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Messages - Chapawee

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Finished Maps / Re: Gathering V1
« on: February 15, 2014, 01:46:48 am »
Thanks! And ikr about the Warriors rp (I'm *slightly* obsessed with the books). xD

Finished Maps / Gathering V1
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:18:49 pm »
Partly inspired by the Gatherings in Warrior Cats, this map is very large. It mostly just consists of the gathering area itself and the portal; the rest of the landscape is really just to add a background (there's no meshes except for the trees and whatnot in the Gathering area.

However, the actual gathering area itself is very detailed. There are several dens, several thickets of trees, and more! There's even a pond. The only thing outside the gathering area is the lake and a small island with some trees on it, but it makes a nice little place to sit and get away from lag.

Download here:

Some screenshots:

Your choice of course, but your art is actually really good! :3

Game Discussion / Re: Are you [beeping] serious!?
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:11:42 am »
Wow, some people are just so rude.

Finished Maps / Re: Chapawee's Village V1: Amazing detail! Large map!
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:28:42 pm »
@SpiritWolf: The statues are from Nowe's converted WoW object pack (find it in the meshes section). There's a lot of stuff in those packs. :)
Sorry about the Mediafire thing though, I can't use file sites that need accounts. I might make an account though so I can put files there.
@Katelyn: That's weird, maybe an ad blocker would work? Sorry, I haven't had an issue like that before. O.o
@Cheyenne/Dark: Hi! Glad ya like the map. Nice to meet you. :)

Ask Me / Re: Ask Chapawee!
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:48:14 am »
You asked some tough ones! O.O

Hmm, I like them all. I enjoy the sunrise, the misty air, the birdsong, and the 'new day' feeling of mornings. I like the calm and peace that seems to descend over everything during the evening, as well as the emergence of the first stars. I like the night as well because of all the trillions of stars I can see. I like them all but I'd probably choose night. It's amazing to see all the stars and think about the enormity of the universe. Night's when I can both sleep and stay up late; I get so much peace and quiet!

I like wolves because of their wild and complex nature. Their howls are nature's music, and they can run free in the wilds. They have a family nature similar to humans, yet different. I also like their eyes; it's like the window to a spirit animal or something. Wolves have always been one of my favorites. I like lions because of their family structure and wild nature as well. I also like their regal appearance and air of raw strength. I like dogs because of their sweet and understanding nature, and how they always seem to know everything about moods. I have two adorable beagles and I love them dearly! <3 I also like dogs because they patiently listen and understand, and they never criticize or do anything rude. Dogs are both athletic and lazy, making them the perfect furry little buddies for me. I like cats because they are acrobatic and nocturnal. They also seem to sense mood like dogs. Plus, I happen to be a huge fan of Warriors and have been for years! I like tribbles for several reasons. First, they're adorable little things and they make cute little 'coo-ing' sounds. And they're from Star Trek, and I'm a huge Star Trek fan! :D

Phew, sorry for the ridiculously long responses! x'D

Ask Me / Re: Ask Chapawee!
« on: December 27, 2013, 09:44:27 pm »
1. Rainbow? Idk
2. Hmm...I have several, actually. Wolf, lion, dog, cat, and tribble.
3. A space unicorn? I've never heard of different types before. xD
4. Gingerbread! *raids cookie jar*
5. Meow! :3
6. Easy. 10! :)
7. Definitely!
8. Lol whut? x'D

Ask Me / Ask Chapawee!
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:06:33 pm »
A bunch of my friends have made one and it looks fun, so I made one too now. xD

Game Help / Re: Does FeralHeart work on Windows 8 or 8.1?
« on: December 26, 2013, 06:16:38 pm »
Ok, thanks guys! I got the update and it works fine now. *removes Norton* Problem solved. :)

Game Help / Does FeralHeart work on Windows 8 or 8.1?
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:22:18 pm »
Sorry if this is probably asked or not, but I can't figure out if it's Norton or Windows 8 blocking all my downloads. It blocked both FH and IW. Does FeralHeart work on my OS? If you need a description of the issue, I got a new laptop for Christmas. Apparently the only Windows version Microsoft ships is Windows 8 and I don't know if FH works on it. A huge thank-you in advance to whoever replies, because this is starting to frustrate me!

Edit: I don't think it has to do with hard drive space, because this computer has about 632 of disk space...

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