Author Topic: Ruins of Asper  (Read 17721 times)

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2011, 03:33:12 pm »


Gender: Male
Breed: Liger
Appearance: Grey pelt with white undercoat and black mane and markings.
Personality: Friendly and caring, but tends to get annoyed by impoliteness and goofing off when there are serious matters at hand. He is protective of those close to him and will put his life on the line for his companions and the purely innocent. While most loyal to his superiors, his sense of justice out weighs them. If a superior orders him to do something that doesnt sound right to him, he will argue his point before he takes any action. Also when others are confused, he tries to help by telling them what logic says right.
Likes: Cubs, sleeping, logic, being able to help others, hunting, and standing guard
Dislikes: Those who prey on the weak and bullying others.
Fears: Losing those around him.
Biography: Before washing up upon the shore of the Island, he was living with his mother, brother, mate, and his two young cubs. But one day the humans came, slaying and caging his family. As he too was being pushed back into one of the cages, he slipped out from the mans hands and ran to save his family. Almost to their cages he was shot in the right shoulder, taking him tumbling across the dirt. The humans left him there to die, taking the few cages of his pride away with them. He passed out from the blood loss, only to awaken a few more hours to the horror of having his mother, brother, and one of his cubs laying dead amongst him. After that he has traveled alone until arriving upon the island.
Rank: Warrior
Roleplay Sample: Darkfrost's eyes opened wearily, blinking to adjust. The last thing her remembered her was drowning in the ocean, but somehow he was still alive. He began to heave himself up with his massive paws, the old wound in his shoulder fighting him all the way. He finally arose and looked about, unable to comprehend the Island in front of him. "Where am I?" He thought as he looked about. He gave a small shiver and a sigh, turning to walk the coast alone, keeping eye out for anyone who could tell him where exactly he had washed up.


Gender: Male
Breed: Husky
Appearance: Dark Chocolate Brown with Tan markings and black accents
Personality: A tyrant; strict, cruel, and fierce. Its his way or no way, doing as he expects and nothing less. Short tempered is the best way to describe it.
Likes: Power, being in control
Dislikes: Failure, disobediance
Fears: Mutiny
Biography: Born in a Boston household at wintertime, Malik was the biggest of his litter. He bossed his siblings around at only a few weeks old, making sure he had his fill and then some of any food to be gorged upon. His antics brought his father, Tengai, a lead sled dog and back ally fighter, to start his training earlier off than his siblings. He grew mighty and strong, but his fathers pace was too slow for him. He wanted to learn everything. So one night, only a year and a half old, he followed his old man to one of his street fights. He knew where it was, his father had taken him there once before to ensure his interest in his training. Once again he saw him tear his opponents to shreds.

When Tengai was done with the fight, he trotted off with a few other hounds to eat some left overs from an Italian Bistro. Thats when Malik entered the ring. His opponent; an old seadog by the name of Duke. He was a muscular Tosa Inu, but slow and at the end of his fighting career. The two stared before Malik jumped at the towering dog. The two brambled, his father getting wind of his sons where-abouts. In a mad dash, Tengai burst through the crowd, only to find Malik handling his own with the powerful hound. In shock he stared at the fight, how deadly his son had become. He broke the fight up and punished Malik for foolishly entering. After that night, his father refused to teach him any more. That it was for his own good.

After that, Malik started sneaking off to the fight on his own. Once his father caught him, he warned the human the next time he saw him heading out, and had him chained in the dog house. A day went by with Malik alone before his father came out to try and talk to him. His words were useless to the young spirit, even enraging. A smart snap back from Malik sent his father on top of him in fury. Malik fought back, fangs bared and straining on the end of his chain. The two fought for a bit until one last leap broke the collar on Maliks chain. The fight was swift and short after that. In an instant it seemed, Tengai laid dead upon the dirt in front of him. Malik looked down coldly, knowing he had won his freedom. He turned and trotted out of the driveway, not a thought to look back.
Rank Wanted: Branch Clan Leader/Loner ((idk o.o))
Roleplay Sample: Malik opened his eyes slowly. Lifting his head, he peered around at the new landscape. His body was sore and heavy, his muscles aching and fatigued. As he struggled to lift himself from the wet shoreline, a wave crashed over him and sent him down again. He laid upright and took another look at his new surroundings, making an easier attempt to gain his paws. With the gashes and bruises from hitting the rocks underneath the dock, his efforts were great. Once succeeding he shook off and padded a few steps away from the waters edge. With a better veiw, he gazed upon the magnificant land in front of him. Such a spacious, starry sky he had never seen before, so dark and desolate. Cold frozen ground with odd structures jutting out from them. To him, this was to be his paradise. His second chance as a leader. "Oh yes," He said to himself with a sharp, sly grin. "This land shall be mine."
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:00:01 am by Grey »

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2011, 03:36:38 pm »
Yus, I do believe you're fine. :3 And yes, ligers are fine. xD I'll send you the invite and site link when you reach us.

Offline Cynder-

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2011, 04:07:27 pm »
I would be honored to be a part of this roleplay. ^^



Arctic Fox

A delicate and pretty vixen, she has a white pelt like snow on a cold winter morning. She isn't exotically colored as most tigers, cheetahs and wolves apply, but she isn't unappealing. Astoreen has black toeless socks, along with a black tail tip. Her build is like any other foxes, small and lean. She can run quickly and for long distances. Which easily earned her the Outrider rank.

She is a sweet fox but with a sassy attitude at times. She can be as a sweet as daisies then turn and snap on you like a trap. Just don't get her angry, and you won't discover her mean side. Astoreen avoids being bossy, but well, that's just her. Trying to tell others what to do when she's not even that high of a rank. But Astoreen is a kind vixen that is fiercely loyal to her packmates and would die for the sake of her pack.

She loves gems. Especially amethysts. Probably because they match her eye color. She also loves winter.

Astoreen absolutely despises the scorching heat. At least that's what she describes Summer. She also hates dogs. Any breed. She hates 'em.

Astoreen has a horrible fear of fire. If there's a fire, she'll be the first one to go, however loyal she is to her pack.

Astoreen was born as a loner on a cold winter day, and she was the only one of her litter. Her mother cared for Astoreen with her life, never letting the kit out of her sight. She taught the kit how to run, hunt, and care for herself. For when the day came she was old enough to take care of herself, her mother wouldn't live with her child anymore. And when that day came, Astoreen left her mother and was lucky enough to stumble upon the pack she calls home today.

(( It's short, but I have zero muse for bios. >.< ))

Rank Wanted:

Roleplay Sample:
I roleplay in Third person. :3

The vixen barked orders sharply at another outrider- her usual bossy attitude that she tried to avoid most of the time. But this called for it. The Outrider stared at her coldly, but didn't argue and raced off towards the Eastern Flank. Astoreen pushed on, her paws throwing up mounds of snow as she neared the violent intruder. The other Outrider looked at her, expecting her to bark another order. But Astoreen had all her senses focused on the husky intruder. Closer and closer. Within a few heartbeats, the vixen was in spitting-distance of the husky. But a lunge would be useless at this time. Astoreen ran faster and faster, her heart pounding so loud in excitement she assumed the husky had heard it when he veered off towards the other Outrider to it's right. Astoreen snarled, going at full speed at this mangy dog. The other Outrider, a cheetah, hissed furiously as the dog came towards it. The cheetah leaped towards the brute but purposely missed. The husky recoiled, slowing down a bit. Astoreen took the chance, darting straight at the husky and leaping at it with claws extended. The husky yelped, feeling thorn-sharp claws rake its back. At that, it sprinted off in full speed towards the territory boundary. Astoreen smirked, watching it turn tail and run.

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #53 on: May 26, 2011, 04:10:15 pm »
Great app Cynder! ^^ You're clear~! I'll send you the invite and site link now.

Offline Cynder-

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2011, 07:26:17 pm »
Hey, I was curious, can we have more than one character?

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #55 on: May 26, 2011, 09:11:56 pm »

Offline Painful

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2011, 09:19:55 pm »

Character name




Gender: Female

Breed: Red wolf

Appearance: A slender build, short brown/red fur which darkens thurther up her back. Her underbelly is a lighter shade of her fur colour. She has sharp yellow eyes, typical of a wolf.

Personality: Somewhat shy, can take a while to get used to large groups but once she knows them all she's fine. Can be quite bossy and agressive at times, but usually isn't.

Likes: Running, climbing and high places.

Dislikes: Large felines, (Dislikes felines altogether, meaning she takes longer to trust them then canines.) fighting, arguments.

Fears: Water (Can't swim well), battles and fighting, being alone.

Biography: Aezin hadn't always been so cautious. When she had been born, she had been the runt of the litter and was fixed on becoming stronger and proving her siblings wrong. She was usually pushed aside alot by her siblings, and ignored by her mother, but she could never hate them.

As weeks passed and Aezin was able to hunt for herself, Aezin was away from the den to take a drink. She'd promised she'd be back as soon as she could, but was soon distracted by a small deer nearby. This was her chance to prove her siblings wrong! As she chased after it, she slowly got thurther and thurther away from her family and pack. She never caught that deer, and soon gave up; too late. Having no idea where she was, she wandered around in search of her home.

It took her a few days but finally, she reached her home- but was shocked to see what she did. Everyone was gone; the strong scent of blood told her there had been a battle. She didn't even want to look for her siblings or mother, all she did was run away. She never tells anyone of her past, in fear of the memories.

Rank Wanted: Outriders

Roleplay Sample: Aezin sniffed at the air, ears perked. She headed higher into the mountain, until she was at the highest point. "What a view..." she sighed, examining the beautiful sight from where she stood of the world below. She stepped back as wind rustled through her fur, and turned to head back down the mountain. Even if the mountains didn't have much prey, she had always loved heading into them when she had the chance too. All she wanted was to see that beautiful sight; the sight of the changing world around her.

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #57 on: May 26, 2011, 09:22:47 pm »
Beautiful app there, Aezin. ^^ You're accepted!

Offline Cynder-

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2011, 05:24:27 pm »




Snow Leopard

A slender Snow Leopard without that many muscles that wouldn't get her far in a furious fight. But she can still fend for herself, she just isn't as strong as most of the larger felines. Besides, her sleek build helps her more in climbing. Now for her coloration, she is the simple very light grey(and a white underbelly) with black leopard spots. She also has the rare light blue color for eyes.

She is a gentle and sweet leopard that also has a bad side. Watch our for her sharp tongue though. Assane can be very aggressive when needed, but that side of her is rarely visible. She also doesn't hang around canines often, due to the fact she doesn't like them that much at all.

She loves heights and water. Assane also likes other felines, it makes her know she's not an outcast among all the canines.

Assane utterly hates anyone who causes damage to someone else. She also doesn't like many of the canines.

She has a fear of arctic wolves, not a large fear but she still fears them. Assane also fears losing someone precious to her.

Assane was born into a pride of Snow Leopards as an heir to what the Asperians' call 'Queen'. She had two other siblings both males, Crevan and Sruthair. Both were going to take on the Second-In-Command position, instead of queen, because that was just the way of Assane's old pride.

But her pridemates doubted her. They didn't believe such a small and scrawny Snow Leopard could possibly be the future queen. Assane was too young to notice their cruel stares or harsh words. But her parents did, and they were not happy. The queen knew that when her cub was of age to take her position, the pride wouldn't accept her as their new queen.

Assane grew up, now aware of how her pride practically hated her. Her only real friends were her brothers, who had already gone into Beta training. Her father didn't have much to do with the runt, but her mother knew she had to do something before her pride rebelled and threw the cub out. Assane was finally of adolescent age when the pride had had enough of their leaders telling them Assane would be their future queen. They went against their own king and queen, and nearly killed Assane if it weren't for her brothers.

Crevan and Sruthair stepped up beside Assane, only to be thrown out to the icy forest as well with their sister. But they didn't blame the poor female. The three never saw their parents again, all three devastated. They had to find new homes. Worst of all, they might have to separate.

Assane was now of young adult age when she stumbled upon the Asperians'. Her brothers refused to go with her because of the immense amount of canines, because they were used to chasing the mutts out of their territories. The three said their good-byes, and Assane joined the Asperians'. She dared not tell anyone of her past in her old pride, not wanting to be hated by her new family as well.

Rank Wanted:

Roleplay Sample:
Do I still have to put one here after I already made a character?

Offline Keo911

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2011, 04:47:06 am »


Gender: Female

Breed: Akatora Kai-Ken Dog

The base color of Mira's fur is a dark, blood red coloring that makes her an akatora- a red-striped. Her underbelly is only a slightly lighter shade, as is the fur around her honey-brown eyes. She's lean with muscle, and while not a very large dog, she's tough and uses her agility and speed in fights to compensate for a lack of brute strength. Her body is covered in black stripes, and she has a thick mane down her back that further bristles when she's angry. Black bangs cover her right eye, though she can see out of it just fine. Her tail curves upward and often over itself.

Mira, while she can be feminine, often counts herself as one of the boys. She's always had to give everything 200% to match up to the males, as females are automatically seen as weaker and in need of protection. She hates it when the opposite gender treats her like a fragile piece of glass and will go out of her way to prove herself and until everyone knows she can take care of herself without their help, she won't relent. She's headstrong and stubborn, and even if she's in dire need of assistance, she will never ask for it. She's proud, and carries her head high. She never backs down from a challenge, and instead answers it with confidence. Sometimes, however, she is foolishly overconfident and her courage puts her between a rock and a hard place. She always finishes things, even if she doesn't start them, and never does a job halfway.

Likes: Fish/fishing, hunting, climbing, swimming, running, out-doing others in some form or another (especially males who look down on her).

Dislikes: Being interrupted or looked down upon, losing, being wrong or being embarrassed. Hates ticks, even more so than most.

Fears: The feeling of being sucked in by quicksand or deep mud. Alligators and crocodiles.

Mira and her three brothers were abandoned in a swamp before they were old enough to remember their parents' faces. They were taken in by a wolf pack, and thus raised with them. The she-wolves of their pack were coveted and taken well care of, and none had the disposition for fighting or hunting. There were only four females, as opposed to the seven males and all were mated and had cubs, or were carrying them. Mira was automatically herded into their group, and they all tried to raise her to be a submissive little female who would be a strong male's mate one day. She had no interest in this, however, and by the time she hit adolescence she was right up there with the best of the warriors and hunters. She outshone her brothers, though she needed to put a lot more effort into it than they did, and eventually gained the respect of most of the males.

One night, however, two ambitious young wolves decided that to get to the position in the pack that they wanted, they would need to get rid of Mira. They attacked her while she slept, and as soon as she woke, they knocked her unconscious and dragged her away to dump her into the nearest, fastest-moving river they knew of. She woke several times while floating at sea, but would usually end up underwater and get knocked out again from lack of oxygen. It was a wonder she stayed above the surface. A couple of days passed and Mira, starving, cold, thirsty and wet, washed up on the shores of Asper. She was found and taken in by a group of beasts who didn't seem to care what or who she was.

Though it would take much getting used to, Asper already felt like home. She didn't know many of the animals there, but she was welcomed and she didn't feel the need to prove herself like she had in her old pack. She missed her brothers, and hoped for their well-being, but... she was/is happy in her new family, for now.

Desired Position: Outrider

Roleplay Sample:
The red dog coughed and sputtered as she woke on the icy shores of some island she had never heard of. She spit up the salty water she must have inhaled, and sneezed some of the crusted salt from her nose. She felt completely and utterly awful. She couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten, nor was she aware of how much time had passed since being abducted from her sleeping place and thrown into a river. Luckily, she'd swallowed enough fresh water from that river before it emptied out into the ocean to survive for at least a few days.

Finished with her retching, Mira looked up with wobbly vision and tried to crawl farther ashore. She managed to get away from the water before collapsing once more on the snow and ice, then darkness consumed her once more.

When her honey-brown eyes opened next, she was groggy and still very tired. Hunger clawed at her gut like a living thing, but the pain didn't distract her enough that she didn't notice the shapes around her. It was nighttime, but she could just make out the silhouettes of lions and wolves and other creatures everywhere inbetween. Where the heck was she...?

She wasn't left hanging, though, as one of the canines stepped forward and said, "Welcome to Asper."