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Messages - darkknight

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 85
Characters / Re: Goth gurl Lioness
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:51:08 pm »
Lol, I don't know whether I've been less observant of loins of what. I'll just say, never really heard of a goth lioness before. Maybe there has been or is, but I've never met one.  :P

Game Discussion / Re: Experience Point System [Idea]
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:39:58 pm »
Many thank yous.

Game Discussion / Re: Keeping A Good In-Game Reputation
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:34:28 pm »
I don't mind being couched on. I don't even mind being a "bridge" at times for people. As long as it's not so random like I am in the middle an intense role-play session and then someone I don't know comes up and crawls under me. I would feel a bit awkward then.

Game Discussion / Experience Point System [Idea]
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:28:34 pm »
I have an idea for mostly fighting-based role-plays or those who would like to add this into their theme. I notice that most role-plays base their ranks as the system to determine how willed your character is. For instance, the alpha being the strongest, the beta, below that, and so on. Or simply the highest rank essentially means you are the strongest and most tactical.

In a number of role-plays, there is an experience system put in place. With experience, you continually grow and develop in the attributes you have. These attributes would include strength, dexterity, defense, or whatever else you would like to add on to it. First, I want to talk about the stats and how it is influenced by the experience.

Now probably the tricky part is determining how the actual experience will be gained and how it's distributed through the player character attributes. If you notice in most MMORPG's, they have a system where once you level, you receive a number points to increase your stat once you level up.

Example: You transition to a level 2 and gain 5 points.
You then use 3 points onto your strength and 1 point to your dexterity. And you decide to save 1 point for later.

  • A factor in gaining in experience is, of course, doing something. In most role-playing games you do quests and what not, but we do not have NPC (Non-player Characters) or anything like that. Thus, where the game master comes in (namely the leader of the group). Most groups like to have a spar as an initiation into a group, have the player's character do a certain task to perform on their own, etc. Why not set a quest in place for your members to do yourself? This type of questing-system can only work well with role-plays that have either a plot, set theme, or motive. With out a story or action/adventure-type of quest, it won't be fun to the person actually doing it.

    Example Quest: Find a blue rock and gain 300 exp.
    The person finds a blue rock and brings it back, 300 exp gained.

Now before you level, you have a starting numbers.

  • Sample:
    Your character LVL 1

    Health: 200
    Energy: 200

    Strength: 10
    Dexterity: 10

    Exp for next level: 500

    Now, you obtain the exp and gain a level.

    Your character LVL 2
    Health: 350
    Energy: 350

    Strength: 15
    Dexterity: 15

    Exp for next level: 750

  • A another factor in attribute stats is equipment. Equip a certain weapon or armor, your stats rise. Simple. Depending on the level or special property of said equipment, it increases your stat. This is simply an interesting place for those who like to play with items such as shields and swords.

    Example: Random sword +3 strength   :   Random sword increases your strength by 3.

However you can decide your members start is all up to you. Whatever number points you decide to allow is all on the game master. Also, you need to be sure you understand your own custom system and how it works when instructing your members how to level. If you do not and it confuses you, simply don't use it at all, don't frustrate yourself. Again, this is simply an idea for role-plays who base it mainly on fighting, determination for power balance, and to reduce god-like properties for the leader or other higher ranks. If you would like to try it for yourself and so how it fairs out, please do. I would really like to know if this notion works out well.

Game Discussion / Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« on: July 14, 2013, 06:30:54 pm »
I've encountered situations where people would claim a certain spot in a map, though, it was actually quite rare. I've had one instance where I was hosting a group and a pack spawned in the spot we were role-playing. Like the respectful and friendly packs we were, we agreed to share to role-play spot, and soon, we decided not to ignore one another and allowed interaction with one another's members. It was very engaging. Soon, we attracted more individuals that began to role-play with us. We all had a nice session and everyone had a fun. I was more than please that the pack that appeared was not immature claimers.

As for intruding, it depends on the intruder. For instance, if I am apart of a loin role-play, I wouldn't mind the occasional hyena, wolf, or so on. But if we are intruded by a unicorn, it would be really out of place. As long as the "intruder" is not a troll or random creature, I do not mind them. Here, I believe it's all about the interaction. 

Game Discussion / Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« on: July 14, 2013, 06:04:36 pm »
I don't mind TLK role-players, in fact, The Lion King is one of my childhood favorites. I like to have some reference to the characters, kinda makes me feel like being in Disney World or something in that nature. Having my character interact with Simba, please, I find that entertaining.

However, the only time I would be sour about the whole idea or person role-playing as one of the characters is when there is little respect to the character name and personality. For instance, I don't want my favorite character, Shenzi be a kind-hearted hyena to a lion cub. That is weird to me. That's not her style, she is the leader (mostly because I've had the assumption of her being the only female) of an entire clan of savage hyenas, her name itself means "Savage." I don't want to see Shenzi skipping around like a kindly and cowardly canine by a notorious power-player. 

She is awesome

Game Discussion / Re: What makes you happy in Feral Hearts?
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:33:27 pm »
What makes me happy on Feral Heart is to meet new people, role-play, being a riot with my friends, and simply being myself. I also like to observe other people and what they like to do for fun.

Game Discussion / Re: Do You Block?
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:28:41 pm »
I don't really block anyone. It all depends on the situation for me. Usually, I'm quite tolerant of certain behavior, random stalking, and trolling. It's simply something that happens all the time when playing any game. Possibly the only time I'll ever block someone is to be invisible for fun... "Ooooo..."

I have nothing against Warrior cat role-players at all. I've read the books, I know the stories, and the cats themselves. The story itself is engaging and there is much adventure, action, and suspense. To first time readers, I highly recommend starting with the first book, Into the Wild. Or, if you are the lazy individual or have no access to a local library, simply watch video adaptations on Youtube.

As for the role-players, I can understand way most people would be skeptical and almost mean-spirited to them. From my perspective, most of the Warrior cat role-players I would meet either never read the book and just like the theme of Warriors. Those that have read the book are usually neglectful of important points of the story, namely the warrior code, how the leader obtains their nine lives, and resurrecting dead cats, like Bluestar. Just to clarify, I really like like Bluestar, she was wise, took risks, and made sacrifices, namely her life. However, when I see someone role-playing with characters such as Bluestar, the leader of Thunderclan, with so little respect and dignity, it bothers me.  

Another thing with this, as maintained before, is the power-play and god modding reputation. I've encountered a good number of Warrior cat groups that do this to no end. Because I didn't want simply draw conclusions, I decided to approach a clan with one of my canine characters. Once I posted, I had an alright experience. I was soon greeted by a kit and its mentor. I'll give credit, this I liked because the mentor was with the kit at all times. Also I liked how mentor encountered me as the stranger animal I was, interacting with their enviroment. We role-played for a while, a good hour or so until they had to leave. And for those wondering, no, this was not a commercial clan, it was one those made-up ones, like Swampclan or Earthclan.

In closing, I do not essentially hate any theme of role-play, particularly the ones influenced by the Warrior series. As long as the book, the story, the idea, and the characters (if you role-play as them) are respected, then I have no mind. In addition to respecting those around you and role-playing in an appropriate way, then no worries for your clan being set into the norm of those who don't.

Introduction / Re: I finally managed to join!
« on: July 14, 2013, 04:43:44 pm »
Welcome to Feral Heart, Shadowmere and congratz on catching the ever-fickle registration.


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