Author Topic: Anyone wanna draw these fluffers??  (Read 938 times)

Offline LemurSplendida

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Anyone wanna draw these fluffers??
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:20:46 am »
Whoa sorry these beans aren't... FH chars? Well, a few of them, I guess. Does that matter?
(Yes, I'm uh... "fandom trash," if that's what people call it nowadays. Hey, everyone's got their weaknesses!~)

Anyone wanna draw one or two of my little chars? I can't quite seem to draw them decently today so I'm curious if any of y'all wanna take on the challenge? I hope their designs are simple enough!!
Here's their reffie-doodles and a little bit of info about them I guess!
I love these beans so much ;v;
Also, hey, hoop-de-doo, I'm at the very early stages of drawing humans so uh... bear with me please. I know it looks horrible but shhhh, I'm not fully satisfied with this style yet!


C'ylia Biirdso (Pupper)

C'ylia Biirdso (Hooman - her design is a tad bit different here! Sorry she looks so awFUL-)

New oc boi - I haven't even named him yet but I love him! He's a griffin - snow leopard and blue jay. Here's pics of how I imagine him to look like:


Here's how I ACTUALLY drew him:

And my beautiful boi Helix <33





That's all! PLEASE don't feel pressured to do them! Only if you're just bored to tears and have nothing else going on!~
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