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Messages - Kitscourge

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Characters / Re: Thrillex & Skrillex :D [Update 6/14/2013]
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:03:21 pm »
Love your chars/bio's! Great job. ^^ Also I love the neon colors.

Thanks for the help guys, but when I  open the OGRE Rendering Setup, it never gives the option for  Direct3D9 subsystem, It only has OpenGL Rendering Subsystem. Do I have to download the other one or something because this JUST started happening and it stopped working on my other computer (they are both desktops). Plz help if you have any ideas, advice, or the solution! ^^ I feel like I'm not following dirrections or something now. xD ~Knoiy

Characters / Erik M Ghost
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:45:12 pm »
Basic Info
Species:Ghost/spirit from a human/killer
Scent: Frost? owo
Age: 14-15
Crush: Someone ;)
Girlfriend: no ene
Wife: pssht, no x3
Kids:NO o-o

Sarcastic,jokester,mischeives,very flirty,easily embarrassed,short tempored,and a showoff.
Long-ish black hair, black hoodie with pure white sleeves from the elbows down,black pants, black high-tops, white mask with a gas-mask bottom and blood coming from the eyes, he only has empty black eye sockets, bleeds from mouth/eyes, he's tall,skinny, and misty. This is what he looked like before he died. He had a mask then too but appearently he took this pic with no mask on. owo
Sneezes like a kitten, british accent, kinda-high voice,blushes when mad and/or embarrassed,eyes used to be pur black until he ripped 'em out,he can see without 'em, and he's straight.
Deep in Ficho Tunnels and/or whereever his friends (rp) lead him.
Cause Of Death

That's all I have for now! x3 Sorry if it's kinda run-a-long and not very organized.It's my first forum bio :P

Introduction / 'Ellos! I'm new to the forums, not FH! :D
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:15:44 pm »
'Ellos random FH forum peeps! I just wanted to come and introduce myself once and for all. Lol, here's some things about me:
I share accounts with my sister, Knoiy. I'm Erik.
I play mostly and have been having troubles lately with FH. :I
The things I like to rp are ghosts, killers, and of course, The Phantom OTO. ^-^
I only have 1 lion char, and he's there to film.
I hang out mostly deep in ficho down the waterfall but sometimes I go to bonfire to start a chat. :D Also Flourite to explore.
I'm friendly to everyone I meet unless you're mean to me, then I just ignore you.If I'm in a rp, I'm pretty intense.
I'm really silly when you get to know me and I have a DA...ALSO shared with meh sis, "Knoiy".
Don't be afraid to say "hello" if you ever see me out there! I don't bite...much. ^-^
BTW, I WILL NOT be on in-game. My FH account decided to not let anyone or any computer play. (I guess my friends list?) But GOOD NEWS 8D I will be more active in the forums! ~Erik

What if it doesn't show that as an option? It used to work on the one I have now... ~Knoiy

Feral-Heart crashes whenever i try to get on ANY char I have. After I log in  and choose a char it starts to load the map but before I get in it, it crashes. I have uninstalled and re-installed and tried two different computers but it still doesn't work.My friend's that lives near-by works perfectly fine. Please help! This has been going on for 4 days. :(

EDIT 6/29/13: I tried FH on my friend's account and it works fine. It seems to be only for my account. Welp, time to wait for registration to open. ono ~Erik & Knoiy

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