Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51214 times)

Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #100 on: July 01, 2015, 06:34:40 pm »


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

Mykael groaned quietly, glancing around the room. He didn't know any of these people and wouldn't be able to ask to be partners. He especially didn't trust any of them---he thought a few of them seemed nice, but he wouldn't say they could be 'trusted' yet. He decided that his plan was to go by himself unless anyone else approached him. Alone or with a partner, it really didn't matter to him. Still sitting on the couch quietly, he tried to imagine what they needed partners for, anyways. Hopefully they weren't going to fight to the death with powers or something, but thinking about that made him start chuckling. Fear me and my ferocious healing!

(Sorry, just a quick post)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #101 on: July 02, 2015, 10:17:24 pm »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

Partners. Well that was just great. If the doctors had given her a puzzle to solve, perhaps a dummy to fry with her newly-found powers, Jess would not have complained. But obviously the White-coats had decided they weren't quite finished tormenting her and managed to somehow unnerve her even more. Despite her social skills not being the greatest, that was not the worst of the girl's worries. The doctors had specifically requested for the partners to trust one another, a thought that sent Jessamine's heart and mind racing. She didn't trust anyone here, at least not enough to put her life in their hands and she doubted that anyone particularly trusted her.

Biting savagely at her nails, Jessamine watched with her back flattened against the wall as the group of subjects soon began to shift into pairs. Her wide eyes scanned the room, a spark of surprise surfacing on her features at the fact that Finn and Teddy had not teamed up. From what she had seen, the two had so far been inseparable; something that Jess both admired and envied. Finn had, rather boldly, suggested to Simone that they could be partners. Teddy and Remmington shifted closer together, proving that they would also be together. Without her permission, Jessamine's eyes rested on Thomas who stood at the opposite side of the room from herself. He seemed to also be uncomfortable with the situation at hand, something that surprised her as her mind wandered back to how open he was earlier with her. Maybe it was the drugs.

Screw it. The brunette counted to three before pushing herself off of the wall and gliding with her usual grace across the room. Not even managing a smile, Jess looked up at Tom, who was now only a few feet away. Enough distance to not be threatening (as if she could), but close enough to make her point clear that she, although hesitant, wished to be partners with the man. So far, he was the only subject who she had managed to even communicate with in some sense, but that didn't necessarily meant that she trusted him.

-it took me a while to post this as the internet here is bad, sorry :3 -
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #102 on: July 03, 2015, 01:00:36 am »

Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

As the doctor fell silent, his expectant eyes glancing about the room, slowly the subjects began morphing into pairs. One by one each found another. Trust. Hmph, that was a word easily tossed about but rarely meant. Not a single soul in this joint held Thomas' true trust. Standing, he turned on his heels, approaching the nearest wall and using it for support as he leaned his back against it, crossing his arms and watching as the room turned with motion from the pairing subjects. Working alone was easier said than, pairing up wasn't Tom's initial choice. But the solitude of working alone wasn't always as peaceful as the solitude he felt in the courtyard during his cigarette breaks. Yet a twinge of warmth lit up in his chest as he remembered the initial contact in the courtyard between him and Jessamine. She wasn't his most trusted acquaintance, but she was capable and strong at that.

 Just as the thought raced into his mind, the sound of distinct approaching footsteps caught his attention. Her small, petite feet came into view first as his eyes remained glued to the ground. Raising a brow as the feet came to a stop, Tom's crystalline eyes began to trail up the legs that led to a body that led to a face. Her visage lacked a smile, but her eyes were wide with interest and intent. Jess stood a mere feet away, her gaze expectant and her graceful stance everlasting as she awaited a response to her obvious pairing wishes. Tom waited a moment, raising a brow before pushing himself from the wall, lessening the space between them just enough to gaze down his nose at her. Suddenly, his cold and serious visage melted into a small smirk, holding a sense of sincerity. "It'd be my pleasure, little brave." he muttered, turning his gaze back to the doctor who seemed to accept the pairings.

"Great." he stated, holding his clipboard tightly, "Now, will everyone please follow me up to the roof."[/b]

The doctor's words rang about in Tom's head as the group made their way up to the rooftop. The sun was glowing a hotter orange as it began to settle into the afternoon sky. They approached a large aircraft, one Tom had seen before. It was the Clinic's, often used to transport doctors or security to other clinics. It was quite massive, long, built for carrying several people. As they came to a stop, the gravel coating the roof crunched beneath Tom's feet.

Before any words could be spoken, a sudden sharp stabbing pain radiated into his neck. Flinching away and gripping the area, Tom turned in time to see a nurse pull a rather large needle away. "Just a small tracking will be used for us to track you all in your next stage since we won't be able to follow. Its meant specifically for those with powers.." the doctor explained as the nurse quickly attached a metallic like bracelet around Tom's wrist, painted in the color grey, before attaching a Similar one of the same color to Jess after she recieved her tracking device. "These will be used to distinctly keep track of pairings."

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #103 on: July 03, 2015, 08:59:25 pm »

Teddy Collins

Teddy watched as Finn walked over to Simone and made a huge gesture in asking to be her partner, smiling to himself at his choice. "She'll be a good influence on you, Finn." He whispered to himself before turning to find his own partner. His dark blue eyes found Remington, who offered him a sheepish smile. "Hey Rem." He beamed, a large grin plastered across his face "Finn and I are separate people you know. While he is the only person here I truly trust, we agreed that whenever the situation is questionable, it's easier to find other partners." He nodded towards Finn and Simone "Sometimes it's safer to stay away than to be together and have to turn on each other." After a few moments of silence listening to the doctor ramble,he turned to Remington again with a small smile "Want to be my partner?"

Without giving Remington the chance to answer, Teddy grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him up the steps onto the roof where nurses lunged with needles, inserting trackers left and right.  He winced as he felt the sharp pain where the needle had entered the skin on his neck. Before he could react, a metal bracelet was slapped on his wrist, orange with a few metallic pieces. It was heavy and tight, but Teddy couldn't remove it by hand despite tugging quite hard.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #104 on: July 03, 2015, 10:52:10 pm »

Simone Howey

Letting out a gentle sigh, Simone continued to look around the room, people had new begun moving around, probably figuring out who they should chose. Shrugging her shoulders slightly she'd push herself up on the sofa, allowing her gaze to fall on to Finn as he headed her way. Raising a brow the brunette remained silent, watching the lads actions and hearing what he had to say. A smile formed at the corner of the womans lips as she nodded her head, as if accepting him to be her partner. "I'd love to, Sir." she'd smile, dipping her head which was soon followed by a light hearted chuckle. Running her hand through her hair she'd brush it back over, preventing her locks from falling over her face. Whilst she awaited what the lad, or the doctors had to say, she began scanning the room. Not many of the others appeared to be partnered up and in fact seemed to have decided to go alone. The male known as Thomas seemed to have now paired up with Jessamine and Teddy had paired up with Remington. Smiling slightly her attention would soon turn on to one of the doctors as they spoke up, raising a brow she'd listen to him carefully. Great, they were heading up on to the roof, just what she wanted. Rubbing her army gently, Simone grabbed Takhars leash and her checked shirt, before standing up, watching as the doctors slowly lead the subjects out.

Rolling her eyes the woman would tie the long sleeved shirt back around her waist, before taking a few steps forward. Turning to Finn she'd smirk "Come on..." her tone still rasped yet a lot more soft and cheerful, a smile on the lasses face as she gently tugged at the lads arm before letting go and following the doctors out of the room. The corridors echoed with everyones footsteps as they headed through them, the doctors deciding to take the lift in stead of walking up the many stairs, then a short flight which seemed to lead up to the roof top. The sudden change in lighting caused Sim to blink several times, wiping her eyes quickly before looking at Finn slightly confused, giving him a questioning glance. However, the lass suddenly gritted her teeth, remaining still until the sharp, burning sensation left her neck. Turning, her brows would furrow at one of the nurses which held a large needle, she didn't bother asking question though, it had already been cleared. Holding out her wrist she'd watch as the nurse placed a dark grey, basically black object around her wrist. Once it was placed on she'd raised her wrist, examining the small device with curiosity. Shrugging she'd place her hand back by her side, the other on her hip, Takhar sitting neatly by her side. Listening to what'd be said, she'd also look at Finn to see his reaction of the needle.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #105 on: July 03, 2015, 11:07:28 pm »
((Is there anybody else who hasn't been paired up yet? Just need to know if there's someone Mykael can go with or if he has to go alone before I post.))

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #106 on: July 03, 2015, 11:10:05 pm »
[Im not sure if there's anyone who has posted lately that isn't paired, but feel free to pm someone and ask to join a group as a third unless you wanna work alone! ^-^]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #107 on: July 04, 2015, 02:17:32 am »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Navy blue eyes narrowed onto Teddy, and his palm reached the back of his neck, giving it a rub. It was quite obvious the male was uncomfortable and warry, more so the latter. At Teddy's sudden offer, Remington looked a bit surpised, but grateful, more than anything. "Oh, sur-" His voice was cut off at his hand being grabbed and held; pulled off, following along  with the crowd of partnered up subjects. A confused expression washed over Remington's pale features, not exactly used to any form of physical conact. It was a seemingly foreign subject to him.

Now, being pulled onto the roof, Remington watched as several subjects ahead of him were stabbed in their necks with chips, and hideous, mukticolored bracelets. And before he knew it, a chip was being inserted into his neck. He inhaled sharply, his body tensing at the sudden pain. He has never been a fan of needles, either. And as the nurse attempted to slap the metallic and orange bracelet onto Remington's wrist, he recoiled sharply, stepping behind Tedd. "Oh no. That does not match my outfit- first of all- second of all,-" His voice was cut off with the nurse forcefully grabbing his wrist and placing the bracelet on tightly. As the nurse moved on, Remington turned towards Teddy, giving him a curious glance. "Where do you think they're dumping us?"

Offline seopard

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #108 on: July 04, 2015, 03:08:05 pm »
[[I don't think Rylee has a partner yet, but Sweet Nightmares hasn't posted in a couple days....]]


Smiling to himself as Simone accepted his offer, Finn looked around the room. A few pairs had already formed: Jessamine and Thomas, a formidable duo; Teddy and Remington, which kinda irked him, but he shrugged and turned to listen to the doctor as he directed them to the roof. "What could we possibly be doing on the roof?" The man muttered to himself, scenarios running through his mind. Suddenly his thoughts were broken off when Sim tugged his arm, taking off after the others. Finn felt the corners of his lips twitch up as he followed her towards the lift. Once inside the metal box, he cast his gaze toward the large cat standing next to Simone, his ice blue eyes connecting with it's mismatched honey and blue. He stared for a few moments before turning to stare at the wall once again.

As they reached the roof, Finn hissed slightly, shielding his eyes from the harsh sunlight. Eyes adjusting, he watched the nurses microchipping the other subject and he backed away from the crowd slowly. He suddenly made eye contact with a nurse and frowned harshly as she slowly approached a strange expression on her face. Continuing to back up, Finn realized that she was attempting to be seductive, biting her lip as she stopped in front of him. His face contorted in disgust as she slowly reached around him to put in the chip, being sure to rest her hands on his bare chest before Finn shoved her away, snatching away the coal gray bracelet and stomping away from her. He stood next to Simone, connecting the metal around his own wrist before looking up at the doctor with a deathly glare, his fists clenched at his side.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #109 on: July 04, 2015, 09:30:28 pm »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

She had been surprised that Thomas had said yes. The fact that the subjects had no idea what would be happening increase to commitment factor of the partners situation. Jess smiled at her new nickname, 'little brave', and scuffed her feet shyly against the floor. At the back of her mind, she was hoping that she didn't seem too clingy, like a lost puppy that seemed to always follow Thomas, but she pursed her lips and pushed the thought away. She snapped back to reality when she noticed that everyone seemed to be following the scientists up a set of stairs. Quickening her pace to catch up,  Jessamine took her position beside Tom.

The sunlight caused the girl to blink a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light. Without any trees or even buildings to shield the group from the heat of the sun, Jess' breathing soon began to pick up along with her heart rate, not helping the tension of the situation. A sharp pain distracted her from her surroundings and Jess whipped around to see what the source of the pain in her neck was. She watched as Thomas also received a 'tracker', her mind racing at the thought of the subjects needing to be tracked. Her bracelet was a struggle to put on, multiple models were needed before the smallest size, meant for children, managed to fit her thin wrist. Raising an eyebrow in a sceptical manner, Jessamine tugged at the metal. "Oh no, dear. That won't come off."

Frowning, she shifted her weight uncomfortably and, tripping on her trailing shoe laces, she began to fall. More of a shock came when a pair of strong arms held her upright, lingering around her waist as she regained her balance. Turning to face the doctor holding her, normally Jess would have flinched away from the greedy look in the man's eyes as his gaze swept up and down over her; but, remembering Thomas' earlier words, a low growl escaped her lips. Stepping out of the man's hungry grasp, she marvelled at the fact that the doctor even shrunk away from her unexpected reaction before briskly turning and walking away. Feeling proud of herself, Jess even managed a smug smile before facing the aircraft; the wave of questions once again circled her mind and the short-lived pride disappeared.
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