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Messages - FableTheWolf

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- Your in-game name:FableTheWolf
- Lion's name: Garder
- Gender: Male
- Age: cub-adolesent
- Preferred rank:Spy


Character: he is a little young, so he's kinda silly. He'll defend his friends, and unfortunatly seems to have run-ins with the Sir, the soldier. Constantly teasing for humor, he is also very curious, which is why he wants to become a spy: putting his bad-habits to work for the pride.
No one knows his family history: he doesnt talk about it....almost like he doesnt have one...

Rp sample: *crawls away* Noooo leave me alone!
EX 2: *looks out to the horizon and the snow* Hehe this place is so nice!

Ex 3: *laughs as he watches the soldier* Hehe do you have a new girlfriend?

 Your in-game name:FableTheWolf
- Lion's name: Garder
- Gender: Male
- Age: Teen
- Preferred rank: Prince XD but Spy will do

Character: Garder is a young lion with some interesting attitudes. He would stick up for his friends, but he seems a bit cutset and noisy most of the time. Is very curious, and that way he usually finds secrets, which is why he wants to be a spy: using his habits as a way to hep the pride. Naturally he is very formal to his leaders: the Lord and Sir. Garden trys to be silly because he figuers that life is no good being serious all the time.

Finished Maps / Re: V1.06 - WhiteLands (Complete) Public
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:34:03 pm »
XD Yay i love this map! I'm the Black Lion Garder: hehe I want to use the playground too!

XD yay someone with recent L3DT knowledge!
Question: this creates hills and craters and stuff right? Well then do you know anything about terrains masks and/or how it works with the heightmaps?

Anyone familiar with my posts should know that they get answered within a few minutes of posting and I never reply. Regardless here's my question to you:

In some custom maps I've seen there are hills and some areas of the map have (ex rock terrian in a grass map). I really want to know how to do that for my maps. Another question: how do you make custom objects?

Thank you!

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart won't open after unexpected power outage!
« on: July 02, 2011, 12:23:10 am »
XD Yay thanks guys it worked!!!

Both of you: Ive tried that, and i cant backup FH files for some reason.

XD And plus a user on FH that I met helped me with the problem. Thanks anyways!

Game Help / Feral Heart won't open after unexpected power outage!
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:32:56 pm »
We had a power outage when I was in the middle of playing FH. After it came on and I tried to open it again, this is the message that came up:

An expection has occured!

ORGE EXPECTION(4:ItemIdentityExeption): ParticleSystem template with name 'WaterSplash' already exists in
ParticleSystemManager::createTemplate at c:/Orge_161_tag/OrgeMain/src/OrgeParticleSystemManager.cpp (line 273)


I've rebooted, tried installing the game again, running the program 1 thousand times...nothing is working. I thought it listed a file in the C drive, so i went to go see if I can find it and I can't....what has happened to my game?!?!?!

For some time i've been aware that when I installed FH it didn't give me an exports folder. It bothers me, but it only affects the fact I can't export anything out of FH: with the new update I can get maps in now. 'Eternal Justice says that I have to reinstall the game and hope for the best, but I really don't want to lose everything.
Is there a better way to do this?

However, I DO know one way to fix it, but I need the MOD who made the game to help me. It'll change exporting, and I don't really think that is going to happen anytime soon. So please: help!

I downloaded a map a few days ago. The file is a .fhm. According to my friend who helped me get the map, it goes in the exports folder. HOWEVER: with other maps i've downloaded they've been .fhz and they've worked in my 'media', 'terrain' folder. I really want this map, and no one i can find seems to be able to answer, yet I am not searching too too broadly. PLEASE HELP I REALLY WANT THIS MAP!!!!

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