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Messages - ILoveYou

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Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Cookie's Commissions~
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:28:21 am »
                     -Cookies Commissions-
My commission isin't the best but I am making cheap fursuit heads as long as you pay for supplies and shipping. Commissions will be anywhere from 30-100 american dollars depending on the difficulty, It is also up to you how you pay, before, mid or after~ but it would be appreciated to help a bit pay for the supplies. I am a very new (Brand new) fursuit artist and find heads easy and simple, I can even make moving Jaws. But here's a catch until I get 3 fursuit head done I am doing them for free! But donations for supplies are greatly appreciated! You will still have to pay for shipping. Message me here, If too many message I will give a raffle for the free Three experiments <3

Characters / Error 547
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:00:27 am »
                                                                   Error 547
You walk into a dark ally, your bones seem to tense a bit, and a small voice in your mind begs you to turn around and pleads to you that 'Something here isn't right' , but then again it begs for you to move closer to the end of this ally, that maybe on the other end was something spectacular. It was almost like your own personal mini adventure. Then you hear her, calling to you "Come closer my dear, I will show you the way" your fur is on edge and your eyes widen, your legs begin to tremble and feel weak "There is no such thing as perfect...Only error.." that's when you see her. Her slim and dark figure. She appears to not even have eyes because they just seem like soul-less black pits... you're trapped... "Now..Lets have fun." and fun...they did have...
                                                                   Error 547
Name: Error 547
Age: Unknown
Courts:Males and Females
Mate?: Haha...Are you seriously thinking someone could tame me?
Pups: Hate the little brats...I will kill them on site.
Owner: Currently looking..I need someone to tell me right from wrong..
Pack: Ew, never will I stay with those fleabags...Unless my owner is in a pack..
Rank: Erm? Look above?

Want to apply to be her owner? You can be a feline or canine! Of any species!

Rp sample?:
How active?:

The Last Of Us
You near a clearing in the dense wood, It had seemed as you had traveled through these woods forever to get to this point. You sit and take in a few breaths of relief, maybe this trek you had made was finally over, maybe you would have time to breathe and even maybe to hunt. Oh how you were so naive back then, so small and gullible. Little did you know we were watching you. We watched as you fell to the ground laughing with a smile, thinking you had finally gotten away from what was scary in the woods...In some sense you were right, but in others you were wrong. We could still control you, we could make you run more but what's the fun in that. We had you where we needed you. You hear a small voice rumble through the clearing...Though it was almost welcoming to you "Follow to reach us", this is where you got curious, wondering who we were and what we needed you for, this was your final test. You try to respond to the voice but it seemed as if you lost all vocal power to its enticing pull. You take another step to where you had heard it. Then a dark laugh bellows through the once safe feeling area, as the ground below you falls out and you feel yourself falling, the feeling of your stomach in your throat, Your heart beating like a crazed bongo drum, what had happened? You fall like a feather onto the burning ground, fire all around and in front of you stand three wolves. One was Black and blue, the other Black and Red and the Third Black and Green. "Welcome" The blue one says kindly.
"We have watched you as you have lived" Cut  in the green one
"And how you have died" added the red one. You start to feel weak, you see now through your new fond demonic eyes, things now seeming new, and teeming with hope and possibilities.
"Now" Interrupted the blue "We have chosen you because you have passed our here is our real query, will you join...or be pack meat.."

The Last of us is a new and growing long term demon role-play. We accept all species of demon and are very strict on our rule set that we do have. From what I can tell with the members we have already collected we are a giant family and have specific rules to follow to keep peace inside of the pack. Now outside the pack is a different story, we are fierce and love a good fight, which means our Rivals would be in for a good surprise if they were ever found on our territory or us advancing on theirs. But don't worry! we arn't over poweing, In fact I check the powers of others before letting them join so I wont have that problem later in the role-play.

1.No fighting OOC (Out of character)
2.No killing without the characters owner and the Alpha's permission.
3.No powerplay
4.No godmodding
5.If a duel is taking place the winner must be pre chosen by the Alpha and a Beta
6.Always listen to your Alpha
7.There will be punishments if rules are broken that must be followed
8.You must be on at least once every four days or you will be kicked, I can't stress how active we are. (If you have a vacation talk to an Alpha before hand.)
9.Never argue anything the Alpha says (In character or about punishments OOC)
10.If more then three rules are broken it will result in your termination from the pack.



Highest -Earned-
Alpha Female:Lust
Alpha Male:(TLAM)
Beta Female:(TLBF)
Beta Male:(TLBM)
High -Applied For-
Lead Fighter:(TLLF)
Lead Warrior:(TLLW)
Lead Medic:(TLLM)
Lead Hunter:(TLLH)
Lead Assassin:(TLLA)
Lead Pup Sitter:(TLLPS)
Alpha Assist: (TLLA)
Middle -Open to anyone-
Pup Sitter:(TLPS)
Lowest -Open to anyone-
Extra -Ask Alpha-


If you need help downloading these ask Alpha Lust. (Mass Markings) (Map)
May add more in as requested, also presets will go here so the group may see them)


Character Name:
Applying for:
Sample Using skills:
Why should you be?:
Have you had any warnings?:

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:41:48 pm »
9/10 great art :3

Presets & Markings / *:: ERROR's Free Preset Requests::*
« on: July 12, 2014, 09:53:22 pm »
ERROR's Free Presets.
I'm currently taking free preset requests as of 8/15/14, and will be open for said request until I close. Here is what I have currently open.

_Working On_
1.Fluffehpillow 50%
2.FlameVixen 15%
3.Meeee 5%
2.wolf winterflame
 Now here are some of the presets I have already done, Keep in mind these were speed requests and had to be done in a day or less.

Here's the skeleton for requesting

Name of character:
Fourm User:
Game User:
How long are you willing to wait? (The longer, The better the preset is):
Transperancy/glowing needed?:
Texture Pack:
Gender of Character:
Anything else?:

Presets & Markings / Re: Free Presets!
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:46:06 pm »
Name: One
Reference:  (Base goes to it's respected owner)
Other: Could you make her a chain collar with a tag reading *Subject One* and also A blue mane the same as her marking color, also her paw pads are the same blue and her tongue is blue with black spots.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: July 05, 2014, 11:28:10 am »

Forum Games / Re: The Last Post Wins!
« on: July 05, 2014, 03:21:19 am »

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: July 05, 2014, 03:18:29 am »
I ban you for giving free hugs!

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