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Messages - Vespian

Pages: 1 ... 410 411 [412] 413 414 ... 417
Game Discussion / Re: Stuff you've heard while lying around in a map.
« on: June 17, 2013, 09:03:03 am »
Er, how can I say this..?
I was sitting idly in Flourite when someone, won't say her username due to respect, bluntly called out in General the word 'Semen'. She didn't say anything else as everyone was processing what just happened then we all, including me, burst out in hysterical laughter as she freaked out in General saying she meant for that to go to the Group Chat.
We all love those moments when we speak in the wrong chat.
If this post goes against the rules in any way, please feel free to correct me/remove this post for I honestly could think of no way of what else to call it without people going, "-Derp.- Whut?"

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Typos?
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:38:35 am »
I think my two favorite typos is when someone attempts to type 'fang' but somehow their finger skips over the 'n' and that time an old bud of mine misspelled his map. It was supposed to be 'Silent Island' but he spelled it as 'Sientl Island'. I still don't know how he could've misspelled something like that.

Discussion Board / Re: Emotes That Scare or Annoy You
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:27:25 am »
I think the only emotes I dislike would be '-_-' and '-.-'. Like you said Raskolnikov, I too find those two emotes rather rude and inappropriate. It's basically an insult in emoticon form saying, "Shut up, the world hates you now so go die." or something along those lines. Er, other than that, every other emote I either shrug off or find it either as a derp or friendly emote.

Game Discussion / Re: Oversized Characters.
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:14:31 am »
I'm not really bothered with the size problem, and like most people have already said, as long as they don't use their size for their own advantage unrealisticly when they claim to be realistic, I just go with the flow. I have noticed that the Warrior Cats are taking some kind of growing serum though, considering the fact I've seen some nearly as tall as Starrk and Starrk's a big dude. However, I don't often interact with many Warrior Cats through Rp however so it's not a major problem in my book. And like many have said before me and this post, you nor anyone else cannot demand for the individuals to change their size if they wish to be unrealistic and all. Though, my advice is try to give them a few pointers in the height and if they try to roleplay unfairly with you, merely ignore them or walk off. Hurr, late with this response.

Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:02:17 am »
Mate Centers honestly prod me towards the uneasy side for most of them consist of newcomers (most whom don't bother viewing over the Rules or regulations of the game), illiterates, trolls, etc. Whenever I'm laying idly by in Bonfire and I see a Mate Center pop up, I immediately get in f3 mode and loom over the whole thing for I know with all this "love in the air", one or two couples will start doing something quite inappropriate. Yet, I also think the MODs cannot bluntly get rid of the Mate Centers unless they all start doing something that's against the rules but I could be wrong. Who knows.
My opinion on the matter is the Mate Centers leave me very uneasy and once one pops up, my eyes are on them for a while. I suppose it's better than having random individuals running up to Starrk and following him around trolling him or begging him constantly to be his mate, though I actually would rather deal with mate beggars than Mate Centers for a mate begger, I can just screenshot them and report if they start following me around constantly and harassing me through the chats and all. Plus I can also just block them and there they go, no longer existing to me. Mate Centers, I can't do that for, like I said, one minute everything will go fine then the next, ... You get what I mean.

Introduction / Re: Ello there.
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:50:06 am »
Well then, welcome to the FeralHeart Forums. I take it you already know the regulations and rules of the game. Though, it's good to see you getting involved in the forums.

Art Gallery / Re: //Taylors digital art\\
« on: June 17, 2013, 04:25:21 am »
Look at all those beautiful pieces of art. My favorite would have to be the horses and wolves. Wonderful anatomy structure.

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: June 17, 2013, 04:21:41 am »

Forum Games / Re: Wolves or Lions :3
« on: June 17, 2013, 04:19:39 am »

Forum Games / Re: Welcome to FeralHeart, How tough are 'ya?
« on: June 17, 2013, 04:17:20 am »
I'm so tough, every night when I go to bed, I check under my bed for myself.

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