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Messages - Cynder-

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Game Discussion / Re: How did you find out about feralheart?
« on: May 30, 2011, 05:32:22 pm »
I found out about Feral Heart by Impressive Title. Although I never got a chance to play the game online, I downloaded it when the servers were down (Durr x.x). When I came back to look at the Impressive Title website in Christmas it said something about a new website. I clicked eet and brought me to the maintenance mode Feral Heart website. I checked it constantly, waiting for the game to be released. And when it was, I missed out when it first came out for like a few weeks and then it got overloaded. Waited some more. And poof, I looked one day and the day I looked it wasn't that long ago since they put the announcement the servers were back online. -Download- And here I am today, still playing it. : D

Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: May 30, 2011, 05:28:50 pm »
General Chat to me means a place to chat about Feral Heart when a chat box is just to small. :3 I don't think it means you can talk aimlessly about stuff, because it says 'General Game Discussion'.

-Trying to keep this on topic-

Game Discussion / Re: Trolls.
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:58:54 pm »
Trolls trolls trolls... I HATE THEM! Especially the ones that invade on roleplays! Ooh, especially ones that join roleplays with a map just to have the map and troll around on it and never roleplay on it.

Forum Polls / Re: Karma
« on: May 30, 2011, 02:18:07 pm »
I think we should get rid of it. There isn't much of a point to it, except make people feel good about themselves or bad. I mean, maybe we should keep it. If we got like a karma shop where we could spend our karma or something. But without that I think we should just get rid of it.




Rank Desired:

Char. Desc.:
The usual shade of a lioness. Light tan with a dark brown tail tip. Although she has rare light green-ish eyes along with dark brown markings here and there. She also has a 'dark' white underbelly.

Username Ingame:

Role play sample:

One. Two. Three. Vevila burst from her hiding spot, many thickets with grass the same shade of her fur. Perfect hiding. And it obviously worked. The zebra had never expected the lioness to lunge out from the thickets. Only to be joined by two others female lions, the zebra began to dart off in the direction of the vast plains. The lions rushed their prey, Vevila ahead all of them. Her paws pounded the ground in rhythm with her companions. The zebra pushed on, it's tail trailing behind it like a banner. Vevila sprinted ahead with the other lioness' close behind. Closer and closer. She was now in spitting distance of the prey. Only a few more feet and she would be in the clear for a lunge. The two other females took opposite flanks as Vevila dashed from behind the fretful prey. Now close enough Vevila pushed all her weight into her haunches then lunged with claws extended. She locked onto the zebra's rump, claws digging into the soft flesh. The zebra flailed its back legs in an attempt to kick its attacker off. But soon enough the two other lioness' went for the kill rush, darting up and leaping at the prey. The zebra was brought to the ground its heavy burden, seeming to lose the will to live and stop bucking. The three females brought down the zebra successfully, but it meant bringing the carcass back to the pride without any scavengers trying to steal it.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Ruins of Asper
« on: May 27, 2011, 05:24:27 pm »




Snow Leopard

A slender Snow Leopard without that many muscles that wouldn't get her far in a furious fight. But she can still fend for herself, she just isn't as strong as most of the larger felines. Besides, her sleek build helps her more in climbing. Now for her coloration, she is the simple very light grey(and a white underbelly) with black leopard spots. She also has the rare light blue color for eyes.

She is a gentle and sweet leopard that also has a bad side. Watch our for her sharp tongue though. Assane can be very aggressive when needed, but that side of her is rarely visible. She also doesn't hang around canines often, due to the fact she doesn't like them that much at all.

She loves heights and water. Assane also likes other felines, it makes her know she's not an outcast among all the canines.

Assane utterly hates anyone who causes damage to someone else. She also doesn't like many of the canines.

She has a fear of arctic wolves, not a large fear but she still fears them. Assane also fears losing someone precious to her.

Assane was born into a pride of Snow Leopards as an heir to what the Asperians' call 'Queen'. She had two other siblings both males, Crevan and Sruthair. Both were going to take on the Second-In-Command position, instead of queen, because that was just the way of Assane's old pride.

But her pridemates doubted her. They didn't believe such a small and scrawny Snow Leopard could possibly be the future queen. Assane was too young to notice their cruel stares or harsh words. But her parents did, and they were not happy. The queen knew that when her cub was of age to take her position, the pride wouldn't accept her as their new queen.

Assane grew up, now aware of how her pride practically hated her. Her only real friends were her brothers, who had already gone into Beta training. Her father didn't have much to do with the runt, but her mother knew she had to do something before her pride rebelled and threw the cub out. Assane was finally of adolescent age when the pride had had enough of their leaders telling them Assane would be their future queen. They went against their own king and queen, and nearly killed Assane if it weren't for her brothers.

Crevan and Sruthair stepped up beside Assane, only to be thrown out to the icy forest as well with their sister. But they didn't blame the poor female. The three never saw their parents again, all three devastated. They had to find new homes. Worst of all, they might have to separate.

Assane was now of young adult age when she stumbled upon the Asperians'. Her brothers refused to go with her because of the immense amount of canines, because they were used to chasing the mutts out of their territories. The three said their good-byes, and Assane joined the Asperians'. She dared not tell anyone of her past in her old pride, not wanting to be hated by her new family as well.

Rank Wanted:

Roleplay Sample:
Do I still have to put one here after I already made a character?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Ruins of Asper
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:26:17 pm »
Hey, I was curious, can we have more than one character?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Ruins of Asper
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:07:27 pm »
I would be honored to be a part of this roleplay. ^^



Arctic Fox

A delicate and pretty vixen, she has a white pelt like snow on a cold winter morning. She isn't exotically colored as most tigers, cheetahs and wolves apply, but she isn't unappealing. Astoreen has black toeless socks, along with a black tail tip. Her build is like any other foxes, small and lean. She can run quickly and for long distances. Which easily earned her the Outrider rank.

She is a sweet fox but with a sassy attitude at times. She can be as a sweet as daisies then turn and snap on you like a trap. Just don't get her angry, and you won't discover her mean side. Astoreen avoids being bossy, but well, that's just her. Trying to tell others what to do when she's not even that high of a rank. But Astoreen is a kind vixen that is fiercely loyal to her packmates and would die for the sake of her pack.

She loves gems. Especially amethysts. Probably because they match her eye color. She also loves winter.

Astoreen absolutely despises the scorching heat. At least that's what she describes Summer. She also hates dogs. Any breed. She hates 'em.

Astoreen has a horrible fear of fire. If there's a fire, she'll be the first one to go, however loyal she is to her pack.

Astoreen was born as a loner on a cold winter day, and she was the only one of her litter. Her mother cared for Astoreen with her life, never letting the kit out of her sight. She taught the kit how to run, hunt, and care for herself. For when the day came she was old enough to take care of herself, her mother wouldn't live with her child anymore. And when that day came, Astoreen left her mother and was lucky enough to stumble upon the pack she calls home today.

(( It's short, but I have zero muse for bios. >.< ))

Rank Wanted:

Roleplay Sample:
I roleplay in Third person. :3

The vixen barked orders sharply at another outrider- her usual bossy attitude that she tried to avoid most of the time. But this called for it. The Outrider stared at her coldly, but didn't argue and raced off towards the Eastern Flank. Astoreen pushed on, her paws throwing up mounds of snow as she neared the violent intruder. The other Outrider looked at her, expecting her to bark another order. But Astoreen had all her senses focused on the husky intruder. Closer and closer. Within a few heartbeats, the vixen was in spitting-distance of the husky. But a lunge would be useless at this time. Astoreen ran faster and faster, her heart pounding so loud in excitement she assumed the husky had heard it when he veered off towards the other Outrider to it's right. Astoreen snarled, going at full speed at this mangy dog. The other Outrider, a cheetah, hissed furiously as the dog came towards it. The cheetah leaped towards the brute but purposely missed. The husky recoiled, slowing down a bit. Astoreen took the chance, darting straight at the husky and leaping at it with claws extended. The husky yelped, feeling thorn-sharp claws rake its back. At that, it sprinted off in full speed towards the territory boundary. Astoreen smirked, watching it turn tail and run.





5 years

Time Zone:
Central Standard Time

Rp Sample:
Soul's tail tip twitched in irritation. She had been out all day, searching for some prey, and all she had managed to find was a messily rabbit! She would have to put up with it. Did she even know how to catch a hare? She would find out. Soul crept up silently, her tail flat but not brushing the ground. Her ears flattened as she neared the unsuspecting prey. Then, with a might leap, Soul killed the hare with a swift bite to the neck. She took the carcass in her mouth and padded happily back to the pride.

Rank Wanted:
Queen... ?

In-Game Username:

Nothing I can think of. :3



Wolf age:
4 years

Subordinate. Wants Beta Female like no tomorrow. Wants Alpha Female even more.

Picture or description:

Other information:
She has a nasty sense of humor and pleasures herself by playing tricks on the others. She has something hiding deep in her that she keeps a very good secret. Oh, and don't try to get on her bad side.

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