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Messages - Nemena

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Discussion Board / Re: Calm Music/Sounds
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:11:52 am »
Sounds seem to need a lil' more representation. I struggle with background noise- especially when I'm attempting to sleep- and I've found myNoise to be an immeasurable aid. It's basically just noise, white, brown, rain and whatnot, that's customizable to suit your precise needs. Hopefully it'll be handy to someone here; it's helped my friends and family with insomnia, tinnitus and misophonia.

Also, gentle piano music, especially the works of Ludovico Einaudi (link) really helps after a long, arduous day at work.

On a side note, the amount of Zelda music in here makes me squeak. Although Majora's Mask is a firm favourite, Twilight Princess was a close second!

Art Gallery / Re: Doodles Ahoy! [Update: 12/16/14]
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:51:24 am »
BroBroBro....I remember you from waaaaay back in that contest! Holy fudgenuggets! I love how your style changed so much after that long break lol I can't tell you which style I like more! Either way, I love how you draw, and this one...bout died over

(image snip!)

Like....bro....can you just calm down on the awesomesauce and allow us viewers to hook up our life support before staring at your masterpiece?

Incoherently gurgles out a giant thank you safdf. I still have that piece sitting in the exact same state of unfinishedness. Somewhere. ONE DAY, IT WILL BE COMPLETED. Oh man they're far from masterpieces (I've the self-confidence of a wet boot), but thanks a million for the kind words.

Oh my such breath taking art my dear.
I just want to nom all dem amazing arts.
I envy your skillage. <3
You're welcome to nom them, but I'm certain a piece of chocolate goodness would taste far better. Still, thank you so, so much!

Game Discussion / Re: Have you ever trolled before?
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:40:08 am »
I've a few wacky characters (a sentient blobfish, for example, and a few luminescent TLKs), but I've never actually trolled anyone (providing we're using the more negative connotations of 'trolling'). I personally don't understand the appeal in upsetting, harassing or provoking other players; it's terribly immature-- and something the community could most certainly do without. It especially irks me when Bonfire's the target; there's so, so many younger players within that map that honestly don't deserve to suffer from an enormous, neon feline sprouting profanity left and right. Agh, I do apologize for being a bit of a grinch and a killjoy, but trolling just doesn't sit right with me. When your fun ruins someone else's fun, it's wrong.

Of course, a bit of zane, insanity and craziness is fantastic fun-- especially in moderation-- but I firmly draw the line when it verges on harassment and rule-breaking (which, unfortunately, it often does).


Art Gallery / Re: Doodles Ahoy! [Update: 10/9/14]
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:55:13 pm »
Ermmaigerd, I bet you've heard this so many times but I'm gonna tell you this anyways.
You make me inspired to try and improve my drawing skills. Like seriously, you're my new God.
And btw I love the way you color  ~

Adfdf, thank you so much. THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE HERE FARRRR BETTER THAN ME, but thank you ff.

Don't really draw too much FH stuff these days, but here's my persona and Rayleigh hyena again.

Discussion Board / Re: Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:39:13 pm »

Anyways, this seems interesting. Which should I read first, the manga or the anime? Suggestions for a newcomer please xD

I'd suggest watching the anime-- then reading from where the anime left off (chapter 30-something). The manga's alright, but the art, especially in the earlier volumes, is extraordinarily wonky and the pacing's a bit all over the place. The problems right themselves later on, but for all its flaws-- the anime's very enjoyable! Starts off slow, but once it's going it's great.

I personally loathe the three mains, but my goodness do I love the side-characters (REEEINERRRR) and setting. I've fallen five or so chapters behind with the manga, but I'm so unbelievably excited for season 2. Can't wait to see all the crazy plot-twists in animated glory!

Game Discussion / Re: Ways you deal with a Troll player
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:29:18 pm »
I just block. I have no patience I'm so sorry.

Stooping to their level, responding or exclaiming offense only encourages them-- and gives them the attention they desire. It's generally best to flat-out ignore them, block or report.

Game Discussion / Re: That Diaper-Wearing Baby Moment
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:22:23 pm »
Mercifully, I joined FH at 22 and had long, long grown out of my immature teenage phase. I'm usually the one to offer some friendly advice-- and to generally have it flung back into my face.

Even then, I definitely was a bit of a whinge when I was 14/15 and roleplaying across various forums and MMOs.  Most of it was arguably attention-mongering; I had a pretty rough time at home and struggled horrendously with mental illnesses. It definitely doesn't excuse what I did-- I wholeheartedly admit I was a selfish nitwit! Even then, I do struggle when I see people acting up in game; I generally just leave them to it. Years later, they'll look back on their behaviour and grimace or laugh-- as we all do! It's something everyone grows out of eventually.

Discussion Board / Re: Those IT servers...
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:05:35 pm »
People also tend to underestimate server costs-- alongside the sheer manpower involved in creating workable 3D models. I charge well over $1k for making, mapping, texturing and rigging a high-poly model entirely from scratch-- and industry prices are generally ten times more than that. Most folk proclaiming that they're going to make a game are so young and inexperienced-- it's really not fair to expect others to freely make the game you envision without paying a penny to your artists and programmers (unless, of course, they're really invested in the subject).

I do love to see people's ideas and concepts, but they really need to have a working demo of the game, no matter how short, if they're seeking the support of donations and freebies.

In terms of IT servers, I'm not entirely sure why new ones are needed when there's plenty of established ones to try. If the person has the knowledge, and aren't completely reliant on help from strangers, then go for it! As long as they understand that they can't sit back, drop ideas, and let everyone else shoulder the brunt of the work.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Is Mediafire Safe?
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:47:08 pm »
If you download from mediafire, I strongly suggest you use both adblock and scriptsafe addons for google chrome if you do. The site itself is safe, but the advertisements and pop-ups definitely aren't-- as mentioned before. There's very little chance of things slipping through with both these extensions active. Even then, you're likely safe if you just click 'download' and leave, but there's no such thing as being too cautious!

Security wise, nearly all filesharing sites often display malicious advertisements, but a strong antivirus and the right browser addons should keep you perfectly safe. I'm a bit pedantic about security myself after loosing an old laptop to malware! :P

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest Mate/Pup/Attention Beggar Situations
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:40:09 am »
I adopted a pup on my elderly wolf, once. They were friendly, seemed an experienced roleplayer and was fairly active in-game! We roleplayed a few times over the span of a week and everything was perfect.

Then, lo' and behold, I logged in and they were suddenly, inexplicably an adult. Not only that, they wanted my wolf, their adoptive father, to be their mate.


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