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Messages - marzishadow

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Game Help / Re: Keeps on crashing
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:01:56 pm »
Thanks so much!

Game Help / Keeps on crashing
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:30:05 pm »
So today I tried to get on Feral Heart but it crashed almost imediately, so I thought right away that something was messed up in my files. So I was going to redownload it since I wasn't sure what or where the problem was. I'd just like to know how I can save my un-exported maps if there is a way because I've been working really hard on some of them.

Very nice! Really great smooth movements!

Screenshots / Re: The creepy mouth
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:51:53 am »
Yeah there are a lot of weird face glitches XD. Restarting usually makes it go away.

Screenshots / Re: ?Night_Hawk?'s epic Cave of Screenies!
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:48:10 am »
Very nice! :D

Screenshots / Re: FH Summer Party
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:46:14 am »
Too bad I missed it, it looked like a lot of fun! ^_^

This Contest is for this RP for those who may want to be leaders.
Since I want to get this RP started soon I am allowing very special RPers to be leaders in the RP.
So here are the requirements for being a leader!
You must be active! (Atleast once every other day unless stated otherwise.)
I want all the leaders to be EXTREMELY literate! (So please try to always use good vocabulary and longer posts.)
Be responsible for your group! (Help enforce the rules on them.)
Follow all the rules! (Obviously.)
Gain my trust! ( I won't allow you to be leader unless I trust you! )

So if you think you can handle all of that please leave 5 reasons why you think you should be a leader and prove so if nessacary! Thank you!

Spots Open
Aquarius - Snow leopard (Finished Map)
Pisces - Cape fox  ( Finished Map )
Taurus - Maned Wolf ( Finished Map)
Virgo - Red Fox ( Finished map )
Libra - Cheetah ( Finished map )
Saggittarius - Sibirean Tiger ( Finished map )

About the RP
For centuries, the twelve greek zodiac gods have been constantly getting into disagreements and arguements. Each zodiac was very different from the other, but some of the gods became allies, dividing the gods into four different groups, or elements. Each god hand chose a descendent to take their place in the mortal world, each prophet gathered groups of followers to follow in their gods wishes. Each descendant came in a different specie of canine or feline. The prophets, just like the gods, who shared the same element became close allies. Many wars were soon to break out. The gods instructed their
descendents to attack other gods' followers. The gods were constantly starting battles with each other over their many differences whych lead to many arguements. Followers were forced into war by their gods. Only on nights of the peace treaty would there be no fights. Peace Treaty nights are when
everyone instructed to travels to the God's Sanctuary for a meeting.
Attacks are often planned on territories, but when they fall into a war most battles take place in the Ruins of Orion, an old battle feild which many of the gods themselves in their mortal lives battled on.
Now, the twelve zodiac descendents and their followers must constantly come up with stradagies to defend themselves from attackers. Other evil hearted zodiacs such as Scorpio may be planning the attacks on the other territories. Each of the territories were carved out by the gods themselves for their
followers to live in.
(Don't want to be a leader but still interested? You're welcome to apply!)

Read more:

Species / The Aquarian Species
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:53:35 pm »
Aquarian - Canis Amphibius

The Aquarians are very calm peaceful sea dwelling creatures. They prefer not to fight all though they can protect themselves if nessacary. They are welcoming to other species as long as they aren't threatening. They usually live in large groups such as a school of fish. Each group comes with a set of ranks.

Physical Appearance
They usually come in shades of aqua tinted colors and the brighter the scales the higher the ranking. Guppies are born a very dark shade of aqua and grow lighter depending on their rank. They have fins going down their spine from their head to the tail. Their tail is shaped similar to a dolphins. Along with webbed fin ears. The Aquarians markings are usually rune like or swirled shapes, but sometimes they have none depending on how highly ranked they are. They are typically very slim and thin with smooth bodies.
Average Aquarian:

The females are generaly bluer shades of aqua. The females have thinner longer snouts then males and usually take care of the eggs/guppies. The fins are their head tend to be more wild then the males. They also have pupiless eyes for unknown reasons. Their scales are much smaller and finer then a males.

The Aquarian males are slightly larger then the females and they have much shorter, broader snouts. Their eyes are typically the slitted sort and can come in almost any color imaginable. They have some what larger more noticible scales then a female and usually hunt for the group. They come in more greener shades of aqua and have much finer, less wild fins on their back. They usually have brighter markings to attract a mate unless they are lowly ranked.

The Aquarians are omnivores they usually eat various kinds of small fish and sometimes clams. They also eat plenty of sea weed and plant life.

The Aquarians can usually be found in deep undersea caverns or caves, depending on how big of the group. They have only adapted to live in salt water enviorments. Most don't leave their home unless forced to by enemies or banished by the group(rare occasion)

Species / Re: The Aborin, Canis Mythicus
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:48:53 pm »
So creative and interesting! :D

Species / Re: Cave Beasts
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:44:59 pm »
Wow, these are really creative creatures! They seem like they'd be really fun to RP! ^-^

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