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Messages - Nights_Shadow

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: What do you like about Feral-Heart?
« on: March 11, 2014, 03:15:59 am »
The tools available for expressing one's creativity in particular, like the map-making, preset-creating, character creation, and how easy it is to add to the game and modify/enhance it. I enjoy playing as an animal of my own creation, and making maps is so fun.  ;D

As for my favorite map, I have a downloaded map called Forest of Lights. I can't remember the name of the person who made it (apologies), but it's lovely.  :P

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:54:57 am »
I'm 20. Goodness, I feel old. Pardon me, I must go grab my cane and yell at the teenager outside to keep off of my lawn. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Realistic or Neon?
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:31:59 am »
Realistic anything. I'll create characters of all kinds of species, and even my own made-up species. In most cases, I prefer to work with natural colors. I may occasionally work with dulled-down unnatural colors, or even add neon accents, but it's pretty rare.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart+ : Preview
« on: January 01, 2014, 07:30:33 am »
Understandable indeed, life happens and I hope it has eased up on you for your sake. Are things going better for you now? Anyway, I'm so excited, it looks fantastic! As for ideas for the new map, I like the idea of a dark volcano world. I can't think of anything of my own right now as I'm so sleepy, but I'm sure I'll have some ideas of my own that I can add here later.

Game Help / Game Crashing Issue
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:43:07 am »
Every time I try to scroll through my offline friends list, FeralHeart crashes. What might it be? Could someone kindly look into the cause? Help would be great. I noticed this issue way back after the last major FeralHeart crash, when I was attempting to clean out my friends list, but I quickly forgot about it and forgot to mention it for a long time as I haven't played FeralHeart much since then. I doubt it's my computer or game, as I only ever noticed the issue after that major crash, and I had gone through my offline friends list before that crash and made no changes to the game files during that time.

Banning an entire ASN is quite harsh and unfair to the many good FeralHeart players who happen to use the same ASN, and in all honestly, trolls who intend to purposely ruin the game for everyone may use that to their advantage, and that's not going to stop trolls who just don't care if they permanently ruin the game for anyone else. :/ I don't see that going well if that ends up being the case...

News Archives / Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:39:53 am »
I do agree that something seriously needs to be changed around here. Personally, I feel something should be done about the dances. They should either be removed altogether or changed. Of course, people would most likely still find ways to "rape" others in the game. I feel that restricting people because of their ages isn't the best thing to do, and that modifications or removal of the dance actions would help a lot and would be the better option, and perhaps add a filter. Cuss words and words like rape, sex, etc. would be unable to come through into the chat. FeralHeart should be a game that's fun and safe for everyone. Anyone who is behaving inappropriately (particularly in a sexual manner) should be banned on the spot or not allowed to play for a specified amount of time, and perhaps an IP ban for repeat offenders, although the latter being a bit iffy due to that a lot of users probably share a computer in which multiple people play the game on that computer. Also, people can fairly easily change their IP addresses.

~Note: I've also seen a few people with inappropriate user names, and the number of those has increased recently. Perhaps if a filter were to be implemented, it would also include what words in user names are allowed?

Game Discussion / Re: Welp
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:10:47 am »
Yeah, first things first. I don't have any problems with the wings themselves, but the server should have been taken care of before the introduction of the wings or new maps. I'd much rather have a FeralHeart without wings than no FeralHeart at all.

Game Discussion / Re: Welp
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:48:22 am »
I figured that the sever probably wouldn't be able to handle the wings. :/ The wings are okay, but the server should have been fixed before the addition of wings. I fear that we're going to have an epic FeralHeart server crash like back in September.

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