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Messages - Tigerheart08

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Finished Maps / Re: MoonRise Forest
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:12:08 pm »
Downloading right now ^^
Hopefully there will be people in it when I arrive! If not I'll probably start a group.

Game Discussion / Re: How was you introduced to FeralHeart?
« on: August 02, 2013, 02:24:54 pm »
Like MANY people here, I started out playing WQ. I had to stop once my computer broke and I got a new one. When I downloaded WQ on the new one it was slower, more glitches, and crashed a lot. I was a little upset because I had been playing WQ for a like a year before and had really grown used to it.
I searched the web for more animal role plays online and found a lot of stupid stuff. When I was finally ready to give up role playing my sister mentioned an online game she used to play. Which was, obviously, FH. So now I'm here ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Weirdest Conversations
« on: July 27, 2013, 05:01:08 am »
Oh gosh xD So yesterday I was RPing with one of my groups and this character appears. He/she was impersonating a Dorito x3

It was the funniest convo ever. That lion and the Dorito were discussing marriage and such. Since Doritos can't speak, every time it would talk it would go *Dorito noises* or *Content Dorito noises* xD
I asked it where all its Dorito friends went and the lion told me that they were taming Kangaroos in Australia xD
The RP was getting boring so that really made everyone occupied for a good hour x3 I miss that little cute Dorito ;-; it said that it was a Nacho Cheese.

Game Discussion / Re: Best RP you've ever been in~
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:54:45 am »
Ah, sorry ^^
Haven't been on the Forums in a while so I'm just starting to update myself on what the new threads are.

Game Discussion / Best RP you've ever been in~
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:15:43 am »
I've had some pretty close ties but I have to say that the Niesaris Pride has to be mine.  ;D
     I can't really remember how I joined this pride (twas around a month ago). I think I might have joined at SB or answered an advertisement. We lived East of L island and pretty much just hung out for a while until this intruding rogue group appeared by the water's edge. (I admit we did map-claim, but both groups agreed that it was all apart of the RP and no hard feelings, etc.)
     Our Queen argued with the group leader for a while and occasionally the cubs would be, you know, overly brave cubs. I guess apparently they had made our spot their territory before us. 
(Once again, this was all apart of the RP we weren't actually arguing OOC) The gang surrounded us and one of our cubs decided to "Attack" the gang's leader. He ended up breaking her leg. Other members of the Pride thought the rogue gang was 'Cool' and 'Powerful' so they left our group and joined them. So then all that was left was the Queen, the cub, and myself.
     We ended up fleeing because we were outnumbered and made our new home at a den next to L island. The three of us stayed there for several FH days until the Pride slowly began to grow in numbers again. This lion that had joined became friends with me and he told me that he grew up at L island and wanted to visit his old home. He ran ahead and began crossing the water. I had remembered the Rogue Gang and warned him to wait so that we could sneak to L island and not get caught if they were still there. Either he didn't hear me or he didn't care because he ran ahead and I followed. He ended up leading me to the Pride's old home. But we didn't see the Rogue Group, instead we saw another Pride. The
Light Of Umafisi Pride .
     My friend and I ended up speaking to the Queen for a couple of minutes and it turned out that her Pride had been attacked by the Rogue group the day before (IRL). I ended up losing connection and when I came back my friend had returned to our Pride and I saw that the Queen had whispered me. She had told me that since both of our Pride's had been attacked by the same gang we should form an alliance. So we ended up doing that and my Pride returned to L island and made one big Pride with the Light Of Umafisi.
     So then more people joined and I ended up adopting a cub and blah blah blah. I remember the Pride being so large in numbers because of the two Prides morphing together like that. The last thing that happened was a couple of hyenas showing up along with THE LEADER OF THE ROGUE GANG. The people who knew about the attacks ended up freaking out (In a funny way) and the last thing I did was protect the cubs.
The entire Server ended up crashing and my fun was gone  :'(  I'm sad to say that my Pride is no longer active. I'm still part of the group but the Queen is never on. But the Light Of Umafisi Pride is still active sometimes. I actually made another Character and joined their group  :D

So what was the best RP you've ever been in or experienced? ^.^

Game Discussion / Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:56:58 am »
This discussion is very interesting. Well, I guess I don't have THAT much of a problem with age. Although, I do slightly. I mean I had a rather..surprising encounter with someone WELL over the age of myself while RPing.
I was in a clan and someone advertised on the Movie Clips that they needed a clan. I made so they joined and they ended up being my kit. I thought they seemed rather Literate, cause they practically understood everything I said and replied right away and everything. It was nice. Then we kind of got sidetracked in the RP while our leader was advertising at SB. We got into the conversation of 'Ages'. I wasn't really listening to the conversation that much, but I did manage to catch that my 'Kit' was a 36 year old man IRL. Now, this kind of shocked me but I laughed it off and continued RPing. He was actually quite a good RPer.
But, to this day I can't help but think: A 14 year old is playing the mother of a 36 year old?
It still makes me laugh because it was just so...surprising. 

Game Discussion / Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:31:27 am »
I know Claiming is against the rules, and I totally agree with every one of you on this discussion. I had an encounter with claiming only a few days ago actually.
I joined this clan called Crowclan and RPed with it for a little bit. Then out of no where this other clan called Moonclan appeared and told my, very illiterate, leader that they had claimed that spot days before we had. I thought that was kind of unfair, but I went along with it for the experience of the RP, or (Plot) I should say. They ended up giving us a warning to leave and left. We continued RPing and then while I was outside of the camp I all of a sudden read streams upon streams of chat flying through of Moonclan attacking our camp, trying to drive us away. We ended up fleeing and making camp somewhere else nearby.
Overall it was a really fun and memorable experience in the RP. Obviously there were people in my clan that didn't like the fact that they were claiming, but it wasn't really that bad and was easily tolerable. My point is, is that I feel like claiming is OK within RP's, but if someone(s) is obviously not RPing and wants to stay where they are then clans/Prides/Packs/etc. should just learn to let them stay and continue with their own RP. Although, then I find that the other issue is that maybe that clan/pride/pack doesn't WANT to move somewhere else. If that were me than I would just work it into my RP the best I could or just tell them that you don't want to move or RP with them .-. .[/i][/i]
Sorry if this doesn't make total sense haha. It was all in my head before I started typing and then when I got around to typing I kind of lost what I was trying to say and had to wing it lol

Game Discussion / Shatteredclan/United Republic
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:13:51 pm »
What happened to these two clans? Like 3 - 4 weeks ago I saw Shatteredclan recruiting, but now there is no sight of either of them. I know they are feared among the other clans. Is anyone in either of these two clans? Are they disbanded now?

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