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Messages - iiAwshumGurl

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Game Discussion / People pointing out other's ''mistakes''
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:13:00 pm »
I'm sure most of us here know that Bonfire Island has many Lion King RP'ers. The reason why I said ''mistakes'' in the title is something that really annoyed me. Whilst I was RP'ing with a friend of mine I saw in the chat someone said this:
<Nala TLK> ur not nala, nala doesnt have slit eyes or is that colour im the only real nala

The other person was not infact trying to be TLK's Nala, whether or not the other person knew I do not know but the name Nala shouldn't just be around for one character, as should any name. I'm not against people rp'ing as Lion King characters at all, since it's quite nice seeing people form movie scenes and making packs.

Another annoying thing is there was a wolf rp and so many people got thrown out for not being natural colours. What is so wrong about being unnaturally coloured characters?

What are your opinions on these things?

Game Discussion / Re: What Does a Username Tell You?
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:12:16 pm »
Most people judge other's ages by their usernames. For example my user name, ''iiAwshumGurl'' rather than ''iiAwesomeGirl''
some people will point out I spelt awesome wrong or girl wrong but AwshumGurl was a username I created years back when my spelling wasn't amazing, I must admit, I do like my username since it brings back memories. That''s why I've kept it to this very day despite the fact that I'm in my late teen years.

Game Discussion / Re: The MateCenter Stereotype
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:07:42 pm »
Yesterday in a server I found a Mate Center making fun of the people in there, he was saying stuff like Buy one Get one free and stuff and saying it was silly to look for a mate. I feel kind of bad since I just stood there watching rather than stopping him... I avoid most fights because when I get involved they all turn on me :L

My favourite character is Eclipse, a wolf I created as a child, I grew up with that design and adapted it into a FeralHeart model, it's amazing watching one of your own designs ''be created'' before your very eyes. What makes me love my characters is they all have their own backstories ( some darker, some heart-warming ) and that gives them their own individual personalities. That's why I adore my characters :')

Game Discussion / Re: Why's BonFire Island so populated?
« on: October 29, 2015, 02:57:47 pm »
Well in my opinion it's the nicest of maps and the scenery is pretty good for RPs. Also, if a lot of people go there and RP, more and more people will gather there and join in thus making the map pretty full.

Introduction / Re: Hi! I'm Eclipse.
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:57:51 am »
Nice to meet you all too!! And I'll stay for sure this time, I missed you guys. I only left due to the fact my laptop wouldn't download FH but now it's all fixed!! :D

Introduction / Re: Hi! I'm Eclipse.
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:50:56 pm »
Thank you all for welcoming me back <3 I adore the community on here, everyone is so kind and helps one and other :')

Introduction / Hi! I'm Eclipse.
« on: October 27, 2015, 03:53:40 pm »
Hi there,
My wolf's name is Eclipse
Link is to see my preset in-game :)
I'm an old member who came back on a new account.
I look foward to meeting you all!
My sibling on here is iiwolfeywolf.
Have a nice day!!

Game Help / Re: Preset Help
« on: October 27, 2015, 01:40:16 pm »
Okay thanks. It worked but sometimes when I log in the preset has disappeared off my avatar and sometimes it doesn't seem to export??  And people cannot seem to see my preset? Help???

Game Help / Preset Help ( Fixed, please lock! )
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:33:38 pm »
I imported some presets ( they are in the my_presets folder ) and when I go to Preset Maker they are there in the correct spots and I can view them yet I cannot seem to import them to work in-game on my character. Please may someone help me?

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