Author Topic: Rude players issue  (Read 5107 times)

Offline Metronome

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Rude players issue
« on: June 04, 2014, 04:07:13 pm »
I can't believe i'm making a rant on this. I'm getting tired of hearing about all of the rude players making stuff hard on the nice players, and making it hard on them. Some of the reasons for the rudeness is 'realism' (made a rant about that), and whatever else. If people want to argue, do it off of Feral Heart. People play games to get away from real life, relax, and hang out with their friends. Stop insulting other players. Keep your high school drama off of Feral Heart, and leave the nice players alone.

I saw a thread a while ago, and apparently the rude person told the thread maker 'im better because i haz more mates than u'. Cut me a break. That's another thing, bragging about mates. Wow! You got a 'wife/husband' on Feral Heart! Great job! They're like the people on Runescape who try to buy dates. Just because you have a so-called 'boyfriend/hubby/whatever' doesn't put you above everybody else. It definitely doesn't make you cool. It's just funny seeing how these players insult random players just to make them feel good about themselves.

And for the love of god, if you're a rude player, don't tell people "I'm an adult/in college! I know better than some dumb kid!" (Seen it before) If you're an adult, playing FH and insulting random players, that just makes it worse. Friendly players, if somebody get's on you about what your character looks like, or insults you personally, either report them, or move on. Don't feed into their habits. Ignore them, and carry on.

If you're one of the rude players, you've got to do something else. Play the game, play another game. Do something else besides insulting other players. Stop bringing High school drama into a game, where it's supposed to be fun.


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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2014, 05:54:55 pm »
I highly agree with you. Insulting others isn't a good thing, it just makes you look immature and foolish. As well as having a reason to insult someone, people should still not insult anyone even though they have a reason, that just makes things worse. I always see people insulting someone for being illiterate or spelling words wrong, it's a complete disgrace that some people actually insult others, don't they feel ashamed of what they're doing. I don't think people realize that words can hurt others, some people just insult others and they don't realize that the insulted person might do something serious just because someone insulted them.

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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 06:21:34 pm »
Aye, this behavior is extremly wrong in alot of cases, and if it were to get as far as which the thread maker has stated, should be reported to a availible staff member. Bullying/Harrassing members is not permitted here on FH and is a serious offence. As I said, if you feel it is getting out of hand, shoot a staff member a PM reporting your issue providing screenshots and the username of the bully.

Harrassment is not allowed as well, as stated in the rules.

Hope things improve for you hun, I really do, hate seeing members upset DB

~ Whisper

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Offline Metronome

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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 06:32:33 pm »
Aye, this behavior is extremly wrong in alot of cases, and if it were to get as far as which the thread maker has stated, should be reported to a availible staff member. Bullying/Harrassing members is not permitted here on FH and is a serious offence. As I said, if you feel it is getting out of hand, shoot a staff member a PM reporting your issue providing screenshots and the username of the bully.

Harrassment is not allowed as well, as stated in the rules.

Hope things improve for you hun, I really do, hate seeing members upset DB

~ Whisper
Thanks. The harassment doesn't affect me personally. I hate seeing creative users with creative characters being upset over what somebody thinks of their character. I guess it would just be easier to have everybody use the exact same looking character.


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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 06:37:07 pm »
I honestly don't see why people try to be rude any way, what do you gain from it. I agree that this is really sort of silly, all this mate bragging, and rudeness. It goes too far sometimes, I mean, if it;s just for a joke, okay, but make it obvious, and not serious! I don't have much to say on this, but this just makes me too annoyed. I'm just gong to return to my stalker mode now.

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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 07:11:50 pm »
I don't like seeing people being rude to others here on Feral Heart. Whenever I see it happening in the game, I don't say anything but take screenshots of the rule breaker and send it right to the staff members. Then it's one less rude player playing the game.

In all honesty, I'm actually tired of seeing topics like these on the forums. It's been discussed so many times.... too many times actually. I'm not trying to sound mean here, it's just that topics like these probably make the trolls very very happy. If the rude people bother to read these kind of topics and see that they upset someone so much that the victim writes out how terrible it made them feel, the troll(s) will feel accomplished. "I made someone upset today! Yay! I win!" So I say don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you concerned and upset. It could encourage them more, and make them feel satisfied that they made someone upset.

If someone is being rude to you or another player, don't take it to heart. What harm could they really do? Their words really don't mean anything because they are really nobody important. The best thing you can do is ignore them. Most of them hate being ignored, and feel that their trolling tricks aren't working. If they really get persistent and they are just saying rude things to harass you or other players, REPORT them. It's that simple. If you don't know how to report, learn how to report. It bothers me that I see so many stories of people getting harassed by rude players and they don't bother to report the player. Reporting someone is better than writing another rant topic about them on the forums. The staff members will do something about it to where the rude players can't get on the game for some time.
Writing rants like these won't really change anything. There will always be rude people/trolls on the internet.  There will always be rude players on Feral Heart. What the good players CAN do is either ignore them until they stop, or report them and never hear from them again.

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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2014, 07:16:36 pm »
I cannot agree with you more. I've witnessed the "I'm in college, I know better than some dumb kid!" fight so many times before and if that's how people think they need to get off this game.  This may be just a game but the people who play it are real and have real feelings.  They deserve to be treated with respect and kindness just as much as anyone else on this game.  And for people who think having a trillion mates is 'cool', they are wrong.  This is not a match-making website, go play imvu.  I would recommend blocking them because you sadly come across people like this a lot, not just on FH but on most places on the internet too.  I think the best thing is to ignore them and keep in mind people like that are just seeking attention.

Offline Metronome

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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2014, 07:28:05 pm »
I don't like seeing people being rude to others here on Feral Heart. Whenever I see it happening in the game, I don't say anything but take screenshots of the rule breaker and send it right to the staff members. Then it's one less rude player playing the game.

In all honesty, I'm actually tired of seeing topics like these on the forums. It's been discussed so many times.... too many times actually. I'm not trying to sound mean here, it's just that topics like these probably make the trolls very very happy. If the rude people bother to read these kind of topics and see that they upset someone so much that the victim writes out how terrible it made them feel, the troll(s) will feel accomplished. "I made someone upset today! Yay! I win!" So I say don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you concerned and upset. It could encourage them more, and make them feel satisfied that they made someone upset.

If someone is being rude to you or another player, don't take it to heart. What harm could they really do? Their words really don't mean anything because they are really nobody important. The best thing you can do is ignore them. Most of them hate being ignored, and feel that their trolling tricks aren't working. If they really get persistent and they are just saying rude things to harass you or other players, REPORT them. It's that simple. If you don't know how to report, learn how to report. It bothers me that I see so many stories of people getting harassed by rude players and they don't bother to report the player. Reporting someone is better than writing another rant topic about them on the forums. The staff members will do something about it to where the rude players can't get on the game for some time.
Writing rants like these won't really change anything. There will always be rude people/trolls on the internet.  There will always be rude players on Feral Heart. What the good players CAN do is either ignore them until they stop, or report them and never hear from them again.

Exactly. I'm sick of seeing these threads too, but I just feel it needs to be addressed. When people get upset over trolls, it feeds them. Report them, or ignore them. It's that simple.


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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2014, 01:57:25 am »
Indeed. this happens very often and its supper annoying. Though I realize that FH is for all ages but it seems like the younger ones dont understand how rude they can get. I hate to be a stickler but its true. And with the whole adult thing, they obviously arent since Adults know how to act and so do older teens. Sadly, NONE of the problems will be resolved since you can never really tell someones age.
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Re: Rude players issue
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2014, 02:30:02 am »
Its pretty much disturbing seeing other players being so rude to kind and innocent players, I wish them to stop as well, this happens in bonfire sometimes because I heard there's a user stealing characters but ACTAULY NOT. because there is this very user who blames her for stealing names, characters, and pack names, the person who blames her is very rude because she made a video of her stealing characters, So most of users avoid her pretty much, I really want them both to compromise things together so they would be friends but it's impossible because they will just block each other and keep on spreading the news about the user stealing, although it's still the right thing to block but the fight is still going on. As for the others, Insulting because the character doesn't looks unique is just wrong, there should be a rule about that when the user go to the game and see this bubble of rules, it would be a great addition to remind them, problem is, what if they ignore? And keep on bullying..:( it just makes me sad seeing people insulting, that's why I in bonfire so much , I keep an eye for those who are rude, especially those TLKS and roleplayers, who wants to power play. I totes agree to this topic.

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