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Messages - puppy 12

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((I believe you can't be a husky since HuskyStar is a Husky, and your not allowed to be the same breed.))


Name: "Peanut, a weird name huh?" Peanut.
Gender: "Male." Brute, Male.
Age: "Hum, to be precise I was born on the 30th January." 6 Years.
Personality: "Hum, I couldn't know." |Friendly| |Sparky| |Alert| |Playful| |Smart|
|Friendly.| When you don't know this Border Collie, he can be quite friendly, but not as friendly as he would be for when you know him. When you know Peanut, he is a great friend, willing to risk his life for his friends. He can almost like any animals, no matter there history, or there past.
|Sparky/Bubbly.| When you do not know Peanut, he is very alert, so not him normal bubbly self. When you get to know him, he can be very bubbly, and sparky, running around almost everywhere. He hardly ever gets tired, so he could run around for hours hours with out getting tired.


How got to Dog Trust:
Other: He likes Peanuts.

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: February 10, 2013, 01:56:48 pm »
I ban you because Navatii has the best siggie EVER!

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: February 10, 2013, 01:54:38 pm »
I use feline charries for my Arcanine, for the mane :P.

Me: -sits-
Me: -Goes to wolf- Hey?
Wolf: Help me burp?
Me: -_- What?
Wolf: -Farts in face- HELP ME BURP!
Me: -Runs away scared-
I had a horror expression on my face :P.


Name: Harry Locus Dark.
Gender: Male.
Age: 16 Years.
Appearance: Picture.
Personality: Harry is a laid back fella, not really caring what's going on around him. But when its urgent, he is always sneaking around and sometimes he finds it fun! Harry can be quite aggressive when some one argues with him, but he will always win the argument. When you get to know him, he can be quite kind, and always willing to him in some of the hardest situations. Harry has total love for his dog, because he's had him for 2 years now.
Harry was born in the urban city, always wanting a dog of his own. But his mother, Carrie, would never let him. Harry's father, Richard, always was working on the laptop, or working, never taking interest in Harry, so Harry's father figure was Carrie. Carrie was keen not to let Harry have a cat or a dog, because it would be harsh on them, living in a flat. Luckily, Harry was able to get a mini black and white hamster, and named it Minty. Harry was about 5. Minty escaped multiple of times, but was always caught, and brought a more stable cage, but was always able to escape.

When Harry was 10, Minty died, and Harry was only able to get a Goldfish. The orange fish was named 'Bubbles', and sometimes, Bubbles liked to jump out of the water, but always land back in. Harry loved that fish with all his life,  and fed him every single day.

When Harry was 14, Bubbles died, and with Parents Permission, he moved out so he could get a dog. As soon as he moved in, he looked everywhere for a beautiful, black Labrador Puppy, and found one. Harry got him, named him Rock, and taught  him every trick in the book. As a year past, Rock and Harry had a unbreakable bond, and Harry knew Rock would risk his life for Harry, so Harry was prepared to risk his.
Hobbies: Harry always takes his dog on walks, and  he loves playing fetch with sticks, and throwing them in the water. Rock loves water.
Likes& Dislikes: Likes: Harry LOVES his dog, and he loves the outdoors, and exploring the forest.
Dislikes: He hates the zombies, and he dislikes a lot of food, but is forced to eat them, because of the lack of food.
Name(s):  Rock (Both pictures are Rock.)
Age(s): 2 Years.
Gender(s): Male.
About: Rock is very loyal, and would do anything for Harry, including die. He loves water, and swimming around.

Roleplay example: OPTIONAL

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« on: February 09, 2013, 10:32:00 pm »
Ashlee K. White

Bubba stopped at Ashlee's heels, as she opened the Warehouse door. This is where some Raiders come to camp out, or just see what each other have. She entered the warehouse, and entered a room where there were a couple of chairs. She sat down on a zebra striped one, that she claimed as her own. Ashlee breathed in, and hoped that she had enough water to last a couple of days, she wanted some time to bond with her pup, normally it would be out, in, and straight back out, until she needed sleep. "1, 2, 3 4," Ashlee counted the bottles, hoping for at least 15 bottles, but only got a result of 10. Bubba was sitting at the leg of the chair, and impatiently looking up at Ashlee, waiting for the result. "Well boy, we got 14 bottles of water, 4 packets of crisps, and 2 biscuits, and 3 cheese packets, and 10 dog food cans, from yesterdays and todays earnings." Ashlee explained, and got a small notebook from her pocket. She got a red pen, and uncapped the lid. She wrote:
3 bottles of water MAX. 2 Crisps, 2 dog food, half of 1 cheese packet.
3 bottles of water MAX. 1 crisp packet. 1 biscuit. 2 dog food, the other half of cheese packet.
She stopped there, and sighed,
"The next 2 days done." she sighed to herself, and made the notepad comfy in her pocket, not forgetting to return the pen to its rightful place in her pocket to.

After a little nap, she leaned forward in her chair, and looked at Bubba.
"You know where Mickey is?" Ashlee asked, in a sleepy, dreamy voice. Bubba turned his head, and pointed his muzzle to a mouse, sleeping peacefully on a sack. "Oh." Ashlee sighed, "Wanna go to the park buddy, we can leave Mickey here to get some rest." Ashlee smiled, and picked up her small dog. She walked out the room, opened the door, and headed towards the Park.

She reached Central Park, and let her dog race ahead of her. She raced after him, a smile on her face, she always enjoyed venturing out with Bubba. The wind brushed through her hair, this morning was quite peaceful, until a roar came from in front of her dog.
"Bubba sit." Ashlee calmly said, taking out her sniper with no worry in her body at all. She pointed the sniper at his blotchy head, and shot. BAAAM!! The sniper hit the zombie with no problem, and he fell to the ground having a fit, but soon fell silent. "Good job Bub." Ashlee sighed, it seemed like her dog was getting used to this infection thing. She had attached a bandanna over her dogs nose to protect it from the infection, and she done so herself.

She had a pink bandanna, with light, medium sized, peach polka dots. Unlike hers, Bubba's was blue, with realistic flames coming from the bottom.

She smiled, and saw other survivors sleeping, or walking around. She kept one hand on her sniper, not scared to shoot. She could tell that Bubba was eager to play with the other dogs, but would wait until instructed, but she knew that that word would never come.
"Bubba, snifff." This was the word to see if any survivors had anything she could steal, it was her job! She turned her head, and saw a local raider, (Matthew or Four.) she decided it would be best to leave him, although a local survivor was next to him.

She saw 2 beautiful Huskies, following there owner, she walked by only glancing at the rare dogs. One looked a bit old, it wasn't a great environment for  a old dog like him. Bubba wagged his tail, as he ran to the younger husky (Chloe) but he knew he shouldn't come into contact with other dogs, so ran back to his owner.
"Bubba, what did I say." Ashlee growled, giving a stern gaze at the tiny breed. But she couldn't stay mad at her bezzie, she bent down, and ruffled in between his ears.

Suddenly, she felt some small feet clamber up her back, using her T-shirt for grips, and sitting quietly on her shoulder. She was about to flick it off, but decided to see what it was, as she turned her head, she heard a little squeak. She then saw her little buddy, Mickey.
"Hey boy, how did you find us?" She asked, knowing she wouldn't, and couldn't get a reply from her furry friend.  She looked at her pets, and wondered what they would be doing if she hadn't found them.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:31:00 pm »

Ashlee K. White

Ashlee's light blue eyes scanned the ground for her pup to appear from the shadows, of the building. She saw the furry ears of her buddy, and called him over, "Bubba here boy!" Obediently, the dog walked to her, and sat at her feet. Luckily, even though the infection was spreading fast, and food was scarce, she was able to fit in time to train this pup. She looked on her left shoulder, to see her mouse washing himself calmly, ignoring Bubba's high barking sound. Ashlee without a sign of emotion, grabbed a red collar and clipped it on the metal part of the collar.

Ashlee stopped at a run down, old building, but she could hear the scared mutter of people...
"Bubba, you go that way," Ashlee explained, pointing to the left, Bubba nodded, and headed off. When Bubba reached the other side of the building, there was a hole to see Bubba, so she mouthed "Speak." Bubba barked, and played dead, her normal routine.  Ashlee sneaked in, a sack in grip of her hand. She saw loads of bottles of water on the left, but loads of food on the right. She could only choose one... "Mickey, get the smaller foods." She whispered, and while the humans backs were turned to Bubba, and some of them were approaching him, she headed for the water.

She filled her sack with water, when now and again Mickey would come back, struggling with packets of food. Thats when Bubba winked his left eye, that means Mickey and Ashlee had to go. She got one more bottle of water, and left. Mickey crawled out with a packet of Walkers Crisps on his back. Ashlee snatched the bag off him, and waited for Bubba to return.

When he did, Ashlee heard screams saying
"WHERES OUR FOOD?" And another yelling, "stupid raiders!" Ashlee giggled, and ran off back.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« on: February 09, 2013, 11:11:32 am »

Name: "Ashlee..."     Ashlee Kate White.  

Age: "23 years, why do you want to know!"         23 Years.

Gender: "Do I look like a male?"         Female.

Role: "You don't need to know."         Raider.

Personality: "Evil..."       Ashlee has a mean heart, she may look sweet, and pretty, but shes a real meanie. She will hardly never take time to get to know you, she will just judge a book by its cover.... But she does like reading.... Ashlee can be quite funny, and a bit kind to the other raiders, but she doesn't share her stuff. Unless its to a really really good friend. Ashlee is never afraid to pull a trigger, or stab, so watch out. She loves electrical stuff, including consoles, in fact shes got a DS, and that's it. She normally, plays on it when shes bored, or when her dog isn't occupying her. Sometimes, just for fun, she will trick you making you think that shes kind and sweet, but then she will rob all of your stuff. She doesn't care about the consequences.

History: Ashlee was born in a old flat, with infected pouring in it. It wasn't long before her mother got the disease, Ashlee was only 10. Before anything could happen to her, she grabbed lots of things, and left. She lived in a wooden shed at the bottom of the street, no one could find her. In the shed, she found some useful weapons, and she practiced on windows, and small objects. Until it came to the real thing. When Ashlee was 15, the infected started to crowd near the shed, so she was forced to leave, a killing machine. She didn't really have any sympathy for anyone, but wanted a companion.

At the age of 20, Ashlee was walking in a lone street, when she heard a constant whining coming from a old, broken building. When she took a closer look, she saw a tiny Papillon lying limp on the floor. Wanting some one to talk to, and someone to comfort her when she's sad, she helped the pup out of its state, and gave it lots of food. It came her best pal. Also, she met a friendly mouse, and she took him in to.

Ashlee was 22 when she joined the raiders, and done a excellent job, she was one of the best females. Ashlee then stuck to one of the weapons, named a Sniper. It was her favorite weapon, and it seemed like that to her dog as well.

Family: Mother: Charlotte White. Father: Max Rade White.

Location: New York, New York.

Extra: Has a DOGGY!

Pet(s): Dog: Bubba.... Mouse: Mickey
Age: Bubba: 4.... Mouse: 3
Gender: Both Males.
About: Both always sticking to Ashlee's side.

Forum Games / Re: Drop Something On The Person Below :3
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:56:30 pm »
NYAN CATTTT! -Catches in mouth and eats- Yum.

-Drops Homer Simpson.- He stole my doog, THIS IS WHAT HOMER GETS!! xD

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