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Messages - :TailRotor:

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Game Help / 'Invalid Username or Password,' False. Help Please?
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:01:23 am »
So my friend is having trouble with her account. It keeps saying that she has an 'Invalid Username or Password.' She has tried countless times to log in, but with no prevail.

So she went to the form, and tried to re-set her password, but when she put in her email it said, 'Your password reset request failed because a User with the specified username and e-mail address could not be found..'

Same when logging on to the forum, it simply said her account was not activated.

.. She was on with me this morning RPing, got off for a few, then came back and this started happening.

She DOES understand that when typing things, FH it caps-lock sensitive, and she had tried many times with no good results.

So it seems like her account... was deleted?

Upset, she turned to me to post this so: Any way she can get out of this pickle? Or does it boil down to just getting a new account?

Ahem, is this RP still.. going? I can't say I've seen it recently. .w.


User Name; Gadikca
Dogs Name; Death
Gender; Male
Breed; Husky
Status(Infected or Clean); Infected
-(Stage of Infection?); 3
Pack; Varcid
Rank; Rider
RP Sample(6+ Sentences); Sorry if my example is kind of poor, my native language is not English.

And then... Death rised from the shadows, covering Raven's whole body with them; Raven screamed, but his screams were not more than a smooth breath, shadows were sofocating, consuming him. Only Death's red eyes were visible between the shadow clouds that emanated from his body, blood was spilled on the dirty floor... Raven's blood, of course.
A howl could be heard in the silence of the night, there was no Moon, there was no light. Death was comfortable with this, felling like at home. Then, nostalgic thoughts were brought to his mind, he was thinking about the Abysm, the Abysm that was once his home, his life, the place where he spent all of his childhood...

And, that's all.

Very nice~ Sign up to the site and down load the map.
Welcome to the plague. c:

Tail, how is it that we are literally unable to meet up with each other ingame? I'll be on a lot of tomorrow, though, so maybe we'll meet up then.

I'm on currently, if that helps.

                                                            User Name; colegirl15
                                                                  Dogs Name; Sika
                                                                   Gender; Female
                                                                    Breed; Pit Bull
                                                    Status(Infected or Clean); Infected
                                                               -(Stage of Infection?); 4
                                                                      Pack; Varcid
                                                           Rank; Raider or Chief raider
RP Sample(6+ Sentences); Out of the dark, rancid shadows arises a large muscled figure. It was Sika, the baddest of bad and the strongest, or so she thought. It had been five days. Five days without food, water or anything else she really needed. Her nerves were killing her, she didn't have her pills to control her temper or her insanity. She was going to blow. The large female suddenly puts her liver colored, blood stained nose to the air. She smelled the usual, rotting corpses, toxic waste and the burnt smell of, well, everything. But there was something else, something that made her mouth water. An Aphyxa dog, sick and vulnerable. She ran off with a burst of speed in that direction, saliva flying as she ran. She could catch up to it, she had to.

Nicely done. Sign up to the site, and down load the map. (We are still unsure of the Varcid 'queen')
Welcome to the plague.

Oh heckie I might just have to join this o3o

User Name; Zarorah

Dogs Name; Cula

Gender; Female

Breed; Presa Canario

Status (Infected or Clean); Infected
-(Stage of Infection?); 3

Pack; (Is it Varcid or Vircid? It's Vircid on here, but Varcid on the website)

Rank; Raider

RP Sample(6+ Sentences);

Things had gotten bad quickly.  The sky had turned that sickening shade of brown years ago and showed absolutely no signs of changing back to its former, crystal blue shade any time soon. Decomposed bodies, both human and canine, littered the ground, and the air was stagnant with the scent of death.  From a building- an insane asylum, from appearance- came a stocky, muscular dog, its fawn colored fur balding in some places. Black patches littered the dog's sides, giving the appearance of bruises. If you were to get close enough, though, you'd find that this was actually dried blood, and it was downright putrid. It was obvious that this canine hadn't taken a bath in months, years even, and it was obvious that it wouldn't be taking any baths any time soon.

Cula's teeth clicked together as she plodded forward, her coal black eyes straining to see ahead of her.  A burning taste arose in her mouth, and without stopping, she deposited that morning's meal of a pup, no more than a month old. It didn't provide much sustenance, but it was food, and that was pretty much all the Presa Canario cared about. She had been ordered by the Chief Raiders to go out and search for more food to bring back, and she was more than pleased to do so.  She hadn't gotten to the stage of the plague where it became nearly impossible to go out in sunlight, which is when most uninfected's roamed in false security.

As if on cue, Cula whipped her head up, her leathery noise twitching in the rotting air.  There was something mixed with it. Something... alive. One of the Aphyxa dogs. One of her next meals. Shaking, whether it be from excitement or weakness from the plague, she began tearing over the landscape, her rotting tongue lolling from her mouth.

It is Varcid, I'll change it.
Very good. c: We currently need the 'Queen' for the Varcid pack, would you fancy that role?
If not, download the map and friend :TailRotor: . Welcome to the Plague.

Hm... If no one else wants it, then I'll be willing to :3
And I will once I get online tomorrow. I'm on my laptop right now and it can't run FH

No one has stepped up to the plate, and it would be helpful. c:
I'll be on FH tomorrow, and we can talk more.

Oh heckie I might just have to join this o3o

User Name; Zarorah

Dogs Name; Cula

Gender; Female

Breed; Presa Canario

Status (Infected or Clean); Infected
-(Stage of Infection?); 3

Pack; (Is it Varcid or Vircid? It's Vircid on here, but Varcid on the website)

Rank; Raider

RP Sample(6+ Sentences);

Things had gotten bad quickly.  The sky had turned that sickening shade of brown years ago and showed absolutely no signs of changing back to its former, crystal blue shade any time soon. Decomposed bodies, both human and canine, littered the ground, and the air was stagnant with the scent of death.  From a building- an insane asylum, from appearance- came a stocky, muscular dog, its fawn colored fur balding in some places. Black patches littered the dog's sides, giving the appearance of bruises. If you were to get close enough, though, you'd find that this was actually dried blood, and it was downright putrid. It was obvious that this canine hadn't taken a bath in months, years even, and it was obvious that it wouldn't be taking any baths any time soon.

Cula's teeth clicked together as she plodded forward, her coal black eyes straining to see ahead of her.  A burning taste arose in her mouth, and without stopping, she deposited that morning's meal of a pup, no more than a month old. It didn't provide much sustenance, but it was food, and that was pretty much all the Presa Canario cared about. She had been ordered by the Chief Raiders to go out and search for more food to bring back, and she was more than pleased to do so.  She hadn't gotten to the stage of the plague where it became nearly impossible to go out in sunlight, which is when most uninfected's roamed in false security.

As if on cue, Cula whipped her head up, her leathery noise twitching in the rotting air.  There was something mixed with it. Something... alive. One of the Aphyxa dogs. One of her next meals. Shaking, whether it be from excitement or weakness from the plague, she began tearing over the landscape, her rotting tongue lolling from her mouth.

It is Varcid, I'll change it.
Very good. c: We currently need the 'Queen' for the Varcid pack, would you fancy that role?
If not, download the map and friend :TailRotor: . Welcome to the Plague.

User Name; demonicheir
Dogs Name; Jika
Gender; Female
Breed; Red Husky
Status(Infected or Clean); Clean
-(Stage of Infection?); 0
Pack; Aphyxa
Rank; Raider
RP Sample(6+ Sentences); Jika stalked quietly through the abandoned streets. She made her way into an old run down building. She trotted over to a pile of cans and nosed around. Jika clasped her jaws around a can of dog food. She was guessing this was a house. The house had a couch in the corner...But it was turned and flipped over. She shook her head and walked out of the house. She trotted down the road and back towards the camp. Once she arrived, Jika dropped the food she collected on a pile. Jika made her way to the center of the camp and sat down. She payed down and began to groom herself. Once she was done she stood up shook out her fur then sat back down.

I'll probably end up editing the RP sample. It was terrible.))

Very nice. c: If you could send a join request to: Rogue || Plague | Aphyxa
That would be helpful. Also, download the map. :) Welcome to the Plague

Map Update: Eden is nearly ready to be updated with the map. c:
The Aphyxa pack will finally have there official place to resine.

.:. The 5 Clans .:.

LightningClan: The Clan of the Keen
Leader; Viperstar -

RainClan: The Clan of the Astute
Leader; Twistedstar - :TailRotor:
Medicine cat; NEEDED   

HazelClan: The Clan of the Tranquil
Leader; Cedarstar -   
Medicine cat; NEEDED

StormClan: The Clan of the Sly
Leader; Owlstar -
Medicine cat; NEEDED

MistClan: The Clan of the Determined
Leader; Hailstar - kidsnowball
Medicine cat; NEEDED

.:. We Are A... .:.
Sited >
Warrior cat RP

-We currently have no plot; but expect one in the near future

.:. Applications .:.
User Name;
Cat's Name;
Desired Clan;
Desired Rank;
RP Sample;

Further questions?
Ask bellow :)

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