calculating the likelihood of their survival. No food, no clothes, and no weapons apart from themselves? The chances were pretty grim.

Wait...what? The last words of the doctor had just sunken in when the deafening roar from the engines of the aircraft signalled its departure. Despite their current situation, Jessamine felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders at the absence of the constant watch of the sanctuary. She allowed her eyes to meet the gaze of Thomas's, a surge of guilt consumed her as she realised that her life would now be woven into his. She would not let the consequences of her actions effect him too; squaring her shoulders, her guilt was soon replaced with courage similar to that in which she had felt earlier with the pervert doctor. Taking a few steps towards her partner, she allowed a reassuring smile to reach her features. She would be brave for the two of them, she decided.

Her ears picked up the group's conversations and her mind instantly agreed with Finn's idea. Jess was not sure if the others were interested in staying together as a group, but it would surely be beneficial for them to put their brains and talents together. "Food and shelter might be in the city." A voice escaped her lips without it meaning to and she pursed them together, not used to the fact that others would be hearing her opinion. She, of course, still had her worries about the city and what other inhabitants there might be. The brunette's guard was up higher than ever now that she had multiple lives in her hands. The thought sent yet another wave of self-confidence running through her. Oddly enough, this responsibility seemed to have ignited the once-lost fire in her heart that she felt when she had someone to look after.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #128 on: July 10, 2015, 08:19:47 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

Her voice had slipped past her usually still lips, but Thomas couldn't glance at her baffled. His eyes were already on her, pondering the smile of confidence and reassurance she had just offered him. Now with this sudden outburst of ideas, Thomas allowed her feminine and gentle voice to sink in. The city would offer shelter at the of natural flavours due to the lack of human touch for so many years Thomas doubted a nice bag of chips would be laying about. His eyes finally slid away from Jess and to the others, "I agree." He announced, his 'R' purring with his familiar accent and tone, "Splitting up now is exactly what they desire from us..I propose we do as Finn says, but Jessamine is right. We might have a better opportunity within the city's limits."

A sudden noise echoed along the buildings and rubble among the streets, reaching the group with a shuffle and bang. Something had knocked something large over.

Or something large knocked something over.

Tom's head shot around, his eyes piercing along the buildings. "Splitting up sounds horrid..but we might have a better chance of finding anything useful this way. If we remain by our partners..we could meet back here by sundown..and spend the night in that cafe." Tom's finger flicked to a small, subtle cafe dusted and shoved between two collapsed buildings. Worry shot through Tom's mind, tomorrow they would begin a journey that none knew how to take..or where it would lead them.

The sudden intertwining of his and Jess' survival weighed him down, without her he was certainly dead, without him..well who knew. Tom felt a sudden wave of uselessness and vulnerability, he depended on her. Yet, once he glanced over to her massive doe-like eyes, his tongue slipped, "We'll be fine." He muttered, his words spoken out loud but obviously meant to reassure her of any worries. They'd be fine. He'd make sure of it..and by her newest sense of confidence, she would too.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #129 on: July 10, 2015, 10:32:18 pm »
[Also, just a head's up, I'm going to be gone Saturday and Sunday. I can try to post from my phone, but it is highly unlikely. It's an important family matter and I will be gone for the entirety of these two days. I apologize to Teddy and the group [and will honestly try to post from my phone] in advance, and if I do not get the chance to post from my phone, I'll make one massive "catch-up" post when I return sometime Monday.]

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

For a good minute or so, Remington had watched, head slightly tilted towards the heavens, and arms limply at their sides of his lanky physique. Navy blue eyes squinted, scruitinized the buildings, the crumbling asphalt, the dead city in it's entirety. However, Teddy pulled Remington from his frivilous thoughts about the city, and his head returned to it's slightly bent downwards, eyes sullen behind glasses, and lips drawn in a content manner. The more subdue demeanors of Remington.

"We should check some of the buildings that are still standing. Maybe one of us will get lucky." He mused casually, giving his stiff shoulders a roll. Listening to the group talk about meeting back up, Remington gave them a small, thoughtful nod. With his hat within his fist, and glasses now perched atop his messy black hair, he gave a small wave with his free hand. "See you on the flip side." He commented ominously, although, only meant it as humor. Going into a slight jog to catch up with Teddy, Remington fell into stride with him once beside him.

"I have a theory." He commented, when a bit of way's distance from the group. His eyes kept ahead of him, peeled, in  cautionary fashion. His glasses left everything in a colored tint, which actually made the city look much less dull and lifeless. "Do you really think they'd let us die?" Remington would question after a few moments of silence, his speech obviously not believing the hocus pocus the doctors spew, although, the question, it was obvious it was rhetorical. "I'd like to think that since they went through the trouble of making us," He gestured between himself and Teddy, "this way, that they would at least care. Possibly that's what the trackers are for. To make sure we're okay. I mean, I can only imagine how expensive we are." Perhaps this was the longest Remington had ever talked to anyone besides himself. Kicking up some pieces of asphalt, Remington kept a steady pace as they continued.

Pausing besides a beaten up diner, some ways away from the group, he gestured towards it with a tilt of his head. "We should still take their word on that wolf 'n' pup thing, though. Just to play it safe." Remington's slight jersey accent seeped through, and he gave a small hum, approaching the diner. If any place had food, this would be their best bet. While not particularly being hungry just yet, he could imagine by sundown, when the subjects regrouped, someone would be.  
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 10:38:16 pm by -Killjoy- »