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Messages - jesija

Pages: 1 ... 95 96 [97] 98
Fusion watched with a flicker of concern in her eyes as Phoenix limped off but stopped short. "Stay here." She firmly commanded Haru, and he obediently sat down next to the black and white wolf. "Hey, stop that! You shouldn't be moving, your too injured." She looked at the two objects protruding from her pelt and grimaced. "Let me help you." Fusion said, lowering her head so she could gently pull one of the objects out, wondering if the wolf would let her, after all this one didn't seem all too trusting.
"C'mon, mister, you gotta wake up!" He pleaded, pushing the unconscious wolf softly on his back with his paws. His effort to wake him up was to no avail, so he gave up and collapsed wearily on the filthy ground in a small lump of fur. Haru sighed, the weight of sleep heavy on his eyes, but he willed himself to stay awake, half open eyes fixated on the strangers face. Watching for a sign of waking.

((He's mah second fave  from Toboe : DDDD))

((Phoenix officially has the Tsume Scar now, forgot to mention that XD))

Fusion shook her head, some blood dripping off her cheek, "You don't look fine..." She said as Phoenix walked over to some other wolves, one with a black and white coat and another with a familiar black and brown pelt. "Haru!" Fusion howls joyfully with a little bit of relief. She hurriedly pads over as Phoenix did, smiling.
Haru listens to the wolf whose name was Phoenix and nodded. "Th-Thank yo-" He was interrupted by a loud howling of his name, and quickly looked over to see a blur of black and blue hurtling toward him. Fusion embraced him in a sort of wolf version of a hug, wrapping her neck around his and dragging her tongue across a filthy ear. "I was so worried about you! Are you okay, are you hurt?!" Her words spilled out in a motherly tone while she looked him over to check for any wounds. "I-I'm fine, but you're..." He trailed off, examining the slash on his sisters cheek before his ear twitched, remembering something, "B-but this wolf, he broke my fall and now he's... Is he gonna be ok?" Haru quickly turned from his sister to Phoenix, "Is he?!" "Yeah, you know him don't you?"

He feels himself land on a lump of fur near the bottom of the crumbling mountain. Haru clamps his eyes shut and whimpers audibly, but he still hears a wolf's concerned voice ask him if he is okay just as the earthquake subsides, the strangers voice becoming more easier to hear. Haru nods, but is still shaken from fear and shock, and has a few deep cuts and bruises, but overall he is fine. Suddenly the stranger falls unconscious, and frantically Haru rushes to the black and white wolf's head, and gently nudges his cheek with a stubby paw.
She groans as she hauls herself out of the trash that has piled on top of her. Fusion has many large bruises that are oozing blood, a nasty scar across her cheek, and a cold metal taste in her mouth, an irritating ring of pain in her ears. "Haru!?" She immediately exclaims. Ignoring her wounds, she trots around to find him, only to come across the blond wolf from earlier, (Phoenix) and Fusion quickly comes to her aid. "Oh my... are you alright?!"

((Well, your chars (Ayame and Stolas) offered to take mine to that grassy place, and they agreed to go, then all these other wolves, not sure if I can name them all, heard the conversation. Splash and Erin came out and wanted to follow us, Fusion ran off because she heard Phoenix, Amai and Daiki howl. Then the earthquake thing happened. Good recap?))

Soon, Fusion is steadily making her way up the 'mountain', ( As in, a huge pile of people junk) her legs are aching and her paw pads are punctured with some pebbles lodged in them. She curses her ignorance. Suddenly the trash beneath her collapses by a random shaking. Fusion digs her sharp claws into the side of what looked like a piece of wood, from what or where she did not know. She is slowly falling down though, her claws against the wood making claw marks and a grinding noise, but it is drowned out by the sound of falling objects.
Haru's eyes snap open to see that they are surrounded by human things that he has never seen before. What's worse is that these unknown things are hurtling straight toward him and his sister. Haru yelps of surprise and ducks into Fusions neck just in time to duck a passing object about hit him in the head. His claws are not yet fully developed, therefore they cannot cling to Fusion and he is quickly slipping. Haru looses his grip and goes tumbling uselessly down the mountain of debris.
"HARU!" He hears his sister bark loudly.
((For some reason the dramatic, actiony Lion King 2 music is playing in my head when I wrote this O.e))

She heard three howls, the first sweet, second haunting, third joyful. Fusion tilts her head slightly, Looks like there were more then I thought. She turns to the two demonic wolves (Ayame and Stolas) and barks, "More the merrier, right?" She noted that she was being awfully 'friendly' today. Fusion let a howl escape her throat as well, not really caring if they all knew where she was. The howl was long and raspy, sort of sending a message that she was coming their way. Fusion ran off in their direction, swiftly jumping over or dodging any junk, and leaving the other four wolves with the decision to stay or follow.
(No Haru right now. He fell asleep on Fusions back DX And thank you LunaSpirit! Though I disagree with you on the Light thing. >: D )

Fusion held back a growl at the wolf (Phoenix), though she was thankful for her concern toward Haru. But Fusion felt as if the wolf had said she couldn't protect Haru. Fusion turned around to see the blue gloved wolf (Splash) and rolled her eyes.
"What do you want?" She was getting impatient.
Haru registered this information that the she-wolf had told him. He shivered knowing he must careful as to not get eaten. Haru buried his muzzle into the back of his older sisters neck, breathing in her scent and blocking out anything around him.

"If it's that huge, wouldn't we be smart enough not to fall into it?" She muttered. Fusion was still suspicious of the two wolves, but at the moment there was nowhere else to go. She nodded, "Fine, we will accompany you." Fusion turned around to follow them.
Haru's mouth dropped open. Wouldn't his sister be smart enough not to trust these demonic wolves? Maybe they possessed her or something. Either way, he found his small, stubby legs wouldn't move. He heard Fusion sigh, put her small but sharp teeth around his neck, and gently she placed him on her back.

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