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Messages - FablesAndMyths

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TTG has it's very own map made by the amazing BanditDoctor

Self explanatory...wolf-speak is not smiled upon <3

This doubles a bit as a warning. You will come across foul language and some suggestive topics. Of course this is not 24/7, just do not be surprised when it comes up. By mature, we also mean that there are no powerplayers/godmoders running around.

Multi-Grouped and Multi-Themed
This....this is the fun part. While we are still one RP, there are multiple different groups to choose from! We all still RP and interact (despite group differences), but offer choices for your character's life. The three genres we are named after? Modern, Fantasy and Sci-Fi.
Are you a danger loving hero? Check out the Police Force.
Blood lusting Vampire? The Ivory Gathering is for you.
Magical/Mythical creature looking to hide amongst the humans? Join Masquerade in their never ending dance.
Best part...? Our groups do not stop here. TTG was designed to be a little slice of the FH community. In the future, we hope to have all kinds of groups. Who runs them? You do! With permission (and after we get to know you) you can apply to host a group in our map under TTG.


By humanoid, we mean our characters look at and act human..though they may not always be. What do we mean by this? Vampires, Werewolves, Anthros (yes, we have those too) and things of that nature. We do, however, have a few animals as well. You can join as either, just be aware that most of us are humanoid. Custom species are welcome, just run them past an Admin for approval first.

TTG takes place in the year 2033. While humanity has made many scientific advances, they are still oblivious to one thing.
They are not alone.
Ancient creatures both good and evil lurk in the shadows, sharing the world they call home. Are you one of the humans, going about life while trying to survive a world gone mad? Or are you one of the hidden, lurking in the shadows behind a mask?

TTG is considered 'free roam', meaning you can RP with anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Being part of a group does not limit you to only RP'ing/interacting with them. Example: You are on the Police Force, but no one else in that group is online. Now you can't RP :( FALSE. We all inter mingle, go up and start RP'ing with whoever is online. Groups are mostly an OOC way of organizing you all. ;)

Check your volume, it plays music!

Character Name:
Species (Custom require Admin approval):
RP Sample:


Request Other Mods/Creations / Re: Road Texture?
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:08:26 pm »
 I don't know of a road texture, but this pack has an actual road mesh in it ~

 Hi, I just wanted to double check that Charir applications were still open?

Super! Thank you ~



Name: Orion
Gender: Female
Age: 3-4


Personality: (Summary) Fierce, Protective, Masculine, No-nonsense, Blunt. Easily mistaken for a male, her voice even carries the deep vocals of a brute. She will not tolerate threats or insults.

Likes: Meat, sparring, smooth rocks.

Dislikes: Berries, water.

Fears: Anything extremely bright.

Biography: Born and raised in the pack, the fae had always bared the stature and traits of a brute, resulting in her parents mistakenly giving her a male name. Easily the largest of her littermates, she quickly became the one in charge, looking out for and protecting her siblings. At the age of 2, the former Alpha perished from the harsh environment, and Orion was chosen to fill the rank.

Which Pack: Charir

Roleplay Sample: The steady dripping of water onto stone sounded in the small cave, the noise like a lullaby to the large fae. She lay sprawled out on the cold, smooth stone in her den, muscles relaxed except for the slow rise and fall of her chest. The day had been a long one, consisting mostly of hunting and digging, the dirt under her claws evidence of it all. A cold drop of water landed squarely on Orion's large black nose, causing a twitch of her ears as golden eyes opened. An irritated snort flicked off any of the extra moisture, and the wolf sat up, stretching in an attempt to wake her limbs.

(I could go longer, but I estimated the size of the chat-box. I usually go a little past it or use two full ones, depending on the situation being Role-played)

Game Help / Re: Meshes not appearing
« on: March 22, 2014, 09:22:44 pm »
 Thank you! The meshes did come in their own group, but I did edit them a bit (added walls, fireplace, ect.) then created a new object in the same group. I added them to their own and they show up fine now, thank you kindly for your help. +Karma

Game Help / Answered, please delete
« on: March 22, 2014, 08:58:28 pm »
 Hello, I have been working on a map lately and I seem to have hit a snag. In the map and object maker everything appears just fine, but when I access the map in game through 'Cape of Distant Worlds', certain meshes do not show up. I am a bit of a beginner at map making, so I am not familiar with these issues or what to do. If needed I can try and post screenshots. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

Great, thank you! Are any episodes out yet?

Hello, is this project still alive? If so, I am very interested ~

FH user:Kangarooirwin
What's your cat name:Mystic (Mist-eek)
Cat Gender:She-cat
Cat markings:Pure White, Ice (or extremely pale) blue eyes.
Cat colors:PureWhite
Do you have a Youtube account:Yes
Are you interested in voicing for your cat in the animation:Indeed I am
Would you rather be a Sector cat or Ward cat:Ward please

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~*Enhanced Generation*~
« on: August 22, 2013, 10:00:52 pm »
 RP sample sent ^^

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