Author Topic: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.  (Read 2578 times)

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2013, 10:07:12 am »
I honestly do not like it when cubs/pups/kits run away or do something stupid just to get the attentino of the whole group. Once or twice I am fine with it, since they probably didn't know better. But if they do it over and over and over, I might either consult the parent/group leader or simply give that kid a talking.
  Challenging things twice your size? Who in there right mind would even do that? In the real world, no baby animal who is not psycho would never challenge anything bigger than them. If Simba and Nala didn't fight the hyenas, what gives you the right to do it? 'Well I am bigger than Simba and Nala.' NO! Even if your a cub and your older than TLK Cubs doesn't give you the right to walk right into a full grown hyena's face and think you can kill it in one blow! When a cub/pup/kit is threatened or danger is nearby, they try their best not to be seen, even if they are not seen!
I've got no issues with cub/kit/pup RPers...Just the one -type- that I keep seeing over and over. It's the same type that made me /facepalm at least fifty times a day in WoW and other larger MMOs.

The whole 'My parents were killed by so and so, so I'm going to hate everyone and yell and rant non stop about how angry I am and how I want revenge.' thing is just too cliche, especially when it seems like every other youngling is using that same story. I think the only non-angsty cub/pup I've seen so far is my own... Probably because I already had a definite personality for her, and a simple backstory having to do with another of my characters. While my cub may be out on her own, she's not actively searching for danger/excitement to ease her boredom. If she comes across someone, she's wary and keeps her distance, no running up all cheerful towards potentially dangerous strangers for her! (Which is something I keep seeing, mainly from the many kits running around in the cat clans...Suicidal kits! Crazyness!) About the only time she's not apprehensive around strangers is when she's simply exhausted, and even then she's just a quiet, sweet, well-mannered cub.

The long and short of it - There's no problem with people rping as cubs/kits/pups, it's more how people choose to RP them. Not everyone RPs the same, so once you get past the stereotypical types people choose, it really just comes down to personal preferences and individual interactions.
That is probably the same exuse every pup/cub uses just as an exuse to kill someone/run away. I was rping and a cub  walked up to my character and tried  to kill him. It is upsetting really. Just attention seeking, and really upsetting.

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2013, 10:33:35 am »
I've had this plenty of times, although I've role played as a cub I guess some people try and act as if the spotlight has to be on them or they feel as if they need attention some aren't giving them but some I guess just do it so someone can come over and perhaps they'll make a new friend but when it gets to the point where they run off, challenge things that are overall bigger than them. You just want to rub your forehead and be done with it, then when you talk to them about it, they do it again.

Perhaps when it comes to your groupies doing a thing, perhaps give them three warnings perhaps? If they want to act as if they're a troublesome child perhaps treat them as such. Hopefully they'll understand why. I know it's frustrating to handle cubs but most of them players do range to be younger than us but you do get players who respect people and even so, ask one of your group friends or even someone in the group to help you out. Go into whisper if you wish to make it seem easier on you and less stress on your shoulder.

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