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Messages - TheGreatMe

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Game Help / Object Maker Help -- "Cannot find material!"
« on: January 09, 2017, 03:13:49 am »
((Heyo, so (long time no see FH), I have a model of a statue I made in blender a while back and exported the color layer for the object as a PNG to go onto the model in FH. I have no problems with adding and exporting the object. Unfortunately, try as I might, when I try to add the Material to it, it gives me the message "Cannot find material (title)!" and leaves me with just BaseWhite instead.))

((This is what the model is supposed to look like with the Material.))

((This is the message its giving me when I try to add it, and what the material PNG looks like, if that helps.))

((Anyone have a solution to this?))

Characters / Re: TheGreatMe + Others!
« on: June 12, 2016, 10:10:46 pm »
"At last, the human has finally updated the page with the last of characters known as Faulklin, "Fear", Alekt, and Protempor! There may be more to come in the future, but for now, this is all of the characters of the human!"

"As well as screens of what you should expect them to appear as in the vast and newer world of Feral Heart, there are also drawings done by the human of what these characters look like outside of these lands! The Great Me and the human are excited for you all to see them!"

Game Help / Re: Most performance-friendly FH settings?
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:28:55 am »
Get a new computer.

Well if you're volunteering to buy one for me then sure I'll just get a new computer lol

Game Help / Re: Most performance-friendly FH settings?
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:19:20 am »
Yep, I already toggled off chat alerts on movies and players entering/leaving.

Somehow I seem to have missed "Water Reflections" as even an option while in-game (the lag not letting me scroll, probably). I toggled it off in the menu screen and it did wonders for performance. I believe I was running OpenGL before as that ran the old FH better, but now it seems to have reversed which one performs better with the new update.

Thanks for the help! I don't seem to be having much difficulty with it now, but we'll see as I run around a bit more.

Game Help / Most performance-friendly FH settings?
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:59:57 am »
*pokes head out of hiding awkwardly* Hello all~

The stupid egocentric fox that calls himself
"The Great Me" is completely useless with the kinds of issues I'm having, so I'm crawling out of my hermit hole for some assistance. I was able to run the old FH just fine on my old little laptop, barring Bonfire a.k.a "Lagfire" Island at its busiest times, but now I find the problem of massive lag spikes with the new maps.

When I'm facing the center of the maps from the borders (basically the majority of the maps) at any given time, the lag is especially bad, I'd say no better than 2-5 fps. I suspect a possible distance-rendering+object-rendering issue as the new maps have a lot more objects now than the old maps ever did. I've already messed around with the settings but haven't had much luck even running Light version.

What would be the absolute best run settings for a lower end computer?

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Shrine of TheGreatMe!
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:00:25 am »

"Tremble and quake in awe, for the statue that is in the likeness of the greatness of all great things is complete at last!~<3 Much progress has been made this day from the first and most devout of all who pay homage to myself. The human worked tirelessly for many days and hours with a tool known as Sculptris to make this possible. Continued efforts will be made on the shrine in the near future until it is ready for all to see and appreciate! We look forward to your pilgrimages once all is ready for you, kekeke~"

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Shrine of TheGreatMe!
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:45:19 pm »

"Though progress is still a bit slow-going, progress is being made none-the-less! Unfortunately many of the changes are not large enough to reveal the things called screenshots of the map itself yet, but the statue to the greatness that is only I is finally taking greater form into my resemblance!"

Screenshots / Re: Tomes of TheGreatMe!
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:17:37 pm »
These are really nice. Well done c:
Can't wait wait to see more from you. ~

"We thank thee! There will definitely be more in the future to come~"

Love all the screenies you got here, so creative! c:

"Much gratitude for the compliments, friend!"

I love this. It's like reading a story book, and everything's so nice and hnnnng.
I'd love to see more of this!

"Life in itself is one long story with many chapters and side-novels, and you will definitely see and experience more!"

Your journey's are amazing! This is a very nice little thing you have here! Hey, maybe I can join in some of your wonderings, if that is ok with you that is! xD I'm all the time looking for adventures. ^^

"Certainly, friend! The Greatness that is I always welcomes others into his presence! Be not afraid to approach me should our paths ever cross. I would be more than happy to romp with you :)"

Nice screenshots, that looks like a fun adventure you had. :3

"It has been! And I look forward to many more fun adventures as well~"

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Shrine of TheGreatMe!
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:04:58 pm »
Marvelous o;
I can't wait to see the completed work. Keep up the good job c:

"I too cannot wait to see this place see its final touches! The human and I will continue to work as much as possible until it is done :)"

*sees update*

Very impressed at what I'm seeing <3 I really love how everything is looking so far.

"The Greatness that is Myself is pleased you approve! There will be more to come as the human and I find time to arrange everything together."

Wow, such a pretty map! I love how you set up your threads and the persona you take on too--very creative! c:

"Many thanks for your words of flattery! Though I know not what this 'persona' you speak of is... oh well, it matters not! Kekeke~"

So magnificent my friend! I really hope I'm able to get this map when it's done!

"Indeed you shall be allowed to see it, as the Greatness that is Me welcomes all to his abode! At least... once everything is to his liking. Have patience, for it will take some doing, but it shall be done soon enough!"

AMAZING!! Keep up the good work ;D

"It makes me happy to see you excited! We will most definitely keep working and hopefully soon the shrine to my stunning likeness will be open to all who wish to enter :)"

Characters / Re: TheGreatMe + Others!
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:56:00 pm »
These characters are lovely & I can't wait to see the others o;
The art is absolutely stunning. Lovely getting to read about them c:

"The human and I thank you for your words of appreciation! Indeed I and my fellows are great, aren't we? (though I am the greatest of all, kekeke~). Indeed there shall be more to read in the future to come!"

All of your characters are awesome. I really like Bookman tbh. I saw them the other day on Bonfire. xD

"Oh yes, he is indeed interesting! Every so often I feel the itch to give him some time in the spotlight, hard as that may be to believe, for one so great as I... but I am not above giving others some screen time every now and again! You shall probably see him around again at some point, luck granted that you cross paths!"

You do have some nice characters. Very detailed and beautiful  <3 Can't wait to see more.

"Thank you for the kind words, friend! All of us thank you :3"

Ahhh such lovely characters! Is your bookman character in any way inspired by D.Gray-Man??? Love that anime!<3

"Indeed he is! The human does so love that piece of work and the one who created it! He simply cannot get enough of it, though I tire not at hearing of it. It's great to see him so enthralled with something! You are always welcome to pester the human about the thing called D.Gray-Man."

You have amazing characters. They are very creative.

"Much gratitude for the compliments, from both my Great Self and the human~<3"

I absolutely love these characters! You certainly put some work into their creation and I can't wait to see more!

"The human and the Greatness that is I thanks you! There will certainly be more in the future~"

Nice Characters! I really love the design! I hope to see you on them around the game!

"Indeed you will see them around every so often! More so the Greatness that is I, but occasionally you may see others as well!"

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