Author Topic: Done something that makes you facepalm yourself?  (Read 1822 times)

Offline Shadeow630fire

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Done something that makes you facepalm yourself?
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:48:25 am »
Haha, have you ever done something that makes you wonder, "Why in the universe did I do that?!" or "Did I really make this?" and thus facepalm yourself?
I know I have~

-Looking at my old art and comparing it to my newer ones, I can't help but go, "What.. the.. Did I draw these?" Seriously, so much has changed and I, for some odd reason, cannot stop changing my art style. I have a feeling, one day soon, someone will come to me and be all like, "Did you steal this?" LOL. eue

-Returning to the FeralHeart forums after finally gettin' over my obsessiveness for the game is another thing that I cannot help but facedesk myself into oblivion. The few posts I had posted sometime last year are really freakin' crazy and, now that I read them over, completely overdramatic. FAIL? YUSH! /shot/ NOTE TO ALL OBSESSED FERAL USERS, do not post unless you feel you've got a stable mind, you'll live to regret it/facepalm yourself in the future! :D

-Procrastinating until last minute, especially with work... it's even worse when your a perfectionist and you just don't learn! Haha~ |D

-Taking sides/Agreeing or disagreeing to something is the last thing I can think of, more out of the fact I don't enjoy having enemies... unless they mess with my family or my ever-so-rare-to-have friends, then it's an exception~ /brick'd/

Got something else and don't mind sharing~? Go right ahead!
Also, if there was something very similar to this, sorry- I may have not seen it, it's almost midnight as I post this!
Haha- /brick'd yet again/

Base by / Tails Doll by SEGA.


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Re: Done something that makes you facepalm yourself?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 06:59:31 pm »
i was 5 or something and i just heart from my mom that plants live to and i saw kids stamp on plants and i cryd so hard and got mad and i was like: YOU ARE KILLING SOMETHING LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! and i tried to save that plant but it was to late and i screamed to the clouds: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS SO YOUNG!!!!!!!!


and people are still talking about it... cause i screamed so hard then... and some people still know me and are like: hey, wait a second.... your that kid who cried for a plant? isn't it? yeah! thats you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA



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Re: Done something that makes you facepalm yourself?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 07:12:56 pm »
i allways where afraid for mosquitoes!  :'(
so when i was 7, 2 mosquitoes where flying above my head and i was in my bed so i hidded myself under the blankets so i called my mom but she didn't hear me but i got paranoid so i started crying and screamd harder: MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! MOMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! but i was very tired so a fell asleep but somebody woke me up and who do you think it was?... well? it were the cops! the neightbor thought my dad was trying to kill me! :o so my mom and dad were explaning what happend but they didn't know i screamed cause of an mosquito! so i lied cause:
1. the whole neightborhood was outside waiting for an anwser
2. you try to tell to the cops that you screamed like you were killed cause of a mosquito
3. my mom and dad would be so mad on me  :-[

so i told that i had an bad dream and i were eaten by an dragon  :( :o

when an half year was past... i dared to tell my mom the truth, and she was like: daddy and i are really thinking of that opsion but you said dream so we believed.


and when i think about it these days im like *faceplam on pile of poo*