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Messages - AbbyJoyce

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Thomas Gales

Health: 10/10

"Now, if you will all please board the aircraft..take a seat beside your partner." The sun continued baking the gravel along the roof of the building, turning the area around the aircraft into a practical oven. Just as The heat became nearly unbearable, the doctor invited entrance to the craft and quickly Thomas followed. Stepping forward, his tall stature aided his attempt to walk across the unstable rocks that decorated the roof. Take a seat beside your partner..Thomas made sure to remain nearby Jessamine as they walked closer to the craft, no need in getting separated only to search for one another onboard.

Yet, Thomas didn't glance back to spot the girl. The small crunching beside him made it obvious she was close. Her petite feet moved in synch with his until a sudden interruption sent her springing forward towards the ground. Just as Thomas turned on his heels to decipher the situation and noise, His eyes landed on a greedily helpful doctor, his hands about Jessamine, and a rather defensive girl.
Before he could decide how to react, the doctor stepped away, Jess' sudden warning glare and growl peeling his hands off of her. Raising a brow, Tom watched as Jess straightened herself back up, before turning back to the craft. "On we go." Thomas muttered, his accent drooling along his quiet words meant only for him and Jess. Urging the once again hesitant girl on, Tom placed a hand along her back gently coaxing her forward.

 It was short lived and swiftly fell to his side once again, but his seemingly unbothered reaction to the doctor's actions was contradicted by the fact that since the doctor peeled his Hands from Jess' side, Tom's eyes had not left the man. A colder than normal stare remained glued to the doctor until the two were onboard and out of sight.

The aircraft's innards were decorated in a futuristic technologically advanced fashion. Lights and metallic switches painted the walls along with a row of odd looking seats sat against each wall of the board. Swiftly falling into a nearby chair, Tom glanced about, studying his environment when a nurse suddenly approached. "For your safety." she stated whilst connecting seatbelt-like straps across Tom's chest in the shape of an X. She quickly moved on to Jess as the doctor stepped forward.

As everyone sat, strapped in, the sudden elevation of the craft waved a sense of light-footedness in Tom as the craft took off. "Now, our next step is to study and research your capabilities in the you react, how you you survive."[/b] the doctor announced, "Where we are going, is a place specially made for you all. Here you will learn more about not only yourselves..but your fellow subjects and just how your powers truly work."[/b]

[Im not sure if there's anyone who has posted lately that isn't paired, but feel free to pm someone and ask to join a group as a third unless you wanna work alone! ^-^]


Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

As the doctor fell silent, his expectant eyes glancing about the room, slowly the subjects began morphing into pairs. One by one each found another. Trust. Hmph, that was a word easily tossed about but rarely meant. Not a single soul in this joint held Thomas' true trust. Standing, he turned on his heels, approaching the nearest wall and using it for support as he leaned his back against it, crossing his arms and watching as the room turned with motion from the pairing subjects. Working alone was easier said than, pairing up wasn't Tom's initial choice. But the solitude of working alone wasn't always as peaceful as the solitude he felt in the courtyard during his cigarette breaks. Yet a twinge of warmth lit up in his chest as he remembered the initial contact in the courtyard between him and Jessamine. She wasn't his most trusted acquaintance, but she was capable and strong at that.

 Just as the thought raced into his mind, the sound of distinct approaching footsteps caught his attention. Her small, petite feet came into view first as his eyes remained glued to the ground. Raising a brow as the feet came to a stop, Tom's crystalline eyes began to trail up the legs that led to a body that led to a face. Her visage lacked a smile, but her eyes were wide with interest and intent. Jess stood a mere feet away, her gaze expectant and her graceful stance everlasting as she awaited a response to her obvious pairing wishes. Tom waited a moment, raising a brow before pushing himself from the wall, lessening the space between them just enough to gaze down his nose at her. Suddenly, his cold and serious visage melted into a small smirk, holding a sense of sincerity. "It'd be my pleasure, little brave." he muttered, turning his gaze back to the doctor who seemed to accept the pairings.

"Great." he stated, holding his clipboard tightly, "Now, will everyone please follow me up to the roof."[/b]

The doctor's words rang about in Tom's head as the group made their way up to the rooftop. The sun was glowing a hotter orange as it began to settle into the afternoon sky. They approached a large aircraft, one Tom had seen before. It was the Clinic's, often used to transport doctors or security to other clinics. It was quite massive, long, built for carrying several people. As they came to a stop, the gravel coating the roof crunched beneath Tom's feet.

Before any words could be spoken, a sudden sharp stabbing pain radiated into his neck. Flinching away and gripping the area, Tom turned in time to see a nurse pull a rather large needle away. "Just a small tracking will be used for us to track you all in your next stage since we won't be able to follow. Its meant specifically for those with powers.." the doctor explained as the nurse quickly attached a metallic like bracelet around Tom's wrist, painted in the color grey, before attaching a Similar one of the same color to Jess after she recieved her tracking device. "These will be used to distinctly keep track of pairings."


Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

Despite the rushing waves of confusion and annoyance washing over him, Thomas' gaze remained calm, focused on the linoleum floors as he traversed the halls towards the sitting area. He didn't want these nostalgic emotions running through him, after all he'd done to rid himself of them. That girl was similar to jim in many ways, yet highky sifferent. He even found himself lacking the desire for a cigarette, something he hadnt gone a day without in four years. The smooth surface of the floor reflected the radiating white lights illuminating the hospital-like halls. With each passing light, his tolerance for this situation, these feelings, grew thinner and thinner. Finally, turning on his heels, he came face to face with the double doors to the sitting area.

He came to a hault, inches from the doors, his eyes sliding shut as he lowered his chin to his chest. Ridding himself of any sign of his previous outbursts and emotions, he peered up, straightened his business-like clothing, slicked his hair back into it's proper spot, and pushed his way through the doors. Lifting his head, Tom pushed past the fellow subjects, finding refuge in his usual spot on the end of a comforter. Plopping down, leaning his weight solely on his elbow, His mind began to race again as it came into contact with the quietness of the room. Quickly shaking that thought off, his eyes flicked up just as the doctor pushed through the double doors, clipboard in hand.

"Hello, I assume you all are feeling Better after an hour or two of rest. Hopefully you are..because it's time to move further in our plans." The doctor's words brought curiosity to Tom's mind, he truly thought all of this through. "You'll require a of you might be forced to work alone or in a group of three if you'd rather. Whatever you decide, choose your partners. Base your decisions off whether you believe you can trust this person, if you choose someone you dislike you'll regret it highly. Go ahead and sit beside your partners. When you are finished, I'll explain further."

Partners? That wasn't particularly something Thomas was fond of. To rely on another..was risky. It was a chance, one the risk taker wasn't sure he was willing to make. Nevertheless, he had his powers..whether he knew of them fully or not, no point in turning back now. Yet, who out of the group could he particularly trust? If he made the wrong choice, he knew the doctors words were true, he'd surely regret it.


Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

Her reaction was more than affected. Her already wide, dark optics grew as the breeze picked up, carrying her waved coffee-like hair along it's length as she returned her gaze to the book in her lap. Watching as she fumbled along the pages, her fingers tracing the book's edges, her flawed nails teasing the paper until she found the last pages, Thomas slipped his lighter out of his pocket, flicking the switch and igniting the small flame. The breeze swayed the fire into a small dance-like state, as he cupped his hand over the cigarette before lifting the lighter to his addiction.

Yet, just before he could light the cigarette stuck between his thin lips, the girl's sudden movements caught his attention instead. She held the book around, pointing at a small picture hidden between the pages. His crystalline eyes studied the small photograph, taking in the girl's image pictured in the small frame of a moment. Slowly, his hand fell to his side, as he slid the lighter back into his pocket, his cigarette still unlit and his eyes never moving from the picture. "She's beautiful.." his accent dripped from his words as he muttered through his lips still latched tightly onto the cigarette.

His eyes flicked back up to Jess' own, a sudden realization washing over him and in a single, small huff of a laugh, he broke the stare, gazing away and sliding the cigarette from his mouth. Thomas' smile was fake, made from disbelief and remembrance, and quickly faded into a small frown as he fumbled with the cigarette between his fingers before flicking it, unused, to the ground. "Family,..Yeah, that's not in particular my strongest suit." he muttered. He gazed towards the shortly cut blades of grass painting the yard in a green hue. Jess wanted to see this girl again, she wanted to be reunited, it shone in her eyes and that was something Tom wasn't familiar with.

But he was, however, familiar with getting what he wanted. He felt pity for the girl, perhaps he didn't want to see his family again, but she did, and he could help. "The others see innocence in your eyes. They see your wide gaze and they assume weakness, but I know. You want something then you have to take it. In this world,.." he paused, as an intercom came on.

"Attention, all subjects of test 420, Powers initiative, report to the sitting area." As it fell silent, he gazed back to Jess, "If you know what you want, and know who it's with, then find it and take it..and never let it go." He paused once more, studying the girl further, "That shyness of yours..Even now, your eyes are avoiding mine, you're turning your face away. You want this?" he waved at the book, "Then put you gloves on, little brave, because there's courage in you, like I said, i know better. I see it in your eyes and sometimes.. you have to take care of things yourself."

He reached into his pocket, sliding out a small, worn photograph of his own picturing him as a younger boy, around 15, a blonde boy a bit older, a mother who smiled beside a father who held his two boys' shoulders, his eyes gazing at it with a certain longing. The back clearly read in personal handwriting, "Family Fishing with Michael, Thomas, Mom & Dad." "Good talk.." he muttered, his voice quiet as he gazed back at Jess, "We'd better get to the sitting area." Turning on his heels, he took a mere three steps towards the doors before tossing the picture he held, now crumbled into a ball, onto the grass. Without even hesitating, he continued on through the double doors.

[Okay, thank you for informing me and I appreciate rhat you'll be attempting to post still!^-^ Im going to do whatever I can to avoid allowing this to die, its such an interesting roleplay, but have fun on vacay! ]


Thomas Gales

The silence of courtyard brought peace within Thomas' wandering mind. Flicking his cigarette free of its ash, he released a cloud of smoke from his lips before licking them free of their dryness. Sitting comfortably against the concrete wall, his head rested back against it's hard surface, his eyes drifting closed and his chest slowing as he began to fall into a gentle hum of relaxation. Right up until the sound of electricity traversing about snapped his crystalline eyes open. In any sense of normalcy, he'd assume the intruder was meant to bother him and he'd instantly heat up. Yet, when he gazed down at the girl from afar, she seemed just as surprised to see him there as he was her. It was obvious she was searching for the Same thing he was; Peace, for the time being at least. Slowly, she seemed to relax, sending him a small smile before gazing down at her charred literature. He watched as she continued reading, taking another hit of his cigarette. Her large optics traversed the words in a way he had never seen. She was quiet, but her eyes were loud when she read. Suddenly, she gazed up, meeting his eyes before motioning to her hand..and then his. Furrowing his brow, he glanced down to his fingers before sighing in remembrance to his annoying accessories. With a single motion, he dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, before approaching the tree the girl sat against. Finding support against a tree a foot or two away from hers', he leaned on it's base, "Doctor's orders..maybe you need a pair as well." he replied, his deep tone and intricate accent slipping off of his tongue. He gazed at the burned pages of the book, a sudden wave of anxiety filling him once again and quickly he slipped another cigarette out. Without lighting it, he simply held the addictive stick between his fingers. "You're far smarter than you allow us to believe." he stated bluntly, "Out here..earlier. I noticed what you did to Will, with that Energy of yours'. You didn't think, you just did it." Of course he expected no reply, which is why he didn't bother to look at the girl as he spoke, and instead gazed up to the sunlight that danced between the leaves of the two trees. It was just that, that made Tom not particularly mind being in Jess' company. She wasn't a nuisance, and even without speaking, the girl could listen better than most. You could see it in her visage, in her eyes. Finally, he gazed back down to her book. "Animal Farm." he muttered, "There's an extra copy in the sitting room. I was reading it this morning, seems you need it more than I do,..incase you get bored with your charred bits." He added, before lifting the cigarette to his mouth. He still didn't light it, and instead simply laid his head back against the tree.


Thomas Gales

"I'm fine." yet, another small gasp slipped past his lips as the doctor padded a cottonball against one of many of Tom's wounds painting his visage. "You're not fine, you just passed out. Stop complaining." he replied, placing the cotton down and retrieving a set of butterfly stitches. Placing them over his brow, he padded them down and continued cleaning his wounds. Thomas' eyes remained glued to the tiled ground, his mind wandering. He just caused tissue death..what the hell does that even mean? Is he capable of death? No..That's something humans dont deserve to deal in. "Out in the courtyard,..What did my sensor show." Thomas demanded more than asked, catching the doctors attention. A pregnant pause followed,  and slowly the doctors stepped back, beginning to clean his hands with a rag. "The lobes that lit up and the nerves indicate you have Fear, life, and death inducement. You can kill on will..revive on will...strike fear even but, with the lobes that lit up if you were to try and kill something too strong, perhaps try to revive something as well you'd kill yourself instead." As he spoke, he strolled out of the room to the doorway across the hall, beforr returning with a small cat in hand, "Hold this." placing the cat in Tom's hands, he turned to begin digging through a drawer. "Sadly, you'll have to wear a special made set of gloves that will stop your abilities,..since they derive off of touch."the doctor pulled out a single needle, ripping it from the package as he spoke. "What? Why? Am I some danger to you all? I won't go about killing others, I'm not murderous." just as he finished speaking, the doctor sent the needle into his arm, sticking him quickly.In shock, Tom jumped, gasping in pain. "Unless you want me to be murderous!?" he growled, before raising a brow at the dodoctor's nonchalant gaze. "Seems you already are." he replied, mentioning to the cat in Tom's hands.  Gazing down, Tom's chest sank. The cat lay dead.

Adjusting the uncomfortable gloves, Tom slipped a cigarette out of his pocket as he leaned back against the wall in the courtyard. Each person in this place had their own perks. Simone was feisty,  and had a sense of passion. Theodore was kind, which wasn't particularly useful to Tom, it was noticed and honorable of him. Jess was quiet, and it was times like this that made Tom realize how much he enjoyed that..silence. Especially, with a cigarette in his hand, Tom enjoyed silence and perhaps that's why he never found her lack of speaking awkward or much of a bother but rather soothing at times. Finn was protective, especially of his brother, and that was respected. To protect anyone let alone family was something Thomas wasn't particularly used to when it came to his own family. This small, odd group of people weren't horrible, but with this new news, Thomas was confused. He longed to go home, but his him wasn't a place. He was banned from returning to his his brother. He longed to go somewhere that didn't exist. Sighing, he took a long hit of the cigarette and leaned further into the wall.

[Now, the doctors and nurses will escort them back to the sitting area or their rooms if they're hurt, and this is where they can begin to get to know one another more for a bit until the next move comes which will be soon^-^ remember the place has more than just one area it has the courtyard a cafeteria a game room of sorts..etc.]


Thomas Gales

It Was unsettling, the lot of it. The courtyard, the brain sensors, the odd inhuman way that Will stared at each subject before battle. As each one stepped up, Tom's eyes cut a little smaller into a squint. This Will was quite frankly kicking all of their asses. There was no way he was human,..not organically. Finally, Jess stepped up and with the final blow of the battle, Tom looked away. This wasn't what he signed up for, "I'm up." he announced, walking into the clearing and standing between the doctor and Jess, and Will. A sly smirk spread Will's lips to reveal perfect, yet still unsettling, teeth. "Let's do this." Will muttered, and with a sudden rush forward, he attacked. Yet, he never reached Tom. He froze halfway, stumbling back a few steps, his eyes wide and glossy. Tom's eyes were focused deeply on Will's own, a cold and deadly glare shining through them. To his surprise, a single tear slid down Will's cheek. Oddly, it seemed to evaporate. A disbelieving laugh slipped past his lips, "Fear,..that all you got?" Without warning, he lunged forward and in a wave of blocking and swings, The two fought. "Fear inducement,..enhanced combat." The doctor muttered until finally, Will stood over a fallen Tom. Using his hands to push himself into a sitting position, Tom spit a bit of blood to the side. The crimson liquid dripped down his mouth and nose, also painting his cheek from a cut above his brow. "Come more hit." Will teased. Tom watched as Will stepped back a bit, raising a brow at the fallen boy. His body radiated pain and heat, he wasn't used to this. Nevertheless, gritting his teeth, he pushed himself to his feet. Meeting Will's gaze once more, Will held his arms out. And as if a sudden connection clicked, Tom's eyes grew darker. Reacting to this change, Will stumbled back, eyes wide, his hand gripping his chest as gasps slipped past his lips. [Color=lightgrey ]"His heart rates speeding up..his brain is slowing down in reaction..Tom has life and Death inducement.." the doctor narrowed his gaze in amazement, before glancing up from his sensor pad, "Will can't die, he'll kill himself before Will even has a single tissue death stop Tom!" And as if on que, Tom's eyes went empty, and from exhaustion he tumbled forward, passing out onto the cold ground. Two male nurses hurried over, lifting the boy and carrying him aside, placing him sitting against the wall within a sliver of shade. "He'll be fine, he went way beyond his limits..and that's what we hope to avoid here." The doctor announced.

[Has everyone gone with Will?]

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