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Messages - Wizardmymom

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Game Discussion / Re: Hark, I am the last one!
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:23:58 pm »

Oh my goodness, this.

I'm not really sure what to think of it.
If you're playing as your own, original species, I get it.

But, if you're a dragon, you're most likely NOT the last one.

Personally, it's annoying as a bunch of little toddlers on caffeine.
It may just be me, but I think it's a personal thing, and a slightly in-depth-thinking reason.

While I have no plans to study it, I often wonder about human emotions.
So, I often question things like this.

If you're the last one...
Then you would most likely be depressed about it, or wounded, or terrified that your species will end, being as you alone cannot continue the species line without a mate.
You would be emotionally a wreck, due to the fact that your entire family, friends, and everyone else is dead. Unless the species is fairly solitary, but still.
You would hold the note that your ENTIRE species will die with you.

Yet people love to scream out "I'M THE LAST OF MY SPECIES!" like it's no big thing.

And I understand why.
It makes them feel special, unique, and free of restrictions.
It makes them feel like they're the special one.

But seriously, think about the emotional point. >:I

I do think it's overused, most definitely. However, I don't think it's something to look down upon as being unimaginative. Some stories for characters do require the absence of a society, pack, pride, family, or whatever the character came from. Either one, you don't want to bother with an entire family story and you can't find people to play them, could be a number of reasons why. Then there are some backstories that people like to create where they are "rebuilding" their family or homeland. Personally, I do like the side of being the last of a family or pack and repairing what was lost before. It usually depends how it was lost in the first place and how the future generation plans to rise back up to catch my interest. As far as being "The Last One" just to be the last, it can be seen as cliche.

Being the last of a family or pack, I can see.
That's cool, and often can lead to an interesting character if done right.
The lone she-wolf, searching for the rest of her life to re-build the pack that had crumbled away due to _____.
While it can lead to slight mate-begging by nooblets, it's still interesting.

My Final Words about this?:

Dem emotions bro, dem emotions.

My goodness, no one likes us? XD

I should mention that we have 3 MODs in our RP, and here they are:


In the mean-time...


Bestia Magia gets no love? XD


We recently reached 30 members, and over two weeks of existence!

Bump again.~

O mi goodness!
Forgot about this post!

In other words...


Game Discussion / Re: Overbearing Roleplayers
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:03:36 pm »
Hmm.. I have seen this happen.

Honestly, I agree with everyone when it comes down to what they've said.
It takes the fun out of the RP, and nothing becomes interesting anymore.
I love to make groups, and I often give little ideas to my members on what to RP, but it's up to them to use it or not.

For Example:

I have Bestia Magia.
I was joking with my members about this picture I found, that looks exactly like my character and someone else's character hugging.
After a "careful and civilized" conversation, we decided to have that happen.

I didn't go "Now this WILL happen."
That takes all the fun out of it.
RP is about enjoying yourself with friends and letting your creativity loose.
While restrictions are placed on how far you can go with that (some RPs more then others), it's still a time to have fun.
People who run around with the Leader's Stick and point it at everyone, telling them to do this and not that in the RP isn't fair, nor interesting.

It's like if you're at recess or lunch break and your friends are asking you to play a game.
You accept, and suddenly they're acting as if they have complete control of you.

Anyways, it just takes everything out of the game.
In my opinion, this is almost the same as the Over-Used Admin/Leader trick, or the I'm-a-mod-so-you-MUST-listen-to-me trick.


Welcome to Bestia Magia.
I'm sure that the Callidum master will be happy.

We are still well up and running ^.^
If you want to join, just fill out the application.

Bump Again.~

Massive update when it comes to information and magic.



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