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Messages - Karakuri

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Lorencio refrained from laughing, since he was just as socially inept as Gilda was. "Fairly well, yours?" Grinning and trying not to laugh, he returned the question.

[Short >.< I'm so out of it today.]

[XD Gilda. My God, I actually started laughing in real life.]

"My mistress, the Master of the Graveyard. Renia was just annoyed she had to fight the old woman when she figured out I was wrong." Lorencio says with a shrug. Luckily, the god couldn't read minds. "Well...if you do have a towel or something..." He adds hesitantly.

Lorencio nods, glad she saw it that way. "I'll be fine, I promise. The lady didn't castrate me after all, at least." In attempt to make a joke, the corner of the masked boy's mouth turn up in a small smile, hoping to get back on the Vector's better side.

"My nose is fine..." Lorencio replies, looking a little crestfallen at her reaction, but not surprised. "I'm...sorry about earlier." Lame apology, Lorencio. "I'm sorry" probably won't cut it for Gilda, no matter how sincere you are.

"I-I'm sorry! I'll leave if you'd rather me do that! I didn't...I didn't mean to startle you!" Yelping in surprise, Lorencio takes a few steps backwards, trying to make her feel more comfortable, waiting for the verdict on whether he could stay or leave. Pretty funny that a god was taking order from a mortal. The timid Literature god just bites his lower lip, a habit he had when he was nervous, and waits.

Daring to inch closer, the masked boy does so. Not uttering a word or even some kind of sound, he waits for Gilda's acknowledgement, whether good or bad.

A shape lurked a short distance of the camp, not walking any closer, and entirely alone. Lorencio had found Gilda again, but after the events of earlier that day, he was hesitating, not wanting to come close then be shooed off again. And there was the fact she might be suspicious of the young god, seeing as his intentions this afternoon had been to steal a child from their party. He was probably seen as an enemy now.

"Have a wonderful sleep, Re." With that and a soft smile, Lorencio heads back to the portals, going to investigate.

The Master of the Heavenly Yard seems crestfallen, but gets to his  feet anyways. "My thanks goes to you for trying, you two. As well as to you, Master of the Graveyard." The god replies, nodding in thanks.

Lorencio bows politely to both his mistress and the other Master. After he was sure it was clear he was being respectful, his hand gingerly rubs against his nose.

"If you would." Sounding like a request, but what was most likely an order, the Master of the Heavenly Yard watches the twins through the eye slits in the eagle mask. He assumed it had come out a failure, but was still hanging on to the shred of hope that maybe they found her, and were telling him where she was first.

"We did not find the girl you were asking for, sir. We believed we had found her, and it was not the right child when we got closer." Lorencio reports, bowing respectfully to the Master of the Heavenly Yard.[/sub[

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