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Messages - Wolff Hybrid

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Which Character is most close to your heart?
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:40:00 pm »
The character closest to my heart was my first character I ever made.  The first time making a character is the most fun because it's a new experience and you really have no idea what your really doing.

Forum Discussion / Re: How long have you been a member?
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:11:32 pm »
I been playing feral heart since  march of 2011.

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:08:45 pm »
1.Feral heart shutting down to the new wolf mmos coming out.
2. When the new mmos do come out lots of players leaving feral heart.

Game Discussion / Re: Bullying Lion King Roleplayers?
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:09:16 am »
I agree with both of you. I don't think its right to bully TLK RP, they are just having fun like everyone else. I actually think its neat that TLK RP in Bonfire is still very active, even if it's not correctly done how everyone else want's it to be. Everyone has there own style of RP, so let them choose how to go about it. Keep on RP kitties! you still have a Thumbs up in my book :D

Game Discussion / Re: Who Have You Let Go?
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:01:58 am »
                             Question 1: Who Have You Had to Let go? And What Happen?
                                               Question 2: How did you deal with it?

1. My best friend growing up was my Labrador retriever Buddy. He came to me unexpectedly as someone else's dog. My father always would take him back to his correct owner but every few days he would keep showing up at our house repeatedly. The original owners decided to just let me have him because they believed he chose me. We had wonderful times together, i taught him to play basketball and soccer. He followed me as if he was my other half. Everyday i would leave for school he followed me to end of my driveway and watched me leave. When i would come home he would be sitting in grass just waiting for me. There also has been a time where my dad got a phone call about a golden lab and a German Shepard in there yard. So my dad and i went to see if it was buddy. Which was about 2 miles from our house. They told us they witnessed our dog pulling the other dog across the road from being hit by a car. We took the Shepard to the vet immediately found no owners so my dad decided to adopt her. But before we could get the papers signed she passed away.So many fond memories of him and the things he has done for our family.
     What happen: One day coming home from school i got off the bus, and headed toward the house. When i reached the garage i noticed blood on the ground. Wondering what it was, i called for Buddy and he wasn't coming to me like he normally would of done. When i got in the garage i found him laying in the corner so i rushed over to him. Not noticing blood on him yet i started petting him, then i saw blood on my hand. When i moved his head over i realized half of his ear has been ripped from his face and he was bleeding servery. I called my dad quickly and we rushed him to the vet. Being at his age 11 years old at this time, i told them to not use the strongest sleeping medicine. Which they said they would not do. Leaving the vet i hugged Buddy told him i loved him and i would be back for him soon. A few days went by i kept asking my dad about Buddy and got no reply. Finally one day my dad told me Buddy didnt make it through the operation. Asking to see my best friend i wasn't allowed. The part that makes me most angry, is finding out the doctor didn't do what they would say. I finally got my real answer that he made it though the sergery but they couldn't wake him up. So they had to let him go. My dad had him cremated in a jar for me to hold onto till this very day.

2. Its been about 10 years since he passed away. Even to this day it still hurts just thinking of the news i got from my dad about my best friend. My parents made a photograph of the last picture i had with Buddy and wrote on side  a message from him. Saying " I'm not with you physically but i am  here spiritually. Even though we can not be together now, i will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Then we will be together again" Buddy. Even though i know my parents made that message, it means so much to me because i felt i had a bond with Buddy and we could connect more than most people/animals could.  My parents even made a Labrador Statue with a collar that buddy wore. Right now even after all these years i still keep a picture of him next to my computer that i look at everyday. I know he's in a better place that happen to him, and i'ts hard to get over such a tragic. I could never and will never let him go. He is with me in my heart and soul rest of my life.

Game Discussion / Re: The "Dance"
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:22:46 am »
I personally wouldn't block a group of players just because they felt the need to twerk. I just simply move to another map wait a while then come back. By that point it's usually over.

Introduction / Seraek Here :)
« on: June 14, 2014, 06:55:46 am »
Hi guys just want to say that i been playing FH since 11 but i havn't been really active on forums. So now i'm going to start posting a lot more and getting to know you all through here instead of just the game :)

Game Discussion / Re: Rude players issue
« on: June 14, 2014, 06:51:12 am »
Its pretty much disturbing seeing other players being so rude to kind and innocent players, I wish them to stop as well, this happens in bonfire sometimes because I heard there's a user stealing characters but ACTAULY NOT. because there is this very user who blames her for stealing names, characters, and pack names, the person who blames her is very rude because she made a video of her stealing characters, So most of users avoid her pretty much, I really want them both to compromise things together so they would be friends but it's impossible because they will just block each other and keep on spreading the news about the user stealing, although it's still the right thing to block but the fight is still going on. As for the others, Insulting because the character doesn't looks unique is just wrong, there should be a rule about that when the user go to the game and see this bubble of rules, it would be a great addition to remind them, problem is, what if they ignore? And keep on bullying..:( it just makes me sad seeing people insulting, that's why I in bonfire so much , I keep an eye for those who are rude, especially those TLKS and roleplayers, who wants to power play. I totes agree to this topic.
I totally agree with this. I see players numerous times a day complaining about someone stealing someone elses characters. So what if someone has the same markings as you. Players should take that as a compliment that they find your characters markings good enough that they want to have those markings. I have also seen this player who post as a name " Check my Bio" just to rant on players that have similar markings counting as "stealing it". I see it mostly on wolves than lions. How is it that 2-4 lions can look similar and its ok, but its not ok if 2-4 wolves look similar? Also i see a lot of this happening to players that aren't really doing anything and mining there own business and get called out/bashed/and talked down to about there markings. Uncalled for and I'm glad this topic was brought up. Hopfully some of those players will read these post and start thinking before they blurt something out in game.  ;)

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