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Messages - splatter

Pages: [1] 2
News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:18:37 pm »
I'm so happy. I haven't played this in forever and I'm glad to see the staff team has updated it!!

Forum Games / Re: Which Animal?
« on: November 16, 2013, 09:38:11 pm »
Cat with glasses aw yeah.

A wolf in a dress, or a duck in a top hat?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Spawning
« on: March 15, 2013, 10:57:26 pm »
I've noticed people get LOTS of bad tokens when they spawn in Fluorite Plains. I personally have a suggestion where you can pick and choose where you spawn when entering the game under the "Edit Character" icon.
Any opinions?

Game Help / Re: Feral heart+ map glich (whole map is gone)
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:12:40 pm »
It's nearly impossible to fix FH+, believe me, I've tried. All you can do is redownload FeralHeart and leave FH+ alone. There are expansion packs, though, that you can get to make it look a bit more like FH+.

Characters / Snaketail
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:38:21 pm »
Name: Snakekit/paw/tail
Age: 30 moons
Mate: Dovecall
Crush: Dovecall
Kits: Holly (Deceased), Ruby (Deceased), Tinsel
Appearance: A dark brown tom with Liger markings. He has dark green eyes and he smells of cherry blossoms. He has a long tail with tiny black stripes and a jet black tail tip. He's large and he has large muscles, good for tree climbing and fighting.
Clan: StormClan (XxEclipsedSunxX RP)
Bio: If you were wondering why he has kits, well, it's a kind of long story. Before he was a warrior, when he was a mere 8 moons, he fell in love with his mentor. Her name was Dustfall. After he became a warrior, they became mates. They had 3 kits. Hollykit, Rubykit and Tinselkit. Two moons after the kits were born, a battle broke out between StormClan and rogues. In the midst of battle, Dustfall accidentally killed a warrior of her Clan because scent of rogue stuck on the tom's pelt from fighting. She killed him with a slit to the throat. Their old leader exiled her, and Dustfall took her kits with her. Snaketail was too loyal to his Clan, so he stayed. Dustfall didn't blame him, and his last words to her were "I love you."
Now, mind you, this happened when he was 16 moons.

A few moonrises ago, Snaketail decided to go hunting by the lake. He was carrying a plump squirrel back when a voice interrupted him. "Dad?" Tinsel stood before him. "Tinsel!" He shouted and ran to her, covering her pelt with licks. "Dad, I came here to tell you something," she meowed, stepping back. "Dustfall... she's dead. Fox killed her, Holly and Ruby in one slash. I'm so sorry." Snaketail was devastated. "I can see you every night, right, dad?" She asked. "No, I'm sorry, my daughter. I'm loyal to my own Clan now." Tinsel smiled painfully. "Alright. Goodbye, dad, I love you." "I love you too." With that, she was gone. Dovecall had comforted him when he came back. They don't have kits yet, but someday they will.

Game Help / Re: Something wrong with fh+ ficho cavens ?
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:45:05 am »
This should be in the "Game Help" thread. I would move it, but I'm not a mod.

Downloaded the Rave thingy. DANCE TIME! x3

Game Help / Re: Map Problem. Please help!
« on: May 27, 2012, 06:51:34 pm »
Just delete the map. If it's in your MAIN FeralHeart folder, then it can't work. It has to be in exports. The Darklore Territories eats a lot of characters. You CAN'T log out inside it or it will eat your character. Again, try deleting the map.

After you make your map, you have to check the box that says "Has Portal". When you are done, press the Save button and the Export button. Once you did that, find the file you exported in your Exports folder under you FeralHeart file. If there are additional files, then you can create a compressed (zipped) folder. How you do that is that you right click on your desktop and go under new, then click folder. Title the folder and paste the items you exported in there. Then you can create an account on a file sharing website (I strongly recommend Mediafire) and voila! You can share the map with others by giving them the link.

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