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Messages - RainbowTea

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 34
Art Gallery / Re: What's Love
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:15:16 pm »
Haha! I love it XD That really made my day. - le nuzzle for your awesomeness -

Art Gallery / Re: Tethys' Art So Far.
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:12:00 pm »
MERP! Those pictures are adorableness! My favorite one was the first one and the bunneh. <333 I look forward to seeing more art of yours. - le nuzzle for your epicness -

Art Gallery / Re: Devynex's Lil' Art Thread :3 (Updated 8/28/13)
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:07:26 pm »
Omg your artwork is more epic than unicorns farting rainbows (and that's pretty darn awesome)! o3o Your style is unique, and I love it.

My favorite pictures were Baby Fire (awwwh adorableness) and the Facebook request one. c: - le nuzzle -

((Meep. I finished the drawing of le Asher. <3 I felt so bad for him so that's why he was the chosen one. Dun dun dun. I just have to color his fur, and then I'll post him with the rest of my artwork. Why'd you choose such a hard color for his fur? ;-; procrastinatorsunitetomorrow))

((Lol I keep getting mixed up and putting "girl" instead of "boy" for Mezzira/Dimas in my Simon posts. XD))

Simon Kelis

A smile spread across Simon's face as he willingly followed the boy. "It's quite easy to tell what Falkor is thinking, isn't it?" he commented, glancing at the dog and giving her a fond scratch on the head. "How many guests are you hosting?" he asked, partially out of curiosity and also to keep the conversation going for a bit.

((I know I should respond ... but I wanna draw a bit before I respond.iamsolazy Which wolf should I draw from our roleplay?))

((Simon is my new character by the way. Basically, Falkor - the dog - recognized Simon as her old owner so she ran out into the streets. Dimas (the girl pretending to be the boy) followed after her, and now Simon is about to visit her home. That's all I know right now so sorry if I wasn't of much help. XD))

Simon Kelis

For the first time during the whole evening, Simon noticed the darkness beginning to settle down, but he wasn't worried. He probably would have enough time to return to the safety of his own house before the creatures started patrolling the streets. Besides, he was interested in meeting new people, and Dimas seemed friendly enough. "Sure," he responded to the boy. "I don't see why not." He didn't usually enter other people's homes, and when he did, it was mostly for business or a serious matter that required tending to. It would be nice to visit someone for informal purposes.

((Lol XD))

Assuming the badger had heard her, Sage turned away from the front door and dashed back out in the rain to fetch the pup. She picked it up by the scruff and trotted back into the safety of the warm house, shaking out her pelt after setting the pup down on the tiled kitchen floor. Worried that it was cold, she moved it to the bigger room near the front the door, where there was soft carpet. She returned to the kitchen to see the badger sliding off the large, white block.

"Oh!" Sage barked. "I saw one of those at the farmhouse." She grasped the bump sticking out of it, despite her sore teeth, and she yanked at it. "It's weird though," she said, releasing the bump and flattening an ear against her head. "It turns into a door. With food."

Simon Kelis

Simon stared at the dog thoughtfully. "Falkor," he murmured softly, tapping his chin with his finger. He glanced at the boy. "Mez-Dimas?" he questioned with a slight grin. "I've never heard of such a name before, but I guess people are unique." He shrugged a little and glanced at the rows of silent houses. "So where do you and Falkor live? I don't think I've ever seen you two around."

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:38:15 pm »

A grinning hag danced like a boss ...

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