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Messages - LemurSplendida

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Member Bio & Journals / Toasted-Waffle's Bio!~
« on: March 09, 2019, 03:30:17 pm »
Once again, I accidentally send this before it was ready! x"D
Hey y'all! The name's Toasted-Waffles, or Waffles for short. Here's a little bit about myself and what I like and don't like! c:


Honestly, My whole FH story is a few years back I wanted to join but registration was closed. I checked back a few years later and it was open, so I registered. the end.

My Favorite Things!~
~I love music! It really inspires me.

~Drawing! It gets my mind off things when nothing else does!

~TEXAS! I'm so proud to live in the greatest state on earth <3

~ANIMALS! Ever since I was really little I have adored all kinds of creatures.

~Star Wars. Oh gosh, where do I start with this?? WHY DOES EVERYONE WANNA GO BACK TO JAKKU?!

~Marvel. I've grown up with Marvel, I simply adore each and every character ;v;

~Portal 2 (even if it sizzles my brain and feels sometimes)

~Ice cream <33 oooh, sweet creamy goodness! It's my weakness, seriously.

~Winter/Christmas. I love cuddling up with my family and watching Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate c:

~My doggo <333 He's been honestly like a brother to me. My whole life he's been by my side <3

~Hockey! I've only just grown an interest for it since last year, but now I'm hardcore. Be Loud, Wear Green, Go Stars. Yes, I'm a Stars fan. Yes, our team is really quirky, but I love each and every one of my boysss~

DC Comics. Right now I think I'm sticking to DC comics over Marvel, just as long as they don't KILL OFF EVERY ONE OF THEIR CHARACTERS AND STOP MAKING MOVIES

Nancy Drew games. Ever since I was six I loved the games, and I still do. They've taught me everything I know now, like Greek mythology and cloud formations. My favorite game and first game I ever owned is Labyrinth of Lies, whom I drew each character up at the top of my bio!~

Things I DON'T like!

+SPIDERS! Those creepy little things! One actually dangled down in my face while we were in the car! If they stay FAR, FAR away from me we're good, because some of them are actually pretty.

+MONKEYS! Call me crazy, I just hate them. Mainly because they actually murder people. They're just creepy.

+Blood/Shots. I can't stand the sight of blood, and I HATE watching shots go in through the skin. It's disgusting and disturbing.

+Wednesdays. It's brutal because I'm out ALL DAY from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. Ugh. My family calls it "Wicked Wednesday"

Ask Me / Re: Ask Waffles!!
« on: March 09, 2019, 03:21:12 pm »
what is your opinion on the chad tampa bay lightning

oooooh you know... they're not as bad as the Predators but I still don't like 'em. We WILL make the playoffs, tardy or not tardy...

I'm lookin' at you, #47...

Ask Me / Re: Ask Waffles!!
« on: March 09, 2019, 04:17:57 am »
Bacon or maple bacon?
Regular bacon. Boring, I know. I also like it extra crispy with some syrup on it.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Waffles!!
« on: March 09, 2019, 04:15:43 am »
Do you like syrup on your waffles?
Definitely! I pour loads of it on my waffles c:

Ask Me / Re: Ask Waffles!!
« on: March 09, 2019, 02:37:33 am »
Hey there! c:

- What's your favorite movie?

- Favorite dish or dessert?

- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

- Waffles or pancakes?

~My favorite movie is probably either The Greatest Showman or... The Adventures of Tintin (2011).
~Definitely icecream! More specifically, cookies and cream!
~I would LOVE to go to Belgium or France!
~WAFFLES! My namesake c:

Ask Me / Ask Roo!!
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:41:15 am »
Hey there! Feel free to ask my ANYTHING! Favorite hobbies, songs, movies - yep, basically anything!
....ASK AWAY! Yes, I am obsessed with hockey. Muppets. No, I am not okay.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Anyone wanna draw these fluffers??
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:20:46 am »
Whoa sorry these beans aren't... FH chars? Well, a few of them, I guess. Does that matter?
(Yes, I'm uh... "fandom trash," if that's what people call it nowadays. Hey, everyone's got their weaknesses!~)

Anyone wanna draw one or two of my little chars? I can't quite seem to draw them decently today so I'm curious if any of y'all wanna take on the challenge? I hope their designs are simple enough!!
Here's their reffie-doodles and a little bit of info about them I guess!
I love these beans so much ;v;
Also, hey, hoop-de-doo, I'm at the very early stages of drawing humans so uh... bear with me please. I know it looks horrible but shhhh, I'm not fully satisfied with this style yet!


C'ylia Biirdso (Pupper)

C'ylia Biirdso (Hooman - her design is a tad bit different here! Sorry she looks so awFUL-)

New oc boi - I haven't even named him yet but I love him! He's a griffin - snow leopard and blue jay. Here's pics of how I imagine him to look like:


Here's how I ACTUALLY drew him:

And my beautiful boi Helix <33





That's all! PLEASE don't feel pressured to do them! Only if you're just bored to tears and have nothing else going on!~
"Thank you Kermit, no more questions!"

I'd love to draw her!! She's so pretty c: If she's still open to being drawn!
Yes! she is! Go ahead <3

Here she is! She was so much fun to draw!!

Characters / Re: Toasted-Waffles's Characters!
« on: March 08, 2019, 03:36:51 am »
Neat characters ^^ I love your Joker. also, I love all of your characters. Even your BB-8 :3 if you ever want to do a star wars rp. I am up for one. I got a poe dameron.

Just whisper me in game if you want to rp
Thank you!~ I’d love to rp anytime!
Funny thing, I was debating making Poe but never actually got around to doing it. I made Rey, though c:

I'd love to draw her!! She's so pretty c: If she's still open to being drawn!

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