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Messages - MadMoai

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Game Discussion / Re: Crazy and Random FH Sightings
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:35:38 pm »
Recently I saw a leopard seal in Bonfire Island, and there was a crocodile in the water near the bridge at Fluorite Plains (the character stayed laying down so it looked squatter). I have to say, I commend the people who come up with these ways to use the models!

Characters / Re: Moai's Characters (many images)
« on: February 22, 2013, 05:23:41 pm »
All right, I've finished the revamp of the first post, so I'm going to go ahead and give this a bump. I'll probably add a few more in the future, but this is all I have for right now.

Presets & Markings / Re: Moai's Presets [Requests Maybe]
« on: February 22, 2013, 05:02:25 pm »
Thanks Thrillex! At the moment I'm closed for requests, but I might open up in a couple of days depending on how much I get done, so check back later.~

Presets & Markings / Re: Moai's Presets [Requests Maybe]
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:24:44 pm »
Reserved for finished requests.
OK, you can post now~

Presets & Markings / Moai's Presets [Requests Closed]
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:24:31 pm »
Requests Status: Closed
If requests are closed and you would like me to make you a preset, please check back later.

Hey guys, Moai here! This here is my preset thread. I'm pretty new to preset making but it is a lot of fun, so I thought I might like to set myself up a little thread with my presets in it so I can keep track of them. Feel free to browse around. My own characters' presets will be kept here, as well as any requests that I do.

Moai's Preset Rules
-The download links for my characters' presets are intended for you to be able to see them in-game. This is more of a guideline than a rule...
-If I make you a preset as per your request, please do not claim that you made it.
-I will PM you with the link to your preset once it is finished.
-I will take two preset commission slots at one time.
-If you are not completely satisfied with your preset, I can probably change it. Just say so if you're not happy, and I'll try to fix what's bothering you.
-Please only request one preset at a time. I can make you another after I finish your current request if you would like.

As I am new to making presets, complicated scripted presets are outside of my ability at the moment. As a result, glowing or moving textures are off-limits for right now.
However, I can do double-sided presets, i.e. a preset that is not symmetrical. This includes markings, eye color, ears, etc.
All presets come with a realistic fur texture, but this can be modified upon request (e.x. if your character is wearing armor, you probably don't want furry armor. o3o)
New! I can also do transparency! So if your character is missing a leg, or needs to be earless, or anything like that, I can do that.

Form for Requesting
-Please do not post asking for a request if requests are closed. On the other hand, if requests are open, go ahead!
Code: [Select]
[b]Reference Image:[/b]
[b]Mane color:[/b] (Optional. Leave this blank if your character does not have a mane.)
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Wings:[/b] (Optional. Leave this blank if your character does not have wings. If your character has wings, please include either a quick drawing or a description of the wing color.)
[b]Symmetry:[/b] (Optional. Leave this blank if your character is symmetrical; if your character is not symmetrical, please include what makes them asymmetrical, e.x. "right eye is blue," "scar on left hip," "fur on left side is black; fur on right side is black" etc.)
[b]Texture:[/b] (Optional. For example, if your character has skin or armor and you need the texture changed accordingly, please mention so here; otherwise leave this blank.)
[b]Preset Number:[/b]
[b]Other:[/b] (Any extra details or anything I missed you would like to be included in your preset)

Request Slots
--Note: If the top of the post says requests are closed, then requests are closed, even if the slots are open.

1. Bluefall
2. Odesseu

Moai's Characters' Presets
Click on the image for a larger version and the download link if you would like to see the character in-game.
--Note: NyashaExeggutor (or just Nyasha) is my Deviantart name, so most of my preset images will have this name as well as my FH username (MadMoai) on them.

Ram horns are from Ringo and Delay's item pack.

Spines are from Ringo and Delay's item pack.

Ram horns are from Ringo and Delay's item pack.

The Farran preset won 3rd place in the Monthly Preset contest of March 2013!

Coming Soon

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:50:37 pm »
Just ran across a couple of hilarious phrases this morning:

"He raised his cranium..."
...Sounds like he cut off the top of his head and took it off to look at it. O_o

"He lowered his maw..."
To do that you'd have to swallow your own throat, wouldn't you?

Characters / Re: 'Vari's Bear Characters
« on: February 18, 2013, 05:15:10 pm »
Awesome, they really look like bears~ <3 I don't remember whether bears are more closely related to canids or felids, but needless to say your characters really make them work with the canid model.

Good work! I can't make other animals out of FH models to save my life. :P

Game Discussion / Re: Claws or Nails?
« on: February 18, 2013, 03:38:38 am »
Interesting... now that I think about it, dog claws don't hurt that much. I've never had a wolf use his claws in a roleplay to wound somebody else, just because I never thought about it doing much damage... It makes sense that canids would only use their jaws now that I'm reading this. After all, I think I calculated that a wolf's bite pressure is about 100 times that of atmospheric pressure.

Thanks for reminding me - I probably would have messed up and used my claws somewhere... ^^;

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:04:37 am »

Body: Build, bodice
Mouth: Maw
Legs: Pistons

Maw: "the mouth, throat, or gullet of an animal, especially a carnivorous mammal."
 So "maw" would actually be used correctly in this case. I find it quite descriptive for open jaws, but that's just me.

As for "build" in place of "body," I've seen/had it used correctly before in sentences such as "he has a slim build," but other than that I haven't heard it used much.

...but pistons are a machine part, as far as I know. o_o

Maybe I should start wandering around more so I can hear more of this "wolfspeak"...

I prefer semi-realistic to unrealistic. None of my characters have eye-hurtingly-bright colors or random accessories all over, but they're definitely not animals you would see in real life. Reithe has wings and horns, although other than the orange markings his colors aren't that outlandish; Andon's only unrealistic characteristic is that his fur is blue. Then we have Vincent, who is complete with green fur and a hairdo.

I guess it depends on my mood at the time I'm making the character...

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