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Messages - WinterStorm47

Pages: [1] 2
News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 03:20:45 am »
As a long time player (2011-ish) who's made a lot of enemies in this game, I'm unlikely to touch the game for a very long time.

I can see two ways this system will go...

Either everyone will go on a block-a-thon and 50+ users out of the 150-200 will get hit by the banhammer. (Myself included.)
Or, the block feature will never be used ever again and the game will become completely unmoderated with everyone doing what they want without fearing repercussions from the mods.

All and all, everyone else has said everything first. It's gonna be abused, users will be banned without breaking any rules, people will scream, and the game will self destruct. Pity, but that is what bad decisions do. I'm pretty sure it'll be added anyways, given how rash decisions were added as 'trials' anyways. The removal of General, the login tab after the hacking incident, the sudden decision to remove all of the old maps that made Feralheart what it was. So brace yourselves, fellow FHers. We're in for quite a show this October. Personally, I'll be watching the user count. Let's see if we reach an all time low.

Game Help / Re: Help
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:40:20 am »
Some of the maps appear to be having issues right now. Most notably Bonfire Island. Give it some time for the map servers to stabilize then try again.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Nyota, the ZM Creator
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:00:44 am »
I have many favourite colours. Some of them include black, purple, deep green and dark blue.

Hm. One of my most awkward moments... Probably when i made a major missclick thinking i closed the actions window during a private roleplay and didn't notice for five minutes that my usually very serious character was doing the buttswing dance in a cave because of said missclick.

And the weirdest thing in-game would be a white toilet/dragon/wolf/vampire hybrid with the feline model, minimum size muzzle, full size chin, giant cow ears, wide as can be, long as can be but very small with tiny eyes, a golden standing mane. White markings with spots of what seems to be a red colour. And white cross eyes. Who runs a kingdom of werewolf/dwarf/worm things. X3

Ask Me / Ask Nyota, the ZM Creator
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:43:21 am »
(Note i may delay on answering questions. I don't browse the forums all that much~)

Hey people~! Nyota Mekihro here, aka the roleplayer of Arayas Albinas, the leucistic carnivore zebra. The co-creator of the Zebra Mafia (ZM) and the artist of Bonfire Drama on DA~

I enjoy these ask things but i figured out of boredom i'd do this thing now. I'm open to most questions but be civil when asking them X3

Fire away~

Game Discussion / Re: Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:43:45 am »
Usually each time i wander Fluorite, either F3ing or walking around i end up seeing a Warrior cat with a weird name. These range from gemstone named cats, Demonsomethingorothers, Deatheverythinginthebooks and other things. Aside from those i've seen some really nicely named cats. I know my Warrior cat is named Sandstream. What i don't get is when people name their cats after animals that either havn't been seen in the books or had entirely different names. Like cats with "Cougar" in their names. Nice as that can be the only cougar we've seen in the books was known as "Sharptooth" and was referred to as a "Lion-Cat" or so. Unless clans where told about it i doubt they'd know what a "Cougar" is..

Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:59:18 am »
I dislike mate centers because they cause extreme lag. Getting rid of them would increase the mate-beggers sadly but i think something atleast needs to be done about them to control the lag. I have to avoid the center of Bonfire every time i see "MATE CENTER OPEN" to avoid two frame per second lag.

Game Help / Re: Feralheart is still crashing
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:25:40 pm »
I tried the first solution. I crashed the second i turned to go into Ficho since i somehow appeared near the Bonfire portal.

I'm trying the second/third one now. If it crashes again, i'll edit this reply.
Edit: Yes it crashed again. This time in Cape where there are less people.

As for solution 4 i already know there are no double particles. I checked that the first thing and found nothing.

Edit number two. I've now tried everything in that quote but it continued to crash regardless. So... What now?

Game Help / Feralheart is still crashing
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:09:43 pm »
A while ago i posted something in the help section about my Feralheart game crashing for no reason. I followed the steps on that, and got a brand new computer but Feralheart is still crashing on me without warning. I'm really getting frustrated. i'm certain there are no double files or anything of the sort.

What can i do to stop this crashing? It's driving me crazy since it always picks the worst time.

Game Help / Re: Help :(
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:02:45 pm »
The Terrain file has to be Grayscale. Try to save it as a Grayscale image then try it again.

Game Help / Re: Feralheart Crashing
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:18:04 pm »
Hm. I'll try that but, really it doesn't matter which map i'm in. Public or custom it still fails on me regardless. But thanks, i'll try that.

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