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Messages - Michen_S

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Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: March 16, 2019, 05:34:02 pm »

That connection comes because of a song, by the way.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:22:05 pm »
Water lily!

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:21:14 pm »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
Captain_Wolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!
DancingWithDeath: They found a volcano that looked like it was about to erupt, and looked in horror.
ArkhamScout: But they was also confused by the volcano erupting........
Ame88: Kentucky friend chicken by the thousands. Everybody around started to...
SpicyDirt: Pick up the Kentucky Fried Chicken and throw it into the water as an offering for the fish god.
Notorious.: The fish god was very pleased with the offering, but at the same time wasn't too satisfied with it. The fish then wanted everybody to...
ArkhamScout: dance the YMCA dance but.....
FlyingGrass: An evil witch put sleeping potion in the air and...
DancingWithDeath: Started stealing the chicken.
ArkhamScout: but someone stop her and it was.....
Machungwa63: Jeffrey's dad, Stanley, whose robotic hand made him immune to the sleeping potion.
VortexAlive: They then agreed to build a new taco stand and decided to...
Kerriki: also start selling mac and cheese.
Ame88:This was a big hit alongside the tacos. Not long after releasing the mac however, everyone started...
Captain_Wolfskin: to only buy Mac and cheese, the  people were so addicted to the rich and creamier taste that they began to...
ArkhamScout: sing and dance around, singing about how good the Mac and cheese but......
FlyingGrass: The Mac and cheese was secretly part of an evil plan to...
Ame88: hypnotize everyone, forcing them to dance until they couldn't dance any longer. Nobody noticed this until...
Michen_S: a cola geyser suddenly erupted right behind the mac and cheese stand.
FlyingGrass: That explosion blew a piece of paper out of the Mac and cheese stand, that note contained details about the evil plan and someone picked it up, it read:
Machungwa63: "While you've all been dancing, I have bought every pizza place on Earth and now I own all the pizzas! You shouldn't have forgot about me. Signed - Mushroom Monster"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck gasped in horror while reading the note, Jeffery began screaming like a dying gazelle and promptly past out after also reading the note.
Michen_S: Thank goodness there also was a vampire present that was immune to hypnotisation. He quickly grabbed a bottle of...

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 15, 2019, 02:20:56 pm »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
Captain_Wolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!
DancingWithDeath: They found a volcano that looked like it was about to erupt, and looked in horror.
ArkhamScout: But they was also confused by the volcano erupting........
Ame88: Kentucky friend chicken by the thousands. Everybody around started to...
SpicyDirt: Pick up the Kentucky Fried Chicken and throw it into the water as an offering for the fish god.
Notorious.: The fish god was very pleased with the offering, but at the same time wasn't too satisfied with it. The fish then wanted everybody to...
ArkhamScout: dance the YMCA dance but.....
FlyingGrass: An evil witch put sleeping potion in the air and...
DancingWithDeath: Started stealing the chicken.
ArkhamScout: but someone stop her and it was.....
Machungwa63: Jeffrey's dad, Stanley, whose robotic hand made him immune to the sleeping potion.
VortexAlive: They then agreed to build a new taco stand and decided to...
Kerriki: also start selling mac and cheese.
Ame88:This was a big hit alongside the tacos. Not long after releasing the mac however, everyone started...
Captain_Wolfskin: to only buy Mac and cheese, the  people were so addicted to the rich and creamier taste that they began to...
ArkhamScout: sing and dance around, singing about how good the Mac and cheese but......
FlyingGrass: The Mac and cheese was secretly part of an evil plan to...
Ame88: hypnotize everyone, forcing them to dance until they couldn't dance any longer. Nobody noticed this until...
Michen_S: a cola geyser suddenly erupted right behind the mac and cheese stand.

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: March 15, 2019, 02:16:01 pm »

3 hides, 5 illustrations, 77 light piano opposums.

Hmm... Well, I -was- in need of something to draw. Mind if I pick this up with coloured pencils? It could take a while to finish, though.

Forum Games / Re: Post Your Mood With A GIF
« on: March 13, 2019, 04:01:28 pm »

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: March 10, 2019, 11:57:34 am »

Forum Games / Re: The Worst Spelling of Words!
« on: March 09, 2019, 03:32:16 pm »
Sji salls sji sills un tah sjishoor

Next: I've got the power to feel good!

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: March 09, 2019, 03:29:00 pm »

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