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Messages - kitkatgirl

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Member Bio & Journals / When Kitkats attack (kitkatgirl's Bio :3)
« on: December 12, 2012, 09:15:39 pm »
Hey people~ I think this is way overdue >u> <u<

I be kitkatgirl, most of you probably know me from just derping around or just in serious roleplays and such~

First off, my name is Sierra, if your ever interested in calling me that. Tis okay xD. But I have many nicknames... :3 kitty, kitkat, kit, kat, Kittykatty etc. etc. and so on xD You get the point dears~

May edit this letter since it's just derp and such...

I have many many many characters xD

Most are now wolves and warrior cats ;u;

Nima: Alphaess of Apocalypse Occupation (]Bio here
Summerstream: Random warrior (Bio in the making~)
Soaringpaw: SME Earthclan apprentice (Bio here:
Xian: Nurse in Apocalypse Occupation (Bio in the making~)
More to be annouce

So yep. Just add me on FH if your interested and we can derp together or just roleplay since I can download maps also~

Characters / Soaringpaw of EarthClan
« on: December 12, 2012, 09:07:16 pm »
She-cat of 6 moons
Warrior Apprentice in EarthClan on SME
Currently Mateless

Theme Song: The Forgotten - Green Day


Soaringkit was born on a New-leaf night as everyone slept. The only people up were her mother, father, and a medicine cat who knew that her mother was close to kitting. Everything seemed fine as her brother was born first, her mother was in pain, but not critical. He was born, Foxkit, since he had a black mask on his eyes. Soaringkit was born right after him, a surprise kit since she was only suppose to be carrying one kit. She was born healthy, but seemed to be a bit slow with milestones as they would discover later.

The milestones she was slow at were, opening her eyes... first steps, the big milestones that every cat needed to face to grow. As Foxkit opened his eyes, it took her three extra days to even open hers slightly. She tried to walk before her brother, but of course he was first at that also since every attempt she made she would fall or stumble on her first step. Her mother always looked out for her, always reassuring her she was like the rest of the kits, but everyone knew Soaringkit was slow.

Whenever she walked around as a new apprentice, she heard whispers and laughs while they looked at her, but she was oblivious. She walked straight up to her new mentor Sleekvine, being cheerful and sweet. The little she-cat always made sure to respect her, and she grew a bond with her despite both of them being fairly shy.

Surprisingly, she learned very fast at hunting and training, but still seemed to lack basic problem skills. She knew how too attack, but didn't understand why she had to hold back if someone attacked her. Her mind just wouldn't process what cats knew without training, like that you never yell over to a random rogue. That's how she is, overly sweet, which many rumors say is the way she will die. (TBE)

Extra imformation

Scent: She has the scent of pine and freshly trimmed grass in a way.
Alias: Known as Flighty by some
Mother: Treecall
Father: Quialstrike

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: December 11, 2012, 11:23:27 pm »
Spongebob ... :3

Characters / Re: Nima: Apocalypse Occupation
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:05:57 am »
Updated appearance and extra information!~

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:18:47 am »

Characters / Re: Nima: Apocalypse Occupation
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:15:44 am »
Is it weird that I found her in a map? XD She's cool now~ <3

Hello all... here just to inform you on my thriving pack.

This pack, I insure you, is very literate. If you use these symbols (* and -) you will be given a warning and taught to do otherwise. But I'd rather not go through that hassle you know?

Apocalypse Occupation is a canine pack, meaning foxes of any shape and size can join along with any dogs and wolves. Even off brand canines may join as long as they don't have super powers and such. WARNING: This roleplay is PG-13 (Of course FH is PG-13 but I mean really, you are warned). This group is mapped and semi-real, most colored pelts are allowed, just not sparkle dogs of course that you can see from the high heavens.

Here are some of the basic ranks in our wonderful little group (In order from most power to least)

Queen: Alphaess in other terms and main leader of the pack. In charge of all and creates the law. (AOQ)
King: Alpha and mate to Alpahess and co-leader. (AOK)
Prince: Beta in other terms and most likely the son of the Queen and King because of loyal blood, or in rare cases very close friend in the pack who has earned his time as the Prince of the pack. (AOPM)
Princess: Female Beta in other terms, and mate to the Prince. The wolf first has to go through the leaders after she has earn the Prince's trust enough, to see if worthy to have such a task. (AOPF)
Lead General: In charge of Generals and right hand man to all of the news from the leaders.(AOLG)
Generals: In charge of select soilders, usually two (rarely) to three at a time. (AOG)
Elite Soilders: Most skilled and experienced soilders who are next in line to become Generals when they retire or pass on. (AOES)
Soilders: Warrior in other terms and taught by the Generals to prepare themselves for wars and other duties (AOS)
Lead Trackers: Up to three and are in charge of large group of trackers. (AOLT)
Trackers: Wolves that patrol the boundries of the territory and are the ones to hunt and provide food for the pack. On rare occasions will substitute in battle. (AOT)
Lead Nurse: A single wolf skilled in the art of healing, very important to the pack's survival. (AOLN)
Nurses: Ones skilled and/or training in the art of healing. (AON)
Nannies: Since mothers are not excused from their duties once they have pups, each litter of pups is assigned a Nanny. If a nanny does not have a litter to take care of, they help around camp and sometimes hunt with trackers if not enough. There is no lead nanny, for the Lead nurse is in charge of them. (AONa)
Pups: Only a bit ahead of Omegas, for they are small and sometimes they will die from how tough some of these wolves can be, so it is farely rare to see such young ones. (AOP)
Omegas: A VERY RARE RANK. Usually used in punishment for a wolf who has broken the law and has been punished. It is rare since most wolves are either exiled or (In some cases)killed in punishments. Only ones that the Leaders see as still a main potential or wolf in the pack, will have the pity of this rank. (AOo)

Main Ranked Wolves

Nima: (AOQ)
Rex: (AOPM)
Cordan: (AOLG)
Akari: (AOLT)

More to be added-

Just comment if interested in joining, the map has some rival literate packs also~

Whisper kitkatgirl in game and add me if you wish so you know when I'm on dears~


Characters / Re: Nima: Apocalypse Occupation
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:15:55 am »
I love porky ;.;
That happened to another person too, they got on and had no pack. I didn't kick Mr. Porks, so I'll add him back. Thanks for the heads up dear~

Characters / Re: Nima: Apocalypse Occupation
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:52:04 pm »
Oh my glob thank you all 8'D

1: What's him/her's name? :3
2: Thank chu~ and she is a force to reckon with ;u;
3: Thank ya so much~ and Many more bios to come :3
4: asdfghjkl; so much praise, I am not worthy... ;.;

Characters / Nima: Apocalypse Occupation
« on: December 10, 2012, 03:15:03 am »
Female white wolf
Age of 25 in human years
Queen of Apocalypse Occupation (And Creator)
Currently Mateless
No pups

Nima was born in the Southpole, strangely born a white wolf with blue eyes. Her mother was a brown wolf, and her father a pure jet black wolf with amber eyes. She had no resemblance to them. Her father, Bone, looked to her mother, realizing that they had no resemblance to either (and due to trust issues from before) told her she had an affair and had another wolf's pups. Even though she denied, it was the truth, her real father was a rogue by the name of Ghost. Milloni, her mother, had to suffer verbal abuse; occasionally psychical, all through Nima's time growing up. Nima was an only child, so she had no one to play with, or actually be carefree with. Instead she watched her mother being abused by her father day by day as she grew older. She only knew that way of life, of violence and order. The only wolf allowed to talk with her was her 'father' Bone. She taught her to never trust anyone, to be in control at all costs. And she listened. She grew up as a not so social teenager, her mother out of the picture by being 'mysteriously' killed. Her mind was set all her life on being in control, on being the leader of people. Being respected, feared by all and treated like a god. That was her goal, and that voice in her head; created by her father, just fuelled that dream more. Her father taught her the ways of his old pack, telling her the symbols and their way of living. She seemed fascinated by it, and then her father asked her probably one of the only personal in her life. "What would you do to gain control of the mutts of this world?" she just looked to him, her icy eyes gleaming with power. "I would over power them in war, make them fear me, respect me... wish to be me." she grinned devilishly, her father nodding and collecting rare berries that his colleague gave to him from another land. They made a type of paint, her father carefully drawing the sign of war in that black liquid on her face. It was permanent, the only color on her besides her eyes.

Only a couple months later, her father led her to the land of Flourite, giving her freedom to test her dream. "I want you to be powerful, control all others that you can. Keep your respect and make me proud Nima." was his last words before he left. That's how it started. She made her canine pack, accepting all... it still growing strong with huge wolves and skilled foxes and dogs. Her dream is slowly coming true, with the help of her wolves at her side... nothing can stop her from achieving it.


She shares a land with two rival packs so far (In a map, looking for more if you are interested~)
Scent: Metallic like with a hint of dry blood to it, and yet she has the faint scent of her mother for some reason. A faint smell of a rose.
Theme Song: Mindless Self Indulgence - Lights Out
Personality: Basically, when this she-wolf isn't all angry and full of blood lust, she is a bit cocky and sarcastic. Yet around people she knows well she is strangely collected and almost sweet, only two people know of this side. Her mother and a dead male by the name of Yohon.

Her eye color is now red since she had a radioactive reaction that changed her eyes to red as she passed by the abandoned facility on her way to her new home. She also added stripes to her apppearance after she discovered the 'paint'. Stripes - to her ancestors - mean one in power or dominance.

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