Author Topic: Moderator Free October  (Read 59252 times)


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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #120 on: September 25, 2018, 01:24:02 am »
so was breaking the game your goal or

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #121 on: September 25, 2018, 01:32:49 am »
This is absolutely outrageous. I can't believe I'm waking up to this. In the almost 7 years I've played this game, this is the most disappointing thing I've ever seen happen. Please reconsider your actions and maybe listen to everyone here. FH is going to go into chaos if you make this choice. This game went from being a safe haven for many users, to a place they now fear. It's very devastating. Please, stop this nonsense.

We will never stop fighting for justice with this.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 01:38:50 am by Sigyrn »

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #122 on: September 25, 2018, 01:36:49 am »
I haven't posted on this forum in a while... in fact i really only go on here to peek at some mods but i saw this when i was logging into the page and just had to check it out. Quite frankly i'm disgusted at this decision.

People can and will abuse the block = autoban system. People can literally get banned for no reason at all this way if someone decides to be a troll and block random innocent players who just want nothing more but to socialize, explore and roleplay (which is the general purpose of this game. who would want to get banned out of the blue when they did nothing wrong?)
another thing is that none of the staff have been contacted about this and they have absolutely no say in it, thats just wrong and unfair. If someone is making a decision that involves a group of people, that specific group of people have to be notified about it so they can have their say. Games have moderators for a reason: To keep things in order. I don't recall World of Warcraft or literally any other MMO having a self-governed moderating system. They all have staff teams that are meant to do their job and keep everything in order and make sure everyone follows the rules.
As Sigyrn said, this is quite disappointing. I've only been here for 3 years but thats long enough to know how this game has worked in the past

That's my two cents. While i'm afraid i cant do much, i guess i'll just have to sit back and watch what happens.

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #123 on: September 25, 2018, 01:39:08 am »
this ain't it chief


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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #124 on: September 25, 2018, 01:40:15 am »
Raz, just don't do this. It will only make things worse just like the removal of general. I was having a great day and then I see... This? This has made my day upsetting and sad, and do you even think this is fair!? I can imagine somebody waiting days for registration to open and then they finally register and then they go into the game... Poof, there account is banned for no reason! This is absolutely not a good thing to do. It's making people scared to even log in now, and that is just dreadful to see. Stop this immediately, Raz. I don't know what triggered this idea but it is not fair one bit. I have worked so hard to get to where I am today in FeralHeart. This is absolutely sad to see you do this to us, Raz. I really hope you change your mind about all of this.

EDIT: I read this over and I apologize I if I sounded rude but it just makes me sad and angry to see this happening.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 01:46:27 am by Flurr »

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #125 on: September 25, 2018, 02:15:30 am »
this could effect most of the players, people block people if they don't like them. I don't agree with this either. what if it emptied the entire game eventually?

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #126 on: September 25, 2018, 02:22:58 am »
I want to precede this note by stating that I happened upon this update to the game by chance. I watch the FH art group on DA, and noticed the announcement made in regards to this proposed idea.

First off, I’d like to recommend that other members of the game and forum not insult or draw any negativity towards Razmirz for this concept he introduced. In spite of personal emotions and opinions held towards this entire ordeal, please keep in mind that he is and has been the server master of the game for years upon years. Even before Feralheart began, his support has kept this community running for longer than most of anyone can even remember. I do not support this idea, but I hate to see petty insults and further aggression thrown around, those of which only perpetuate bad vibes and dramatic circumstances that can otherwise be avoided if this were regarded with level heads and thoughtful, respectful conversation. In other words, keep it mature and constructive if you can.

With that being said, I would like to request the same to be presented to the Feralheart community and the working moderation staff from Razmirz himself. I - along with the community I’m sure - am not yet aware of what instigated this decision. Everything I’ve picked up is from reading this announcement and studying the responses of the staff and the players. If I’m understanding this situation correctly, Razmirz wishes to rid the game of the moderation staff for a month as some sort of trial - a conclusion which he came to without consulting the rest of the staff. While the concept could be presented and judged externally on its own if this were an isolated predicament, the latter part of that observation is what concerns me. From the eyes of the outside community, Razmirz is a prevalent member of the staff team. Maybe not as social or interactive as others, but he is the reason this game is running. Therefore, having made such a drastic decision without consent from the rest of the staff team is a questionable move at best. As such, I can only imagine there’s some sort of personal rift that the rest of the community is suffering for, unbeknownst to them.

For a game such as Feralheart, communication between the staff and the players is key. Participation, activity, open-mindedness and open words -- that’s what keeps everything knit together. That is what has kept the game running for so long - or at least, that’s what I’ve perceived as an outsider looking in for the past several years. The lack of communication from arguably the most significant and relied upon member of the staff team is concerning, no matter how you look at it. The discourse brought on as the aftermath of this proposal has been handled rather well by the rest of the staff, and I’d like to give them my respect and commendation to every one of them, solely for the fact that they are reaching out to the players, expressing their feelings over this, and working for hours upon hours of well earned personal time to settle the panic that arose moments after this announcement dropped.

So with that, I’d like to ask Raz something that I’m certain is on everyone’s minds: why make this decision? Is there a legitimate reason? You cannot rely on an explanation such as, ‘It’s what LKD wanted’. After nearly 8 years of this game being live and him being absent, if LKD’s wishes were truly what motivated you, you would have done something much, much sooner. I also call this argument into question; as someone who became a mod at the beginning of Fearlheart, I’m certain LKD had other mods in mind at the time before things changed up. I cannot say for sure, but I’m not about to believe he was truly going to rely on no mods, period. Regardless, I can only assume there’s something more personal that’s driving you to do this. It's not a trial just to test the waters, either. You’re smart; surely you know how this was going to be perceived by everyone - players and staff alike. There’s no way this would be taken seriously or positively by anyone - not even yourself.

As for the decision to remove moderators, even for as little as a month: I don’t believe it’s a good OR interesting concept, no. I have no read on the community these days, but with anything on the internet you can’t actually expect self-moderation and bans dispensed with blocking to go over well. Perhaps with a new community comprised of fewer, trusted, more mature members, it could work. But Feralheart has been going for ages, and changing the moderation mechanic so drastically on a whim for an entire month would never, ever work out well. Sure, it’s functional, but barely. It shows disregard for the community itself to take away the very people working to provide a kind and open atmosphere and fighting to keep it safe. It shows disregard for your moderation staff to make this decision that affects the role that they have willfully volunteered for.

I no longer work for or play this game actively, so perhaps what I’m saying doesn’t have much weight. However, as the old co-administrator for this community, as well as a contributor to the creation of the game itself, I want the Feralheart moderation staff and the game community to know that I disagree with this. I believe this choice reflects badly on the server master and the game itself. I sympathize with the staff for having to clean up the mess dumped in front of them without warning. I apologize as a former administrator to the members who are caught in the crossfire.

Razmirz, I ask that you think about this further before actually taking action. I truly have no idea if my words - or anyone else's, player and staff aline - will actually reach you. This decision, if driven by personal feelings, is irrational. It’s not right, and I think you know that. I ask, before anything else, that you communicate with the staff - for the good of this game that you have worked so hard to maintain for years. Do you really want it all to end up being for nothing? If you wish to no longer run the server, could you not consider more mature and reasonable routes of action?

Feralheart moderation staff, I would recommend that you begin looking into alternatives. Feralheart’s community is strong and kind, and so are you. If this server becomes unreliable, try to find another server. Take this into your own hands if the time comes. I wouldn’t want anyone to give up hope on Razmirz completely, but the players of your game have made it clear that they do not like this decision, and they want to keep playing the game as it is. Be prepared to protect what’s at stake.

All in all, I truly hope that everything works out in the end. I don’t believe this will be the end of Feralheart. This is a huge bump in the road, but as I’ve said: this community is strong. It may take time to get things going more solidly again after such a scare, but hang in there.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 02:47:13 am by Delay »

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #127 on: September 25, 2018, 02:57:58 am »
Welp xD This was an interesting post to come across before returning to the land of the interwebs!

Personally, I don't think it's a good, at all pff. I can see this is going to give some of the younger, more immature players lots of fuel and ammo to ban whoever they have something against, if I'm understanding the process of this correctly. Due to them being young and irrational, they cannot see the outcome and chaos of their actions, and they will end up banning basically, well, to over-exaggerating here, everyone. Soon they'll think they're "all that" and get on a high horse, blah blah blah, you know the rest. So overall not a good idea from what is obviously apparent with this proposal.

We'll see where this takes us, yeah? Either one of three things will happen, I'm gonna guess. One; everything will be fine, and nothing will happen, two; this will, somehow work? Leading to be implemented into the game, or, three; everything will go down in flames. Who knows what else will happen.

If anything, I think, Raz, you should communicate more with the staff and everyone before throwing something like this out willy-nilly. Buut, we'll see. Hope you've not blown a gasket up there in your head! All said lightheartedly pff.

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #128 on: September 25, 2018, 03:14:39 am »
I agree with eveything Delay has said. Insulting Razmirz won't make a difference to the situation, and he is still the Server master of this beloved game. Raz, think wisely before making this decision and maybe consult with the staffers about it. I've respected the decisions you've made up until this one, because it's not a logical thing to do, but you can change that. There has to be some way that you can go about this maturely. The public have spoken and I think you should listen. I'd like to be behind you with this, but I can't be, it's irrational and very sudden. You have a large community full of dedicated and kind users, who will fight until the end for this, as well as a game that they all enjoy. Don't take it for granted, or throw it all away because of one bad decision.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 03:20:58 am by Sigyrn »

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Re: Moderator Free October
« Reply #129 on: September 25, 2018, 03:20:45 am »
As a long time player (2011-ish) who's made a lot of enemies in this game, I'm unlikely to touch the game for a very long time.

I can see two ways this system will go...

Either everyone will go on a block-a-thon and 50+ users out of the 150-200 will get hit by the banhammer. (Myself included.)
Or, the block feature will never be used ever again and the game will become completely unmoderated with everyone doing what they want without fearing repercussions from the mods.

All and all, everyone else has said everything first. It's gonna be abused, users will be banned without breaking any rules, people will scream, and the game will self destruct. Pity, but that is what bad decisions do. I'm pretty sure it'll be added anyways, given how rash decisions were added as 'trials' anyways. The removal of General, the login tab after the hacking incident, the sudden decision to remove all of the old maps that made Feralheart what it was. So brace yourselves, fellow FHers. We're in for quite a show this October. Personally, I'll be watching the user count. Let's see if we reach an all time low.